Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 386 Gin is actually a scumbag (Part 1)

Thinking so, Jiang Xia said calmly:

"It's not that I know him, I just feel that he reacts quickly and is very enthusiastic - in the scene just now, if someone else suddenly opened the door, he might just be frightened by the gun passing by... No, if you are afraid of trouble, I heard a bang outside the box. Many passengers were afraid to open the door due to the noise of the smashing. But that gentleman was able to prevent Kagolize from getting the gun, which can be considered a big help to me."

Conan: "..."

It sounds like Jiang Xia's first impression of gin was not only good, it was simply very good.

...Things really developed in the direction he least wanted to see.

Conan looked at Jiang Xia with complicated eyes, and wanted to ask: Where is your keen insight into identifying the murderer immediately at a glance at the crime scene?

But then I thought about it and realized that this was actually normal.

——Human beings and physical evidence are different after all. The latter has no thoughts, but the former is very cunning.

Jiang Xia is not good at identifying scum. Perhaps it is because those scum want to take advantage of Jiang Xia, so they always behave very friendly towards him. And even if there is a purpose, this kind of friendliness does indeed exist.

Therefore, Jiang Xia only distinguished this "sincere" attitude, and unfortunately confused the sincerity of the scum with sinister purposes with another kind of pure sincerity, so things became like this.

...Fortunately, I discovered the clues in time.

Conan pushed up his glasses, feeling a sense of accomplishment in successfully pulling Jiang Xia to the shore before he slipped into the abyss.

At the same time, the pricking conscience caused by the intention to slander others behind their backs has become less painful.

"Well, speaking of it, I have actually seen him before..." Conan took a deep breath, used all the acting skills he had honed so far, and whispered to Jiang Xia, "By the way, what I told you today, You must never tell anyone else."

Conan deliberately added the latter sentence to prevent the matter from being spread around, reaching the ears of insiders, and Jiang Xia finding out that it was false, and arousing Jiang Xia's desire to explore the black organization.

Although saying to others, "I'm going to tell you a secret, you must never tell others," is equivalent to starting a world broadcast.

But Conan felt that he knew Jiang Xia quite well - Jiang Xia promised not to tell others, so he really wouldn't say a word. This should be stable enough.

Hearing this, Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at Conan.

After seeing this fake kid's serious expression with a touch of uneasiness, he guessed that Kudo-kun was planning to tell him that "there actually is a mysterious and vicious black organization in the world."

At this time, the train had started running again. The sound of wheels running over the track, the sound of wind outside, and the noise from the car body gradually became louder, making it difficult for people outside to hear the noise inside.

Jiang Xia asked the ghost to walk around the area again and found that no one was eavesdropping. He nodded and motioned for Conan to elaborate. At the same time, he was thinking about what kind of expression he should show when he heard about the black organization.

Well, there needs to be a little bit of surprise, a bit of disbelief, and a little bit of sudden realization that “I’ve long felt something was wrong, but there’s just no evidence”...

Jiang Xia quickly prepared herself to hear the "secret".

However, what he didn't expect was that when Conan got closer, he mysteriously said:

"Actually, that person had come to Uncle Maoli several times before to make commissions. The contents were all about stalking enemies in life so as to find ways to catch them, investigating the situation of the cheating partner's first wife, and thinking that the neighbor's cat was too noisy and wanted to keep it in his own house. Things like finding a suitable location in the yard that is not illegal to poison cats..."

Jiang Xia: "...?"

Even though the target of the slander was Gin, the evil villain who had suffered a lot of blood debts, Conan still had to hold his conscience firmly when he first said these words.

However, after getting started, he suddenly felt much smoother.

Conan looked at Jiang Xia's shocked expression and gradually found his feelings.

He then cleared his throat and continued to describe in detail.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xia, who had been fed a lot of gossip, sat on the bed in confusion and rubbed his ears.

His ears are not clean anymore...

Also, is Conan crazy?

No, not quite...

Combined with that jerky acting, I always feel like this fake kid actually has another purpose, well...according to Conan's description of Gin who is a scumbag in terms of life, ethics, emotions, and morality...could he be here to provoke? Divisive?

After all, normal people would avoid such a scumbag when they encounter him.

Moreover, the "gin" in Conan's words has always stepped on the moral bottom line and the edge of the law, so even a detective with a strong sense of justice would not want to deal with such a person...

