Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 392 Vodka: Brother, these clothes are nice... (Chapter 1)

Several plastic bullets flew out of Rob's gun and hit the window frame of the warehouse on the second floor.

In the warehouse, Takeda Shinichi heard a strange noise, walked to the narrow window in confusion, and looked out.

At this moment, Rob picked up the two passengers, stepped on the accelerator, and started the truck.

The car left quickly, pulling the fishing line tied behind the car. A series of line mechanisms followed, and the rope loops fixed at the four corners of the puppet warehouse window suddenly fell off, accurately wrapped around the neck of Takeda Shinichi who was probing his head, and then tightened.

Takeda Shinichi was pulled hard, and he flew backwards in shock. The back of his head hit the beam, and his cervical vertebrae were broken. After that, he fell powerlessly. He first smashed into the countless fishing lines that were glued to the roof in advance, and then continued to fall under the pressure of the fishing lines.

Finally, he hung in the room in a weird posture like an insect stuck in a spider web.

The mountain wind swept through the courtyard, and the roar of the truck that had just started overshadowed the death sounds in the warehouse for just a few seconds.

No one saw this smooth and shocking scene.

——Except for two pairs of secretly observing eyes on the opposite mountain peak.

In the watchtower in the forest.

As Takeda Shinichi's body stopped shaking, Gin looked away from behind the high-power scope.

He and Vodka arrived before dark.

The gun placed by the window was one of Gin's chosen assassination plans.

His original plan was to first destroy Takeda Shinichi's client list, remove the puppets containing drugs, then shoot Takeda Shinichi to death, and finally retreat calmly.

——The mountains are sparsely populated and the police cannot arrive quickly. By the time they locked onto the watchtower based on the ballistics, he and his men might have returned to the city.

Later, as long as the peripheral members responsible for destroying the list and transporting drugs pay more attention, there will be no problem.

If those wastes are exposed, the worst possible outcome will be to wipe out another wave of mouths.

But now, because Uzo seems to have other plans. Therefore, the prop in Gin's hand, which was originally used to silence people, actually served as a telescope more often than not.

After arriving at the watchtower in the mountain forest, Gin not only aimed at Takeda Shinichi, but also occasionally looked at Usa's movements and observed the surrounding situation.

Therefore, just now, Rob's action of hitting the warehouse window on the second floor with an air gun under the light of the courtyard was also caught by Gin.

Combined with the appearance of Takeda Shinichi, whose neck was broken by a huge force as the truck started moving, it is not difficult to deduce the full picture of this murder method.

Through the window of the warehouse, Gin looked at Takeda Shinichi, who was entangled in countless threads in mid-air and was still alive, and once again remembered his previous evaluation of Uzo's assassination method.


When Takeda Shinichi entered, he should have locked the warehouse door himself. The only window in the warehouse on the second floor was so narrow that no one could enter or exit. It suddenly became a secret room with traces of legends everywhere, enough to attract all the attention of those stupid policemen.

...Compared with the plan of "sniping Takeda Shinichi to death with one shot", Uzo's handling method is indeed more convenient for the aftermath.

Coupled with this dramatic viewing quality, as he said before, it can barely be regarded as a "surprise".

Moreover, Gin discovered that judging from the way the foreigner was wary of Uzo and deliberately avoided him when committing crimes, in the eyes of the murderer, Uzo was still the famous detective who opposed criminals.

Combined with what happened this time, and Uzo's performance on the train last night. It can be seen that after having a suitable target for performance, Uzo's assassination level has returned to the normal range, and there has been no more mistakes like directly contacting the undetermined deceased or even becoming the cause of death of the opponent like before when racing on the mountain road.

...The problem seems to be solved perfectly.

It seems that there is no need to hand over the person to Belmode for the time being.

However, we can find opportunities for the two parties to contact each other and observe Belmod's purpose. In addition, you have to avoid those annoying FBI.

Gin expertly dismantled the sniper rifle and put it back into his bag.

While Gin was dismantling the gun while evaluating it.

Next to him, Vodka also put down the high-powered telescope in his hand.

The scenery that was zoomed in through the lenses returned to normal in an instant.

Vodka looked at the illuminated yard of the Takeda family in the distance. In front of him was a peaceful courtyard, but in his mind, the scene of Takeda Shinichi's death just replayed scene after scene.

