Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 369 I understand, Toru Amuro is also anonymous (joint chapter)

In addition, Conan feels that Toru Amuro's motive for showing up at school tonight is actually very problematic.

Jiang Xia used to wait alone at the school gate for primary school students to finish school.

Based on his habits, even if he realizes that something is wrong in the teaching building, he will not take the initiative to ask his superiors for help, because that will prevent Jiang Xia from beating the prisoner... well, prevent him from rescuing people neatly when necessary.

So Toru Amuro probably took the initiative to join in when he was passing by.

If it's to help, there's nothing wrong with that. But Toru Amuro’s detective agency is not actually nearby. It’s hard to imagine why he suddenly passed by the gate of the elementary school... But Jiangxia seems to have said that this boss likes to work, and he wanders around Tokyo every day, randomly refreshing, and Maybe we met by chance, and then I had nothing to do. I wanted to see what the employees were doing, so I followed the school all the way...

Well, anyway, let’s label it “suspicious” first and investigate slowly in the future.

Conan was heartbroken by Toru Amuro.

Now, most of the mysteries in the teaching have been solved, and the people who died in the club have also died in the club. Several groups of people can no longer stay in the teaching building and are preparing to leave.

On the way to the school gate, Conan looked at the back of "Toru Amuro" and thought about his unreasonable behavior and attitude today. His thoughts wandered and some memories emerged.

Speaking of which, the last time I saw Toru Amuro was when Jiang Xia was drunk and abducted by the new member of the Anonymous Organization who could disguise himself and had a bad personality.

Conan remembered that when he was tracking Jiang Xia's whereabouts, he suddenly met Toru Amuro in the hotel's surveillance room. Then Toru Amuro decisively abandoned him after finding out the clues, and used "private detective methods" to find someone... This Conan was depressed for a while, but fortunately, Jiang Xia got home smoothly that night.

I heard from Jiang Xia that he took Toru Amuro's car back to the city. From this point of view, Toru Amuro was probably responsible for finding the person. This boss didn't seem to be a bad person.

However, combined with today's events, Conan has a new question in his mind:

How did Mr. Amuro find the anonymous member who was good at disguise?

Anonymous people always come and go without a trace. Even if the police can't find them, reporters and some senior detectives who pretend to be quick have never succeeded in catching the hem of Anonymous's skirt.

Even the high-profile anonymous lady is like this, let alone someone who is proficient in disguise. But Toru Amuro was able to find the whereabouts of Anonymous on the same day he discovered the clues...

A common saying suddenly popped into Conan's mind.

——The only one who can defeat yourself is yourself.

... Could it be that Mr. Amuro is actually one of the Anonymous?

No, it shouldn't be. When he was in Izu, Mr. Amuro had been stabbed by Xiaobai's anesthesia needle.

...But no one can guarantee that Xiaobai will not stab his anonymous accomplice.

No, no, after the police car drove the suspect away, Mr. Amuro once asked them if the murderer mentioned "that little boy". This shows that he doesn't know Xiaobai very well.

...But on the other hand, the question at that time seemed to be understood as Toru Amuro was asking about the status of his accomplices.

Conan's mind jumped repeatedly, and he couldn't be sure for a while.

He stared at Toru Amuro's back and this new acquaintance of Jiang Xia, his expression solemn, feeling that everything was full of mystery.

Speaking of which, if Toru Amuro is really a member of Anonymous, he should also have that fancy and complicated black "z" tattoo on his body.

Miss Anonymous’s tattoo is on her face, and Xiaobai’s tattoo is on her neck. They are both parts that are easily exposed.

Mr. Amuro has not been seen on Mr. Amuro, but this cannot be used as a basis for excluding him - after all, Anonymous may not have the rule that "tattoos must be placed in conspicuous places". There are only two samples of Miss Anonymous and Xiaobai, which are not enough. Draw valid conclusions.

Who is Toru Amuro...

Belmod was walking on campus calmly when he suddenly felt a very penetrating gaze.

She frowned and turned around, seeing Conan observing her from behind.


Belmod's frown relaxed again.

Cool guy seems to be wary of bourbon, which is a good thing.

Moreover, Bourbon seems to be a very approachable person and is also very good at disguise. Cool guy would have this attitude towards bourbon, maybe Uzo had hinted at this...