After nearly a minute, Jiang Xia recovered from the shocking gossip and vaguely understood Conan's purpose.

Then fell into deep thought.

...Kudo-san is really a talent.

Jiang Xia found that this was inconsistent with his two previous expectations - Conan told him about the organization, and he approached the black organization as an excuse to obtain information; Conan did not tell him about the organization, and he approached the organization with the help of a good impression... They were all inconsistent.

...In the future, in public places, it is better to avoid the members of the organization as much as possible.

If you really can't avoid it, if you are seen acting with Gin again, you can only find reasons to expose Conan's lies today, such as "It's hard to imagine that there are such scum in the world, so I observed it secretly and then I found out and told you. It’s different” and therefore went to investigate.

Of course, this is a last-minute trump card.

Because, if he said this, the younger detective would feel frustrated and avoid him from now on, and no longer give him cases, that would be very bad... Well, being caught between the red and the black is really bad. It’s so difficult, he obviously just wants to gather some murderous energy, pick up some ghosts, and live a peaceful life of becoming stronger...

Not long after the police boarded the train, the vehicle continued to move away, but it was still some time before it arrived at the station.

Since the murderer who shot Izumo's boss was caught on the spot, and the police had figured out the murderer's method and motive, they did not pay much attention to the other passengers.

Not only Jiang Xia, but everyone else also returned to the box one after another, either catching up on sleep or packing their luggage.

Jiang Xia didn't sleep all night, but she picked up a lot of murderous energy.

He thought about, it's already early morning...and remembered that he would arrive in Tottori Prefecture today, and that Tottori Prefecture still had the case of the Spider Mansion waiting for him, so he went to the smoking area and lit a stick of ghost mint--using Yue Li Ze's murderous flavor is freshly rolled, and a little bit of apple-flavored murderous flavor is added to enhance the flavor, which is very fresh.

It's just that when you suck it up, there will be a greedy mermaid hanging on your hand, which is a bit heavy.

Although I couldn't take a whole stick, the ghost mint this time had a high-end murderous aura after all. With the energy replenished, Jiang Xia's fatigue from a long night was gone. He disposed of the cigarette butts and returned to his box.

As soon as his thoughts became clear, Jiang Xia suddenly remembered that something seemed to be missing this time.

If you think about it carefully, in this case in the original plot line, Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yukiko also returned from the United States - Kudo Yusaku saw reports about the robbery of Izumo Keitaro's jewelry store, and he remembered that he had been there a long time ago. The novel manuscript was lost, and I felt something was wrong, so I returned to Japan with Kudo Yukiko to see if there would be any case.

...But now, the two of them did not appear. Perhaps it's because Kudo Yusaku has been busy recently and hasn't paid attention to the case reports here.

Fortunately, they didn't come, mainly because Kudo Yusaku didn't come - although the big Kudo's strength was worrisome, his mind was very useful. The father and son together were not as easy to fool as the one son.

All in all, good luck.

The murder delayed a lot of time. At noon, the train carrying the two corpses arrived in Tottori Prefecture late.

Jiang Xia finished taking notes in the car, left his contact information with the Tottori Prefecture police, and got out of the car.

At this time, Gin and Vodka had already gone to pick up the car - the organization also has a branch in Tottori Prefecture, and they had prepared a car for Gin in advance.

Conan hesitated for a while and found that Gin and Vodka left first. After a while, Jiang Xia got off the car.

He breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the plan to prevent contact between the two parties was successful - Gin had indeed forgotten to threaten the innocent detective for business... Thinking of this, Conan waved goodbye to Jiang Xia in a good mood, followed by Mouri Kogoro and Mao Lilan took a taxi to attend a class reunion.

Jiang Xia looked at the backs of the three people, and had an impulse to follow them for a moment - these three people were walking side by side, and they looked like something was going to happen around them, which was extremely tempting.

But when he thought about it, he actually didn't have much impression of "Mouri Kogoro-san's wedding banquet".

In other words, the probability of something happening there is not high.

In comparison, the Spider Mansion, which is still the organization's goal, is more worth visiting.

"Spider Mansion" is actually a nickname, referring to the Takeda family living on Puppet Peak.

Puppet Peak is the name of a mountain. Near it, the legend of the monster "Lord Spider" once spread, and related temples were built.

A few years ago, the current head of the Takeda family, Takeda Shinichi, expanded the land, demolished the Spider Temple, and built his own warehouse.

