Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 438 This monster is mine! (Anti-theft added)

The balance in Koizumi Hongzi's heart was swinging from side to side, and she gradually came to a conclusion.

——As we all know, Kidd is a public figure. Not only does he often steal, he also sends out warning letters in advance. In other words, it is not difficult to find him.

But the foggy dog ​​is different.

In my impression, Koizumi Hongzi had never heard of the existence of monsters in this world, let alone seen any monsters.

If you fail to catch it this time, you may never catch it again in the future...

And, come to think of it, she could actually choose to have them all.

——Judging from what just happened, as long as Kidd has no equipment, he is just an ordinary person.

So, as long as Kiritengu eats the piece of magic-laced chocolate and falls in love with her, let Kiritengu pack up Kid and take it back to her house, lock up the Phantom Thief first, make the chocolate and pour it in directly. , there is no need to chase the notice letter to find someone in the future.

Maintaining the magic circle consumes a lot more magic power than expected.

Therefore, after making the decision, Koizumi Hongzi did not delay any more. She walked towards Kiritengu with the chocolate, ready to implement her perfect plan of killing two birds with one stone.

As soon as she moved, Kidd, who was half-kneeling on the ground, immediately raised his head warily.

As Koizumi Hongzi approached, his eyes uncontrollably fell on the heart-shaped chocolate, and he couldn't help but swallow it.

Immediately afterwards, Kidd came to his senses in shock: He actually had the urge to eat it immediately... What is this? !

However, Koizumi Anko did not come to him, but walked to Kiriten Dog.

Kidd saw Kiritengu looking at the piece of chocolate and raised his hand to take it without resistance.

"Hey!" Kidd's eyes were glued to the chocolate, and it was difficult to move away, but his sanity was still there. He thought of Wutengu's smooth movements when receiving the chocolate, and suspected that the piece of chocolate had affected Wutengu as well as him. He couldn't help but remind him: "This piece of chocolate is not right..."


The foggy dog ​​gnawed off a corner of the chocolate and swallowed it without chewing.

Jiang Xia glanced at Kidd while eating. It is normal for Kidd to be attracted to this piece of chocolate. After all, Koizumi Anko made the chocolate for him from the beginning... But now, this energy core has changed hands, and Kidd doesn't want it either.

Under the expectant gaze of Koizumi Hongzi, Jiang Xia tasted the delicate energy core in the chocolate and ate the whole chocolate into the puppet in several mouthfuls.

The energy core dispersed instantly and was quickly absorbed by the seal.

Koizumi Anko looked at this scene, her eyes brightened - those who have eaten chocolate will fall in love with her from the bottom of their hearts. In other words, from now on, this monster that came from nowhere is completely her prisoner.

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but smile. She first did what she had been wanting to do since just now, and raised her hand to touch the wings of Kiriten Dog.

...It feels as good as expected.

After a few seconds, she remembered something, pointed at Kidd with her finger, and simply ordered: "Take it back."

Kidd was suddenly cueed and was startled, subconsciously looking at Kiriten Dog.

Although Kiritengu stayed in the magic circle to eat and drink, which made him quite confident in this monster, Kiritengu's attitude towards chocolate just now made Kid uncertain whether chocolate was also ineffective against Kiritengu.

What was even more difficult was that he discovered that following Koizumi Anko's order, Kiriten Dog did half-turn around following her words and looked down at him, as if preparing to carry out the witch's order to "bring it back".

Kidd's heart went cold for a moment.

A witch is already very disappointing. If Kiriten Dog is also turned into her accomplice by strange magic...

At this moment, he felt that the magic power that trapped him suddenly loosened, and the imprints of the magic circle under his feet also disappeared.

——Koizumi Anko got a "helper" and felt that Kidd could no longer escape, so she stopped transmitting magic power. After all, she was very tired after maintaining the magic circle for so long.

Jiang Xia was startled. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the street that had returned to normal, and frowned inconspicuously.

Then he withdrew his gaze from staring at Kidd, as if debating whether to arrest someone, and turned to look at Koizumi Anko, his eyes twinkling.

Kidd's attention at this time was still on Koizumi Hongzi.

The magic circle disappeared, and the pressure around him relaxed. He immediately grabbed the anesthesia gun next to him, intending to bring down Koizumi Anko first. Although he didn't know what she did, the chocolate seemed to be some kind of control prop. Maybe if she faints, the foggy dog's problem will be temporarily alleviated.

However, before he could pull the trigger, a familiar strong wind suddenly blew up in front of him.

Kidd instinctively raised his hand in front of his face and peeked out his eyes from under the brim of his hat.

Then he was shocked to find that Kiritengo did not come to catch him as Koizumi Anko ordered. Instead, he picked up Koizumi Anko and took her flying high into the sky with a sudden flutter of wings.

Kidd only heard a very confused female voice screaming, and then the scream quickly became louder and blurred... and finally, together with the foggy dog, it rose to a small dot and disappeared into the night.

Kidd looked up: "...?"

As Koizumi Hongzi was taken away, some kind of barrier seemed to be broken.

The once deserted streets became bustling and popular again.

Terai's car also appeared nearby.

Kidd saw him at a glance and ran over quickly to open the car door: "Follow them quickly!"

Terai Huangnosuke glanced at the locator: "...Master, something seems to be wrong."

Kidd looked up at the sky through the bright front window of the car. There was nothing above. He didn't know where Kiritengu and Koizumi Anko had flown to.

He then turned to look at the locator in the car that showed the location of the transmitter - it was near the museum where Kiriten Dog was taken away by Koizumi Anko...or rather, when he was looking for Koizumi Anko, Kidd stuck to it. On his clothes.

However, now, the red dot was motionless and very close. It probably fell off accidentally just now, and it was no longer on the foggy dog.


This is very difficult to do.

Kidd sighed, leaned back in his chair, looked up at the dark night sky outside the car window, and felt that what happened tonight was a mess.

However, all the signs from beginning to end told him that things seemed to be developing in the direction that Kiritengu liked, except for the moment when Koizumi Anko put away the magic circle at the end...

Although magicians are feared, but from this point of view, in terms of metaphysics, Brother Youkai seems to be better.

Kidd showed humanitarian concern for Koizumi Hongzi's safety, and then stopped looking for her.

Anyway, Kiritengu seems to just like the witch's magic power. For the sake of sustainable development, he should not eat humans.

Speaking of which, after Kiriten Dog finds a long-term high-quality energy source, he might not come to rob him... Hey, I'm still a little disappointed when I think about it. After all, although the monster brother is ruthless when he robs, he will also overturn when he overturns. Fish him out. Just like today...

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