Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 870 Vodka, be brave. Please vote o(〃▽〃)

Chapter 870 Vodka, be brave. Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

Gin glanced at Vodka.

Seeing that he obeyed the arrangement without any objection, Gin looked away and said nothing more.

Although vodka has many disadvantages, it also has many advantages. "Follow the command" is undoubtedly a very prominent one among them.

It's just... Gin thought, he didn't know what the purpose of Uzo's asking people to come over. He just asked for a long time but still didn't find out - Wu Zuo only said that if he was curious, he could go to the venue and watch.

"..." Remembering that this young cadre always treated assassinations with the same attitude toward drama, Gin couldn't help but rub Beretta on the side of his waist.

But theoretically, he could actually understand why Uzo did this - in order to attract an audience, Uzo would not hesitate to sink the organization's ship. Now if Uzo is to take the initiative to spoil the story, he will definitely not speak easily... Okay As long as he is capable enough, Belmod will also be there, and any accidents can be dealt with in time. . . Compared to several other mysterious bastard members, Uzo at least has a good attitude...

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone suddenly vibrated.

Ginjiu glanced at the screen with murderous eyes and found that the message was from Jiang Xia.

When I opened the message, I saw the tone of the letter, which revealed a strange happiness:

[By the way, I prepared a small gift for Vodka as a reward for this help. Hope he will like it~]


Gin's eyes fell on the end of the text, staring at the dangerous tilde, and remained silent for a moment.

...Uzo usually uses relatively common symbols when sending emails. Even when describing cases that excite him, most of the sentences end with periods, and exclamation points are rarely used.

According to Gin's observation, the rare appearance of "~" usually means that Uzo wants to show his goodwill to the recipient of the letter.

But combined with Uzo's nature... Every time he saw Uzo sending something like this over, Gin felt like he saw something like a Venus flytrap slowly opening, exuding a sweet and friendly atmosphere, and then waited He bumped into something - in Vodka's words, "the friendliness level is beyond the limit, which is weird."

And now, that "something"...

Gin couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Vodka.

Next to him, Vodka, who was concentrating on driving, froze slightly.

His intuition told him that something was wrong with the way Gin looked at him, and the meaning seemed a bit complicated.

Vodka thought about the letter just now, and then thought about the person on the other end of the mailbox. For a moment, his hair stood up: ""

Gin put down his phone and thought for a moment: "I'll go there with you tomorrow."

...First go to the meeting place and observe it.

If everything is fine with Uzo, throw the vodka under the bus and go do something else.

And if Uzo is not in the right state...

Then let's not send the vodka.

Speaking of which, there are only a few business areas for vodka. Bourbon always knows a little bit of everything and is quite versatile.

At that time, we can push Boben out depending on the situation... Although I can't command him, I can tell the adult that if Uzo needs someone to cooperate...

Uzzo might also prefer this outcome.

As he thought about it, Gin gave a sinister sneer.

the other side.

Jiang Xia knew nothing about the groundless slander and suspicion of his two colleagues.

the next morning.

Jiang Xia took a nap for the first time in a long time. When I woke up, I yawned with my eyes half closed, and habitually reached out to the bed to touch the cat.

After touching it twice, I felt that the cat was sluggish today and no longer took the initiative to rub against people.

"...?" Jiang Xia was slightly startled, then opened his eyes and took a look. Suddenly I remembered that I was busy discussing vodka yesterday and forgot to feed the cat after riding the leopard.

He lit a stick of ghost mint and placed it next to the cat.

A group of ghosts gathered around and happily started eating.

The doorbell suddenly rang.

Jiang Xia put on her clothes, walked to the door, and looked out through the peephole, but saw no one.

So he opened the door and let people in.

This point comes to him, plus the height that cannot be seen through the peephole. It was already obvious who was coming.

——It should be Haiyuan Ai who came to visit with breakfast.

"I saw your motorcycle was still in the yard, so I came over to see if you had eaten. You just happened to have too much." Haiyuan Ai carried a three-layer lunch box and walked to the restaurant in a familiar way.

After setting up breakfast, she suddenly felt something lying next to her.

Looking along, Haiyuan Ai was startled.

...On the dining chair, there was actually a familiar looking cat walking on dark clouds and snow.

The cat was holding a lit cigarette in its mouth. Under Hui Yuan Ai's shocked gaze, it took a puff of it with a leisurely expression.

Haibara Ai:"……?"

...How can you smoke a cat!

However, from the taste point of view, this is not cigarette, but Jiangxia's refreshing plant dry foam... No, no, no, this is not the point. The point is that a cat is holding the "cigarette" in its mouth and sucking it comfortably. No matter how you look at it, it is strange. and……

Haiyuan Ai secretly took a look at the cat's size, then looked at the very distinctive fur color, and her face turned pale.

——Isn’t this the anonymous cat that visited her house last time?

Haihara Ai remembered that at that time, an unknown member had drawn a "Z" pattern on the cat's paw.

At that time, the cat had a meal with her and then disappeared... Why did it appear here in Jiangxia again?

While Hui Yuan Ai was surprised, she suddenly thought of her previous guess about "Isn't there a 'Z' tattoo hidden under Jiang Xia's wrist guard?" and her heart skipped a beat.

While Jiang Xia went to wash up, Hui Yuan Ai carefully turned his head, opened his legs, and secretly looked at the living room and surrounding rooms.

After a while.

Hui Yuan Ai discovered with complicated emotions that there were no supplies related to raising cats in these places. Not even in the yard.

In other words, the cat probably just came to visit her, just like it did when she and Dr. A Li visited her that day.

"..." Thinking of this, look at the cat lying comfortably on the dining chair. Haihara Ai fell into deep thought for a moment.

Both Miss Anonymous and Xiaobai seem to like to go around rescuing high school detectives. And now it seems... Sure enough, even the anonymous cat likes to come and play with Jiang Xia.

Speaking of which, Haihara Ai suddenly remembered something: this cat seemed to have appeared in the live broadcast that Dr. Ali watched yesterday.

Haibara Ai was not very interested in Kidd's performance. She was busy doing experiments yesterday and did not watch the live broadcast with Dr. A Li.

However, based on the information he glanced at while passing by, Haibara Ai remembered that Detective White Horse was also at the scene at that time - Detective White Horse was also a high school student detective.

"..." This anonymous cat really likes to hang around the high school detective. Just like the elusive Anonymous.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xia's voice came from far away.

Hui Yuan Ai came back to his senses and shook his head: "It's okay."

After a pause, he finally couldn't help but remind him: "Cat smoking... doesn't matter?"

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