Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2630 2634 [Dispatch]

Soon, the two people who were muttering stopped communicating and turned to look at Vodka.

The security guard scratched his head and said, "Middle of the night is a time when it's easy to fall asleep. Could it be that you saw it wrong?"

Vodka: "..." How could this be wrong! So what if there’s no blood or corpse? The murderer must have used some trick to clean up the scene - after living in Tokyo for so many years, you don't even have this kind of reasoning ability?

Just then, with the sound of sirens piercing the night, a police car hurriedly arrived.

Vodka's eyes lit up: "Even if you wipe away the blood visible to the naked eye, there will still be traces where the blood pool remains - quickly try that, that luminol reagent, you will definitely find clues!"

At the insistence of a certain witness, the police yawned and reluctantly conducted some tests.

Unfortunately, the ground was clean and nothing was gained.

Vodka looked left and right at the crime scene in disbelief: "..." How is this possible? !

"I won't really be paranoid about being persecuted by that guy Uzo."

Vodka briefly doubted himself, but when he thought of "Uzo", he was like a bucket of cold water being poured on him, and he immediately sobered up: "No, it's impossible. All this must be just Uzo's trick!"

...However, I knew it in my heart, but I couldn't say this to others.

So in the end, under Vodka's hesitant gaze, everyone went back to their homes: the police and security guards left, and the nurse dutifully sent the noisy patient back to the ward.

After closing the door of the ward, the young nurse rushed back to the nurse's station and muttered to her colleagues with lingering fear: "It's really scary - did you hear Mr. Yamada's description? It's almost true."

The elderly nurse waved her hand indifferently: "What's wrong with this? Some patients see more exaggerated hallucinations, so detailed that they can even count how many hairs the murderer has grown."

Another nurse happily took out her mobile phone while listening to the discussion among her colleagues: There is another topic to chat about... Of course, this is not the point. The point is that such an important matter must be told to Mr. Jiang Xia as soon as possible.

"I remember Mr. Jiang Xia specifically asked us to take good care of his fan when he came yesterday... Oh, sometimes I really envy Mr. Yamada. The star chaser actually chased me as an assistant. Unfortunately, I already have a job. , otherwise I would also like to try.”

The sun rose as usual the next day.

Vodka opened his eyes haggardly with a pair of thick black circles under his eyes.

After finishing the state of concentrating with his eyes closed, he jumped up and started packing his luggage at dawn: Although he had no idea what happened last night, one thing was certain - this shabby hospital could no longer live in, who could Whoever lives with you will have to evacuate immediately!

He packed the package quickly. However, before he could run away, suddenly, there was a loud knock on the ward door, and someone pushed the door open and walked in.

A somewhat familiar voice sounded from behind: "Mr. Yamada!"

Vodka: "..."

He froze for a moment, turned around with a slight twitching of his eyes, and saw an ominous face - Officer Takagi pushed the door open and greeted him familiarly.

"The Mumu Police Department heard about what happened to you last night and was very worried." Officer Takagi expressed sympathy. "Jiang Xia also knew about you. He said that he believed in your judgment. There might really be something wrong with this hospital - So out of various considerations, the police department asked me to protect you. Please take care of me these days!"


"...Haha, that's it." Vodka looked at the hateful guy in front of him who represented both the police and Uzo forces. He took a deep breath and let out a laugh that was worse than death. "Then I'll give it to you. It’s causing trouble.”

There was an additional policeman next to him, and it was a policeman who was a Uzo dog-legger. Vodka felt uncomfortable all over for a moment.

But thinking about it on the other hand, having this thing watching over me, apart from being unable to walk, is also helpful in other ways.

Thinking of this, Vodka analyzed in a low voice to Officer Takagi: "I was not sleepy at all last night, but I fell asleep immediately after eating - I suspect there is something wrong with my meal, and it may have been eaten by someone. Sleeping pills!”

Officer Takagi: "..." Really, are you really not sleepy? If you remember correctly, you were chased and silenced by kidnappers the day before yesterday, and you were kidnapped by kidnappers yesterday... After a meal, it is easy to take a nap. Maybe you thought you were not tired, but in fact you were already tired enough to fall down. sleep?

He thought so in his heart, but the good old Officer Takagi was not good at refuting others. After taking a look at Vodka's determined expression, he silently swallowed what he wanted to say and only said: "But the tableware from last night must have been washed and disinfected today. Yes, even if you want to check..."

"I didn't use tableware last night." Vodka pushed up his sunglasses and smiled confidently, "I ate food in sealed packages."

Officer Takagi, who originally thought that "Mr. Yamada's" illness might just be a misdiagnosis: "..."

He opened his mouth and considered his words: "Since it is sealed food... it must be very difficult to administer the medicine. Did the food you ate yesterday leak before it was opened?"

Vodka shook his head, but quickly added: "Although I checked the package last night and didn't see any pinholes on it, but thinking about it carefully, I actually overlooked a possibility - if someone opens the package and inserts drugs, Then use the corresponding equipment to seal it again..." He clapped his hands and said, "Isn't it done?"

Officer Takagi: "..."

…Who would use such a troublesome method to drug an ordinary patient! He didn’t believe it before he came, but now it seems that Mr. Yamada is really ill!

Officer Takagi’s eyes suddenly became more sympathetic. At the same time, the possibility that "Mr. Yamada is an accomplice of the robbers yesterday" also decreased significantly in his mind.

Vodka didn’t notice his gaze. The organization cadre was concentrating on his own investigation: "This hospital disposes garbage at 7 o'clock in the morning, and it’s just over six o'clock now-we still have time to get the food packaging I ate last night!"

Officer Takagi: "………"

He began to regret taking this job.

But thinking about the instructions of Inspector Megure and Jiang Xia’s evaluation that "Mr. Yamada often notices some tiny details and is a detective with great potential"...

Officer Takagi wiped his face vigorously, took a deep breath, and took out the courage to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman: "Okay, let's go and look."

After a while, the two found two empty food packaging under the unspeakable gaze of the nurses.

Officer Gao Mu sent the document for expedited testing, and in the evening, the test results came back.

"What?" Vodka was incredulous, "No abnormalities?"

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