Thinking of this, Belmod's dissatisfaction at being spied on was like snowflakes falling into the fire, disappearing instantly and turning into a few wisps of warmth.

Arriving at the school gate, the dean turned the corner as if nothing had happened and left quickly.

Teacher Xiao Lin originally wanted to do the same, but before moving, she suddenly saw Jiang Xia turn her head and look at her.

Kobayashi Chengzi trembled: "What, what's wrong?"

There are street lights at the school gate, and some bright light shines from the security room next to it, and Xiaolin Chengzi's figure and face are clearly reflected.

After looking at it this way, I realized that she really looked like Officer Sato.

Jiang Xia instinctively pulled the hem of his clothes to cover the pocket containing the stick.

Then he pointed to the children who were eavesdropping with their ears pricked nearby, and asked with a clear purpose: "Do they have other duties in the near future? Or, are there any other arrangements that require them to stay in school?"

... It’s rare to have a reason to go out with the juvenile detective team in an upright manner. If you don’t come back with some shikigami and murderous intent, you always feel that your life is not complete enough.

When Teacher Xiao Lin heard this question, he shook his head with a strong desire to survive and whispered: "Actually, we rarely take up students' spare time, and we don't have to work so late on duty... Nothing like this will happen again."

"That's it..." Jiang Xia's eyes moved and fell on the four children, showing a gentle smile, "I will pick you up after school tomorrow."

The three children were trembling and huddled together, with the same despair in their eyes.

They looked at Teacher Xiao Lin for help, but saw that the introverted teacher kept his head down after reluctantly answering Jiang Xia's questions.

——She was still immersed in the shadow of social death after practicing late at night but was caught red-handed by a student. At this time, she didn’t want to look at anyone at all. She just wanted to find a shell to hide herself in. Naturally, she didn’t notice the silent shouts of the children.

The three children had no choice but to turn their attention to the other adult present, "Toru Amuro."

This time, both sides looked at each other successfully.

The eyes of the young detective team suddenly glowed with anticipation, hoping that this blond brother who seemed to have a good temper could understand the innocent children's desire to escape from the movie.

But they saw that "Toru Amuro" was looking at them, but his mind was obviously somewhere else.

"He" continued Jiang Xia's words just now and said with some regret: "I happen to have something to do tomorrow and can't come over."

Conan rolled his half-moon eyes and glanced at this strange boss: Why did he answer the call so naturally? No one invited him to go with him...

Thinking of this, Conan touched his chin warily.

Although all kinds of tests on Amuro Toru in the past, including telling the Megure Police Department that Amuro Toru was holding a gun, etc., only received normal feedback - no matter how you check, Amuro Toru is a serious detective with no problem with his identity.

But Conan still intuitively felt that this person had secrets and problems.

Especially after today’s contact.

...How about finding an excuse to let Jiang Xia trick Amuro Tohru into going to a hot spring or swimming?

In this way, if Toru Amuro is really anonymous, we may be able to use the parts of his body that he has deliberately covered up to deduce where the "z" mark on his body is hidden.

Of course, with a tattoo, Toru Amuro would definitely refuse to go to a place where his body must be exposed.

Therefore, pay attention to his attitude when rejecting the invitation.

Conan felt OK and started working hard to plan the details.

I was delayed in the teaching building for a while, and it was already very late at night.

After Teacher Xiao Lin recovered a little, he waved goodbye very decisively and left quickly.

"Toru Amuro" glanced at the remaining people - one Jiang Xia + four children, and then thought about the car he drove today.

Then I discovered that even though it was a bit cramped, four children could actually fit comfortably in the back seat.

If that doesn't work, you can also let Jiang Xia hold Conan and sit in the passenger seat next to her. During this time, it should be difficult to be caught by the traffic police...

Belmod thought about it, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

She turned the car key on her finger very naturally: "Get in the car, I'll take you back."

Jiang Xia glanced at the increasingly thin murderous aura on "Toru Amuro", and then thought about the wonderful use of the Young Detective Team: "No, their home is not far from here, I will send them back."


Belmode stopped turning the key, feeling a little reluctant.

But considering that she is now wearing Bourbon's skin, and Bourbon is not like the kind of person who would make such invitations again and again... In addition, Conan's eyes are becoming more and more wary and weird when he looks at her, Bell Mod finally swallowed his words.