Later, people began to hang themselves in that warehouse. The bodies of the deceased were found too late and were covered with spider webs. People nearby said that the Takeda family was cursed by the spider.

In addition, the Takeda family was famous for making puppets, and the puppets needed to be controlled with thin wires, so their family was nicknamed "Spider Mansion".

The head of the Takeda family, Takeda Shinichi, is actually a member of the drug trafficking line that the organization wants to clean up this time.

Of course, for Jiang Xia, what is more important is that Takeda Shinichi is actually one of the protagonists in a murder case...

Now, although Conan has gone to attend the wedding banquet, it doesn't matter, there is Hattori Heiji here - as far as Jiang Xia knows, Hattori classmates in Kansai also have the ability to attract murder cases, and are especially good at attracting serial murder cases.

As for whether Hattori Heiji will come today, Jiang Xia doesn't think it's a big problem.

—— Hattori Shizuka, Hattori Heiji’s mother, after she returned to Osaka from Tokyo last time, she somehow heard about Eka’s perfect scores. Although Hattori Heiji's results are also very good, compared with Jiang Xia, it seems that there is a lot of room for improvement.

Hattori Shizuka then felt that Jiang Xia's state of balancing study and solving crimes was very good, and he would communicate with him every now and then.

Jiang Xia was also able to hear a lot of information from the enthusiastic aunt. For example, Hattori Heiji recently received a letter of entrustment with money. In order to repay the money, he had to go to the Spider Mansion in Tottori County to handle the case today. Toyama and Ye seemed to have also coming.

...Thinking of this, at the station, Jiang Xia struggled to look away from the backs of her two classmates and her father, packed her luggage, and prepared to leave the station.

Before leaving the station, he looked at the floor plan.

Then send a message to Gin:

[See you at Exit 5]

Exit No. 5 is the furthest away from the taxi spot. Kogoro Mouri would not pass by that direction when looking for his classmates. It is the least likely place for justice detectives to see "Jiang Xia is in private contact with members of the mysterious organization."

If the selected station cannot solve the problem, and you are so unlucky that you are witnessed on the spot, then you can only blame the leader: he happened to meet the enthusiastic Gin when he left the station and insisted on inviting him to take a ride. He felt that Gin Such enthusiasm must have another purpose. He took the risk to get into the car to find out, just like Kudo Shinichi took the risk to follow gin and vodka to find out...

Reasonable, in short, very reasonable.

While Jiang Xia was thinking in boredom, she followed the flow of people to Exit No. 5.

As soon as he went out, he saw an ordinary-looking Honda parked on the street, with a relatively rare dark black sun film affixed to the windows to block his view.

Jiang Xia looked around covertly and saw no strange primary school students or suspicious taxis passing by.

So he quickly stepped forward, opened the door, and got into the back seat, where he was least likely to be seen.

In the front row are the familiar driver Vodka, and his big brother Gin.

After confirming that she was on the right bus, Jiang Xia leaned back in her chair with confidence and waited to pick up ghosts at the station.

The car will leave soon.

After walking for a while, Jiang Xia gradually sat upright.

He looked out the window at the strange scenery, his eyes slightly puzzled:

"This doesn't seem to be the way to Spider Mansion."

Gin raised his phone and said, "The spy here caught two mice, let's go and get rid of them first."

Jiang Xia was startled.

He glanced at the location information displayed on Gin's phone, calculated the distance again, and suggested: "Let's go separately. I have to go to the Spider Mansion first. I made an appointment with someone before."

...Have you made an appointment with someone?

Gin looked at him silently.

Shouldn't he be the one to plan the mission itinerary? Could it be that Uzo had done something in advance?

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xia opened her backpack, reached in and touched around, and quickly found two pieces of letter paper folded and stacked together.

He took out one of the sheets and handed it to Gin:

"Actually, I received a commission a while ago."

For Jiang Xia, the anonymous letter from the murderer sent from Yueying Island a week ago seemed to be the beginning of good luck.

——The day before his business trip, Jiang Xia dug out another commission letter from the office's mailbox.

It was sent by Takeda Shinichi, the owner of the Spider Mansion. He also included 500,000 yen in cash in the letter.

Takeda Shinichi did not write the specific content of the entrustment in the letter. He only said that he was invited to secretly investigate important matters. The specific content would be discussed in detail later, and told him that 500,000 was only an advance payment.

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