Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 76 Don’t run around

Jiang Xia packed up her luggage and herself, and when she went downstairs again, others were already gathered in the living room.

Except for the four of them who came to rent the villa, the others were all college classmates of Suzuki Ayako.

There were three men and two women in this group. In addition to Suzuki Ayako and the three boys who were visited one by one, there was also a short-haired woman - Chikako Ikeda.

Chikako Ikeda seems to be a celebrity.

Mao Lilan became excited when she heard her name: "Are you the author of "The Blue Kingdom"? I like this novel very much!"

"Blue Kingdom" is Chikako Ikeda's debut film during her college years and won the Best Newcomer Award.

This should have been an achievement worth showing off, but when Chikako Ikeda heard Mao Lilan talking about this, her face turned ugly, and she changed the topic unnaturally.

This is also inevitable.

Because Jiang Xia remembered that "The Blue Kingdom" was a work copied by Chikako Ikeda. The girl she copied was named Atsuko, and she used to be a member of the Film Research Club.

Two years ago, on the day of the "Blue Kingdom" awards ceremony, Atsuko hanged herself.

Just when Jiang Xia thought of this, she heard Suzuki Ayako sighing: "I'm really happy to be with you. It would be great if nothing happened to Atsuko, then we..."

"That's enough!" Chikako Ikeda reacted hugely. She slapped her hand on the table and stood up suddenly. "This is a rare gathering. Can you not mention that dead person who spoiled the fun?"

Jiang Xia's hand stretched out to the biscuit box and paused for a moment. He glanced at the fat brother next to him and felt that there was more murderous intent in him. It's a pity that the quality has not been upgraded and the taste is still average.

Suzuki Ayako was a little embarrassed when her classmates got angry, so she got up to prepare dinner.

The fat man among the three male classmates also scratched the back of his head and said with a naive smile: "The weather forecast says it will rain tonight, so I'm going to reinforce the roof. When I came here, I saw that it was a bit broken and there might be water seepage."

——Although Ryoichi Takahashi is a little fatter, he is a flexible fat man and has strong hands-on ability.

So whether it's repairing the roof or dismembering the body, the movements are very neat.

Jiang Xia ate biscuits and looked at Ryoichi Takahashi who was walking to the balcony.

Whether it was the murderous aura in Brother Fatty or Jiang Xia's "prophetic ability", these all told him that Takahashi Ryoichi was the "bandage man" they saw on the bridge.

The bandaged man has a normal body shape, but Ryoichi Takahashi is very fat. It is difficult for ordinary people to associate them together.

But in fact, Ryoichi Takahashi is only fat on his face, and his current "beer belly" is actually a bunch of stuffing.

——Takahashi Ryoichi planned to kill Chikako Ikeda to avenge Atsuko. And that fake belly was a prop he used to carry the body and blur the time of death.

Takahashi Ryoichi put on his tool bag and quickly climbed to the roof and disappeared from everyone's sight. No one noticed him except Jiang Xia.

At this time, next to the dining table, the long-haired handsome boy among the male classmates looked at Mao Lilan, banged a wall on the wall, and invited his high school sister to walk in the rain with him.

Mao Lilan hesitated, not wanting to go.

She has absolutely no interest in flirting with men.

And although the long-haired guy is indeed handsome, after looking at Jiang Xia's face for so long, her immunity to ordinary handsome guys has inevitably doubled.

Mao Lilan did not refuse on the spot, just because she was not good at refusing.

The handsome guy with long hair noticed her hesitation. In line with the principle of "helping women make choices when they are hesitant", he grabbed Mao Lilan's wrist and pulled her to the door: "Let's go, the air in the mountains is very fresh in the evening."

Jiang Xia sat at the dining table, glanced over at them, and said quietly:

"There was a smell of moisture outside the window, and it smelled like it was going to rain soon. Once the branches and leaves were wetted by the rain, the insects clinging to them would not be able to hold on tightly and would fall with the rain.

"Don't worry about ordinary bugs. They can be hung in the hair as decoration... But if they are ticks or something like that, remember to get rid of them in time. Ah, by the way, don't pull them out with your hands, otherwise they may pull off their bodies. The head is still in the flesh.

"Also, I heard that there are a lot of snakes around here. Snakes like hot and humid weather and will crawl out of their nests before and after rain. Please pay attention to your steps when walking. Don't step on them, as they can easily get bitten.

"But there are a lot of dead leaves now. It's really difficult to completely avoid it... So if you are bitten, don't panic and don't run. Once the blood flow accelerates, the venom will spread faster..."

With these words, the long-haired handsome guy stopped at the door.

It’s not that I’m frightened by bugs or snakes, but that I “can’t walk” in a physical sense.

—— Huge resistance came from his hands. The little high school student sister he was holding could have been easily dragged away just now, but at this time, she firmly stopped.

The long-haired handsome boy looked back in shock, and secretly exerted some force without believing in evil.

However, the delicate and soft girl behind her remained unmoved.

Seeing him turn around, Mao Lilan turned pale and whispered, "Why don't we go now." The woods at night are too scary...

In the heart of the long-haired boy, he actually doesn't want to give up.

But he really can't move people.

After a stalemate for half a minute, the long-haired handsome man silently let go of the numb hand held by Mao Lilan.

He pushed up his hair with trembling fingers and said forcefully and calmly: "Haha, that's right. You must be tired from the journey. Take a good rest first."

Jiang Xia looked away and poured herself a cup of black tea comfortably.

Conan glanced at him gratefully and help Jiang Xia push the sugar cube closer.

However, after a while, Conan suddenly became alert.

...Why did Jiang Xia stop Xiaolan from going for a walk with other handsome guys? Could he...

Conan's face turned pale as he thought about it.


[Update time: 8:30 am]

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