——The car drove out, and Takeda Shinichi, who was watching in the warehouse, was wrapped around the neck by a hidden rope, pulled away, dropped, and hung on the "spider web" that had been arranged long ago... Death only happened in an instant.

From such a distance, Vodka couldn't see the fishing line clearly, but he could see Takeda Shinichi's terrifying posture as if he was stuck in mid-air.

"...I remember that there seems to be a legend of 'Spider-sama' in this area." Vodka put down the telescope slightly stiffly and touched his neck, as if he heard the sound of Takeda Shinichi's cervical vertebrae breaking in the air.

He murmured: "He still likes proposition composition so much..."

Gin glanced at the vodka, lit up the cigarette, and sneered: "I thought you were going to say something stupid like 'the time is too hasty, is this really what he did?'"

Vodka: "..." No, this time it looks very much like Uzo's style, especially those fishing lines, which are exactly what he thought!

He couldn't help but touch his neck again.

At the same time, Vodka's eyes fell on Gin's stand-up collar windbreaker and the high collar layered inside.

After looking at his eldest brother's attire and feeling his shirt with a short collar, Vodka silently decided to change into the same style as his eldest brother when he went back... Well, he would secretly stuff a neck gaiter into his collar so no one would notice.

After thinking about the new equipment, Vodka regained a sense of security.

At the same time, he remembered what happened just now.

——Uzo got into the murderer's car.

"Brother, he just left like that?"

Gin zipped up the bag with the sniper rifle and looked out the window at the dark mountain road, not paying attention: "He has his own ideas."

Uzo's thoughts are not easy to guess, but it is not difficult to find the general direction.

It's just that it's too troublesome to search for people all over the mountain, and I don't want the murderer to take the opportunity to escape; or there is still some excitement after completing his art, so I want to drag the murderer to a place where no one is around and beat him up... Of course, think on the bright side. , or it may be to cooperate with the organization’s next actions——

Gin took out the satellite phone, pressed the button, and connected several logistics lent to him by the Tottori branch, and said briefly: "That's it."

They don't need to take care of the crime scene, so the foreigner will naturally take the blame. They just need to take away Takeda's list and the puppets containing the drugs.

It takes a lot of manpower to transport these. Now that Uzo left with the foreigner and the young girl, he had an alibi.

... alibi.

Gin was quite unfamiliar with this word before. He never had to find anything like this for himself.

Unexpectedly, we are in contact with each other more often now.

Thinking about it this way, it's actually quite interesting: the detective who stands within the framework of the rules has already secretly extended his thread beyond the law, but the stupid police cannot see those cobwebs stained with blood and despair... the art of irony.

The only thing left next is Moon Shadow Island.

I wonder if Uzo has any surprises or scares over there... Tsk, I should ask him first when I put him down in the car at noon.

Gin took a look at the list in his handbook and felt a little complicated.

Vodka usually doesn't have murderous intent, but for Jiang Xia, he is a very difficult person to observe.

Although the murderous aura on Ginjiu's body was obvious, once it exceeded a certain distance, neither Jiang Xia nor Gui could sense it.

Therefore, Jiang Xia failed to detect the two secretly observing eyes.

However, when the truck went out, he still secretly looked around.

He remembered that when he got off the bus at noon, Gin said they would "be there later." If the vehicle the two men in black were traveling in didn't have a flat tire on the way...then they would be nearby by now.

But for some reason it never showed up.

Jiang Xia looked around casually and didn't find the two colleagues, so he looked away and stopped looking at them. Gin may have his own ideas...

The truck drove for nearly an hour.

A crowded but orderly cemetery gradually appeared in front of us. The white tombstones are close together. Misa died just three years ago. The location is not deep and is very conspicuous.

Rob looked at the photo on the tombstone and felt that there should be a howl here, but he remembered that there was a detective standing next to him and suppressed his tears again. He couldn't show too strong emotions towards Misa, otherwise it would be easy for these detectives with big ideas to think that he was seeking revenge. Fortunately, this is actually not the first time he has come. He came once a few days ago, and his suppressed feelings have just been vented, and it is easy to control.

Jiang Xia paused briefly next to the locked car.

