Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 808 Subaru Okiya: What a miserable detective. Please vote for me ()

"Let's go down and move this person away!" Yuji Tomura thought of this and sighed unhappily, opened the door and got out of the car, and at the same time called to the younger brother who was with him next to him. The two of them just went to the sniper spot for a routine visit and just came back.

The two got out of the car one after another, first dragged out the motorcycle on the ground that had jammed their tires, and threw the slightly twisted car aside.

Then he picked up the person who was "lying a corpse" on the front hood of the car and was about to throw it away.

But at this time, Tomura Yuji turned around while carrying the person, and a reflection suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes.

He looked up warily and saw a security surveillance camera standing on the corner of the street. The monitor lens was facing right here, and the dark and cold light reflected in his eyes. Tomura Yuji was startled and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

"Wait, you can't leave it here!" Yuji Tomura irritably took out his hand and rubbed his head.

After thinking for a moment, he frowned and called to his younger brother: "Put both the man and the motorcycle into the car, drive farther away and then throw them away - isn't there a river where I practiced sniping before? When the time comes, tie up this man and his unlucky motorcycle. Throw them into the river together. By the time the bodies float up, we will have left long ago."

...Although this area is far from "prosperous", people will occasionally pass by.

With just a moment's thought, Tomura Yuji knew that if he left the motorcycle driver and the motorcycle with signs of collision here or nearby, troubled passers-by might call the police if they saw a body lying on the street.

If things turn out like this, all the surveillance in this area may be called upon, and their car crash will definitely be discovered, and they will be targeted by the police.

The younger brother's reaction was not as fast as Yuji Tomura's. But it is better to be loyal and obedient.

Although he was a little confused, he still hummed and worked with the second-in-command to lift Jiang Xia and the car, opened the rear door, and stuffed them into their modified commercial vehicle.

——In order to transport weapons and escort sniper Yamabe Koichi, the interior seats have been removed, leaving a lot of space in the car.

The commercial vehicle drove away with curses.

The most critical traces at the car accident scene - people and vehicles - have been manually eliminated. There were only some broken parts left at the scene, scattered on this slightly messy street corner, which was very inconspicuous.

Everything seemed to be calm again.

One minute later.

A head with light hair cautiously poked out from behind the wall and looked far away in the direction where the commercial vehicle left.

When he was looking for a cat, he passed by this place. Subaru Okiya, who accidentally watched the whole process, pushed up his glasses and was silent for a moment.

"..." A good detective can get into trouble if he learns how to ride a motorcycle like a member of society.

Although he didn't know the inside story, Okiya Subaru knew after watching. It sounds like the driver of the commercial vehicle was planning to hit and run... No, this was more than just running away - taking the other party involved in the accident with him and the car and planning to sink him into the river was definitely murder.

Thinking of this, as a normal citizen most of the time, Subaru Okiya's first reaction was to take out his mobile phone and press "110".

...Please call the police for help.

Okiya Subaru thought that Uzo was probably using Jiang Xia as a tool to solve the case, and he had just enjoyed the detective's case-solving bonus. If he refuses to save himself at this time, his conscience will feel a little painful... Although Subaru Okiya himself is a shady member of the organization, after all, he will soon change his ways and fly away. It’s better to do a little bit of this kind of good thing today and accumulate good deeds.

But not before calling the police.

Okiya Subaru thought of something and made a move.

...In the past, I was just a free peripheral member, no one cared about what I did, just don't paddle too hard. Calling the police doesn't seem to be a big deal.

But now, he has a direct boss. The boss is also a terrible cadre who manipulates the police. Moreover, Uzo is so familiar with the case-solving process and is good at manipulating people's hearts. Maybe he is inside the police station. Developed many eyeliners. What if I call the police behind his back and make the unpredictable new boss feel unhappy and quietly arrange for me to be involved...

Subaru Okiya felt a chill in his heart as he thought about his friends and classmates who died or were imprisoned for murder.

"..." Or forget it.

He carefully put away his cell phone: Organization members should act like members of the organization and stay away from the police. At least they should not act like ordinary citizens and approach the police if they have difficulties.

But Jiang Xia...

Okiya Subaru struggled for a moment and suddenly had an idea.

He walked quickly to a nearby parking lot where his car was parked.

At the same time, Subaru Okiya took out his mobile phone and clicked on it to open a software.

The icon expanded into a map, with a red dot flashing calmly on it as it drove towards the outskirts of the city at a relatively fast speed - this was the transmitter attached to the commercial vehicle just now.

Okiya Subaru had been hanging out with agents for a long time recently, and he also got into the habit of carrying a transmitter with him.

When the two fierce-looking men in black were carrying Jiang Xia and the motorcycle, Subaru Okiya silently came to the back of the car, glued the bug and transmitter on, and then hid it again.

"..." At this point, if you think about it carefully, you can actually solve the problem without calling the police at the risk of offending Wu Zuo.

Didn't the fierce-looking co-pilot just say that they want to throw people away?

In this case, it is better to keep a distance and follow their car using the transmitter. After the unscrupulous driver threw the person out of the car, he went over to pick Jiang Xia up and transfer him to the hospital... As long as he didn't contact the police directly, Wu Zuo wouldn't mind. After all, it seems that Jiang Xia is actually a detective who is quite helpful in the "Usa-ryu Assassination".

Subaru Okiya quickly sorted out the plan in his mind, then started the fire, followed the location information on the transmitter, and fell far into the car with evil intentions.

At the same time, he put on one earphone and listened carefully to the sound coming from the bug.

——If the sound of parking, the sound of doors opening and closing, or any other movement of throwing someone comes from the earphones, record the location to facilitate locating the person being picked up.

Tomura Yuji's car did indeed drive towards the river where the sniper training point was, intending to throw Jiang Xia and the car into the river, destroying the corpses and destroying all traces.

However, after cleaning up the crime scene and starting again.

He glanced back, then looked again, staring at the person lying peacefully in the car behind, and frowned.

...Why do you think this lifeless bosozoku looks a bit familiar?

Next to me, the guy driving the car seemed to feel the same way.

And before the second-in-command who was eager for revenge, the younger brother remembered the source of the sense of déjà vu: "Huh? Brother, this seems to be the high school detective! The wristbands all have the same style. I saw them when I was watching the news - —He was racing in an alley...I almost didn't recognize him."


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