...She also plans to play as Toru Amuro again, so she can't make the cool guy too alert.

So after "Amuro Toru" was rejected, he nodded naturally, turned around and walked away. His pace was cool, but for some reason he seemed to be walking a little slowly.

But it's not far from her car after all.

Not long after, her slightly lonely figure disappeared into the car, and the car quickly drove away and disappeared at the end of the road.

A gust of wind blew by, picking up the fallen leaves at the school gate.

Now, only Jiang Xia and a few children are left here - the director ran away faster than Teacher Xiao Lin, and Jiang Xia didn't even notice when he escaped.

"Let's go." Jiang Xia waved to several children, preparing to send them home one by one to perform the duties of an elder. Well... he also took the opportunity to see if there were any sudden murders or anything that pierced the night sky along the way. scream.

Half an hour later.

Jiang Xia watched Ayumi's back running through the door quickly and sighed slightly disappointedly.

Genta and Mitsuhiko's home is closer to the school, and the two children had already arrived home before arriving at Ayumi's house.

Now Ayumi has also gone back, but nothing happened on the way...

Jiang Xia took the remaining Conan to the Maori Detective Agency and no longer had much hope that the case would be triggered tonight.

——In my impression, Conan always has to be with someone in order to encounter murder cases frequently. When completely alone, there will be relatively fewer cases. Perhaps this is also some kind of restraint on the power of death in this world... Jiang Xia's thinking wandered for a second, and then quickly returned to the topic.

In short, there are no other supporting characters staying with Conan, so the probability of a murder is actually very low.

Jiang Xia, who was full of expectations for the Young Detective Team, now had the subtle feeling of spending half an hour breaking a strange-looking stone in a free exploration game, and then finding out that it was really just a stone with no surprises hidden inside. .

...Fortunately, he has plenty of time, so it’s not a short while.

Moreover, anyway, they have made an appointment to watch a movie together tomorrow, and he has confirmed the situation with Teacher Xiaolin. It will not be so easy for the children to find excuses to beat him.

If nothing else, we can see you at the cinema tomorrow, and this kind of entertainment venue has always been a place with a high incidence of murders.

If something unexpected happens, the accident will most likely turn into murderous aura and shikigami, wouldn't it be even better...

Jiang Xia felt that a new mysterious gift package was placed in front of her.

His mentality quickly became calm and expectant, and his pace became relaxed.

Conan couldn't feel the ups and downs of his neighbor's mood, nor could he detect the subtle changes in Jiang Xia's expression in the dim light.

He yawned and saw that all the troublesome children had left, so he planned to ask Jiang Xia about Toru Amuro.

However, just as he opened his mouth, a vibrating ringtone suddenly came from the side.

——Jiang Xia’s cell phone rang.

In order to prevent missing news and thus missing some important customers, Jiang Xia carefully turned her phone back to vibrate mode after discovering that neither teacher Xiao Lin nor the director would risk murder.

The one that rings is an everyday cell phone.

This was just right, otherwise if the ring was from the organization's dedicated machine, he would have to think about how to get Conan away, or how to pretend not to hear Gin's call.

Jiang Xia took out her phone and glanced at the caller ID.

It's Dr. Ali calling.


If I remember correctly, Dr. Ali should still be attending the society in Kyushu.

It was precisely because of the business trip that the old man asked him to help him with the matter of "treating the children to watch a movie"... The doctor will not come back early.

Jiang Xia answered the phone hesitantly, and secretly decided that no matter what the doctor said, he would go to the movies with them tomorrow, or at least have a chance encounter at the cinema.

Although the Gomera series of monster movies beloved by the Boy Detective Team are a bit too young for a high school student, Jiangxia Tongzhi is a person who has no childhood. Isn't it very reasonable for him to be interested in children's movies...

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning.

Jiang Xia quickly pressed the answer button in a normal tone: "Hello? Doctor."

Dr. A Li's cheerful voice came from the receiver: "How was it? Did you enjoy the movie?"

"I actually couldn't go today..." Jiang Xia briefly told what happened tonight, "So I made an appointment with them to go tomorrow."

"Haha, those children are still so naughty." Dr. Ali twirled his chubby beard, remembering the bearish but lively appearance of several children, and his tone became more relaxed.

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