Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 872 Come on, please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

Vodka's eyes lit up when he saw the appearance of the poster tube.

——As a senior fan of the Earth Lady Team, Vodka can be recognized at a glance just by its curly edge: this is the commemorative poster for the Earth Lady Team’s first anniversary, one of the rarest on the market. Still a signed out-of-print version!

This set of posters came with the concert tickets at that time and could only be obtained by the first 100 viewers. As Vodka was so busy, he regretfully missed that performance. Later, he charged a high price for a long time, and no one was willing to transfer it.

"..." I didn't expect that Wuzuo would have this poster and be willing to share it...

Vodka looked at Jiang Xia suspiciously. I found that at this time, the young man in front of me didn't have the usual "Uzo" aura at all - he really just looked like someone who had received help from his seniors, so he brought a thank-you gift to express his gratitude and respect. He was easy to get along with. descendants.

Vodka: "..." I heard that Uzo and Miss Yoko have a good relationship. And Miss Yoko was a member of the "Earth Lady Team". . . It’s not surprising that Uzo could acquire such a rare poster. And since he is not star-chasing, today's gift may really be just a "meaningful" gift, without any too deep meaning.

Vodka is at war with nature and man in his heart, but in the end he is no match for the feeling of "wanting".

He glanced at Gin sitting in the car next to him from the corner of his eye, calmed down, and reached out to take it.

——The precious poster is obtained.

Vodka lowered his eyes and looked at it. He wanted to take it apart on the spot and take a look... Unfortunately, it was still working time.

He sighed with regret in his heart and was about to put the large poster into the car first.

However, just as he flipped the poster over with his hands, his fingertips suddenly felt tingling.

Vodka quickly retracted his hand, and when he looked carefully, he saw a shining silver needle hidden in the middle of the poster, where the beautiful ribbon was tied - it was the needle that pricked his hand just now!


For a moment, the faces of countless victims who died tragically from poisonous needles flashed through Vodka's mind - especially the unlucky diplomat who officially gave "Jiangxia" the name "Uzuo".

Vodka stared at the poster in his hand, feeling like he was holding a ferocious-looking snake. A biting chill ran from my fingertips all the way to my forehead. He pinched his pricked wrist to block blood flow.

The poster wrapped in a plastic shell fell to the ground with a clatter.

At the same time, Vodka staggered back to the car: "Brother, there is a poisonous needle hidden on the poster!!"

Gin's eyes moved and fell on his hand.


Jiang Xia looked at the vodka and nodded secretly: When faced with a life threat, even if the opponent is "Uzo", the vodka will show murderous intent due to its survival instinct... Article 1 of the Vanilla Ice Cream Production Guide has been passed once again The test of practice.

He sighed, stepped forward to pick up the poster tube on the ground, and gently patted the dust off it.

Then he looked at the "silver needle" in the ribbon and thought about it doubtfully.

After a moment, Jiang Xia showed a clear look.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Xia took off the "needle" and stuffed the poster into Vodka's arms again. "This is not a poisonous needle. It was probably the last Christmas. This poster was placed under the Christmas tree and got mixed in. Pine needles dyed silver—"

Jiang Xia shook the "silver needle" in his hand, lightly pinched a mark on it, and comforted: "With this kind of hardness, I'm afraid it won't even be able to break through the cocoon you knocked on the keyboard, so there's no need to think about poison at all."

"..." Vodka reluctantly looked away from Jiang Xia and glanced at his fingers.

Then he discovered that he did feel a sting just now, but it did not break the skin and his fingers were intact... It was probably some kind of psychological factor that amplified his sense of being "stung".

Vodka's face turned pale and blue: "..."

Opposite me, Jiang Xia shook her head gently and said with understanding:

"If you live a busy life for too long, it's easy to be overly vigilant like you. I understand. But from now on, you don't have to be so nervous in front of me - you have to treat me as a companion you can trust. Only in this way can we Maximize efficiency in completing tasks.”

Vodka: "..."he~tui!

He suspected that the concept of "companion" did not exist in Uzo's dictionary.

As for entrusting his back...the last fool who trusted Uzo with his back and trusted him wholeheartedly...

Vodka thought of the man dressed in black, holding a roll on his head, and wearing a pair of sunglasses:

A ruthless man who could fight with the big brother Gin. Within a few days of falling into Uzo's hands, he was left speechless and vomiting blood. It is said that he would not survive for two years... Although Uzo blamed the Burmese landmines. on his head, but Vodka didn't believe it at all - the truth serum used by Uzo to test the composition of his younger brother has not yet been officially used in the organization, which shows that it has shocking side effects. But judging from what Uzo said at the time, feeding Veritaserum to his loyal little brother was as common as feeding canned food to a cat...Only a fool would dare to trust him.

Although now, the young man opposite has a sincere expression.

But in Vodka's eyes, the more kindly Uzo appeared, the more his hair stood on end.

Suddenly being said something like this, Vodka became wary and subconsciously glanced at the black car on the roadside in shock - his trusty lap was sitting in the car.

Then in the car, Gin answered a phone call.

After a while, Gin Jiu put down his cell phone, nodded to the two people outside, and drove away - as if he wanted Vodka to give Jiang Xia a good cooperation.

Vodka: "...?"

...Big brother? ? ?

Gin is still very busy today.

The vodka was borrowed, and he had more chores to deal with. There is no time to waste here anymore.

And at the beginning, the purpose of his coming here was just to observe Uzo's condition: if it was still stable, let Vodka help.

Now it seems that Gin doesn't think the problem is big.

——The thing pinned to the poster is indeed not a metal product. As Uzo said, it should be a harmless pine needle.

It's normal for Uzo to pick up his teammates when he has nothing to do. On the contrary, if he had been acting honestly, it would have made people feel like he was holding back some big move.

...In short, it is in normal condition, so Vodka can rest assured.

When Gin rushed to work.

The entrance of Acupido Momota Club.

Vodka kept looking at the black car that sped away.

After a few seconds, Jiang Xia couldn't help but pat him and interrupted: "Let's go. Work is important."

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