Then he walked to the cemetery. I heard Robert pointing to a small hill like a tour guide and introducing Yuan Shan and Ye:

"It is the best place to observe stars in this area. I heard that some people have discovered new comets there. There are relatively few people in this season. If it were two months later, it might be so crowded that there is no room for instruments."

"Wow~!" Yuan Shan and Ye were a little excited and came over, "Let's go up and have a look."

Jiang Xia had no interest in watching stars, but Robert's introduction just now always seemed familiar to him.

He nodded, climbed over the fence with the two of them, stepped on the earth and rocks, and walked towards the hill.

When they were approaching the foot of the mountain, Yuan Shan and Ye stepped on something unknown and their feet slipped.

Jiang Xia gave her a hand. Yuan Shan and Ye Hou jumped up and down in fear, took photos with their mobile phones used for lighting, and whispered: "What is it?"

The aperture hit his feet.

A rounded skull is revealed.

Toyama Kazuye: "..."



A shrill scream rang out, piercing the night sky and floating far away.

Jiang Xia pressed his ears and touched his eyes with this action. He randomly selected one of his own ghosts and borrowed its night vision ability.

In his eyes, the dark mountain forest suddenly became clear.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Xia saw several low flashlight lights swaying closer - people nearby heard the screams and ran over quickly.

The visitors were four children and one adult. They were the young detective team attracted by the screams, along with Dr. Ali.


Teen detective team?

The children ran very fast, and Dr. Ali also tried hard to stretch his legs, trying to see why a girl was screaming at the foot of the mountain in the middle of the night.

Yuan Shan and Ye Gang stepped on someone's head. Now they saw someone approaching again. They were startled and waved their flashlights to shine.

After a period of chaos, the two sides finally saw each other clearly.

Rob, Yuan Shan and Ye had never seen the Young Detective Team and were a little confused.

The child who recognized Jiang Xia froze in place.

Jiang Xia looked around and found that she seemed to be at the intersection of both sides.

He looked down at the children: "...Why are you here?"

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta were silent, not knowing what to say for a moment - when the flashlights on both sides were shaking at the same time, they illuminated a large area around them, so they also saw the scattered human skulls on the ground. , and other parts of the bones.

It's scary enough to have a skeleton, but there's also brother Jiang Xia... The three children fell into autism for a short time.

Huihara Ai also saw the human remains on the ground. She glanced over and identified each part more accurately than the children - mandible, upper wrist bone, femur, ribs...

The wilderness.


Scattered bones.


After combining several keywords, Haiyuan Ai's breathing stopped for a moment, and he suddenly thought, could this be related to some of Jiang Xia's tasks?


She looked at the two people who obviously came with Jiang Xia. It's hard to say about the foreign man, but the high school girl next to him didn't look like a member of the organization. The scream just now must have come from her.

...With Jiang Xia's caution, if this messy person on the ground is really related to him, he will not let the scene become the current situation where everyone is watching.

So this should be just a coincidence - probably Jiang Xia went out to relax like before, but accidentally encountered a murder.

Thinking of this, Hui Yuan Ai secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little relieved.

Seeing that the other children didn't speak, she answered Jiang Xia's question just now:

"The doctor's friend gave him a set of magazines, which contain astronomical content. The children... well, we are very interested in this. It happened that the doctor had nothing to do today, so he came over to play together." Thinking of the stranger next to him, Hui Yuan Ai reluctantly included herself in the category of "children".

"..." Jiang Xia listened silently, turned to Dr. Ali, and said nonchalantly, "When I asked you a few days ago, didn't you say you had no travel plans recently?"

Dr. A Li vaguely felt a bit of condemnation in his neighbor's words.

He touched the back of his head with an inexplicable guilt: "I made a sudden decision to come here the day before yesterday. Because when I heard that you had received the commission, the child said that he did not want to disturb your work - it is rare for them to be so sensible, so I did not go to you."

Dr. Ali feels that this is behavior that needs to be encouraged. Maybe this can help children develop the good habit of "not disturbing other people's work."

When Jiang Xia asked, three small hands tremblingly stretched out towards Dr. A Li, as if they wanted to stop something.

But obviously, there was no time.

Hearing this, Jiang Xia looked at the three "considerate" children thoughtfully: "So that's it."

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