Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 879 The second plan

"Haha, actually I didn't expect it." Kaoru Kusano smiled sheepishly, "Although I have said before that I want to get married and retire early like Yukiko-senpai. But when it actually comes true, it still feels like a dream."

Vodka: "..." Retirement? ? Just for the man with the messy ponytail? ?

The sunglasses hid Vodka's murderous gaze very well.

Except for the person being stared at, Kenzaki Osamu touched his arm and felt a chill on his back. Several other celebrities didn't notice anything strange about him.

Kaoru Kusano didn't look at Vodka at all, she was looking at Hoshino Terumi. Recalling that the group disbanded because they didn't get along, Kaoru Kusano smiled strangely: "However, when it comes to marriage, I thought before that Terumi-san must be the first to get married..."


The air was quiet for a moment.

Kinoshita Yoko and Yue Yexue both heard the provocation and ridicule in her words.

The two people sighed helplessly.

Yue Yexue followed Kaoru Kusano's topic and tried his best to get the topic back on track.

She looked at Hoshino Terumi and chatted casually: "I heard a while ago that you had a crush, how is your progress now?"

Hoshino Terumi looked across the bag and felt the signed magazine inside. She was not angry because of Kaoru Kusano's provocation. She just said in a calm tone: "There is no progress, and I'm afraid there won't be in the future - compared to getting married early, Entering the grave of life, I still prefer the beautiful experience of unrequited love, and in this way, both people will be very free."

"Huh?" Kaoru Kusano slapped the shoe cabinet and walked towards her angrily, "You said that a wedding is a tomb at someone's engagement ceremony. Are you looking for trouble!"

Yoko Kinoshita and Yukino Yukitou pulled the two people away.

At this time, the door leading to the living room clicked open.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw a familiar man walking out.

The man is tall and good-looking. But he was wearing a gray apron, and his hairstyle and clothes were not deliberately arranged. He stood next to several celebrities, subtly showing a bit of a gray face.

This is Makuma Atsushi, Kaoru Kusano’s manager.

It was also the witness Jiang Xia met at the outdoor restaurant last night.

"Um..." Jian Xiong Du opened the door and saw Jiang Xia. He was not too surprised.

He nodded to the young detective as a greeting.

Then he looked at Kaoru Kusano, then at Terumi Hoshino, and clearly changed the subject: "Detective Zuomonji will be airing soon. There are clips of you in this episode, come on in and watch."

Kaoru Kusano turned to look at him, his face darkened, and he snorted coldly: "No, I'm not interested - I'm going to take a bath first, and come over and let me know when the broadcast is over."

With that said, she turned around and walked to the bathroom.

Jianxiong Du was startled, chased a few steps away, and humbly whispered: "But then the food will be cold and the taste will not be good. And today is your engagement party, you... you better not be too willful and follow everyone's actions. Bar."

When Kaoru Kusano heard what he said, she felt even worse. She raised her hand and waved him away: "I told you I don't want to see it! I know what to do myself, so why should I teach you a waste like you?!"

She dropped these words, walked towards the bathroom, and slammed the corridor door with a bang.

The others stood there in silence, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

After a moment, Yue Yexue sighed and broke the silence: "Xiaoxun must be shy - I remember every time she appeared on the screen, she would immediately change the channel, not wanting her friends to see it."

Vodka nodded inwardly and secretly took notes: Miss Axun actually has such a cute shy character. Although it's a bit scary to suddenly get angry, but who makes her look so cute... Hehe. Brand new information, take note.

Manager Xiong Du, holding the still warm vegetable spatula, looked at the closed door and wanted to say something else.

But Vodka stared back.

Jian Xiong Du was startled, wondering why this strong man in black suddenly became so vicious.

But after seeing him like this, he really woke up and realized that he was just an agent. He lowered his head and sighed, saying nothing more.

Jiang Xia stood quietly aside, watching the changes in Vodka, and was in a good mood: Among the several cadres, Gin's cadres obviously had the highest concentration, and they were always filled with murderous aura; Belmode was also very reliable most of the time, but she was the only one who When he is with Maori Ran and Conan, his state is sad; Toru Amuro needs to put a few serious cadres next to him and let him enter the bourbon state so that he can continue to be murderous like a bottle of real wine; and vodka... ...As long as he is not facing other cadres, but ordinary people with opposing stances, he seems to be able to overflow with high-grade murderous aura normally.

For a long time, Jiang Xia thought that this strong man in black was not capable of risking murderous intent.

But now it seems that if there is no gin next to it, maybe vodka will also be a good bottle of wine with a huge yield...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia's mind moved slightly, and he vaguely had some ideas: For example, take the vodka away from the gin and replace it with a weaker teammate.

But then I thought about it, without Gin to supervise, based on Vodka’s carelessness when performing tasks and his record of leaving traces everywhere...

Maybe it won’t be long before Vanilla Ice Cream is silenced by the organization.

"..." Let's forget it for now.

The fake detective and fake detective assistant stood among the people attending the engagement ceremony, secretly thinking about irrelevant things.

Fortunately, they each have their own way of "hiding their true thoughts". Others did not notice their abnormality, and their attention was still focused on today's engagement party.

Kinoshita Yoko walked quietly along the corridor to the direction of the bathroom, and leaned against the door to eavesdrop. This apartment is well soundproofed.

After vaguely hearing the sound of rushing water, Kinoshita Yoko turned around, gestured to the people gathered with a "V" sign for victory, trotted back, and said happily: "When I said her drama was going to be broadcast, I was so excited. Kaoru is indeed hiding, just as I thought before! Let’s start as planned.”

Hoshino Terumi was startled, closed the magazine in her hand, and recovered from a pile of illusory pink bubbles.

She looked up and looked at Kinoshita Yoko and found her former teammate rummaging through her bag. She couldn't help but ask: "The plan you mentioned it serious?"

——Three people dressed in the alien suits they wore when they first appeared on stage, surrounded Kaoru Kusano and sang her a pink debut song...

"Of course." Kinoshita Yoko continued to rummage through her bag, looking for the clothes, with a happy expression on her face, "How commemorative!"

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