Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 609: Information Office

The existence of Kai Le Men convinced the citizens of the Federation and even the entire empire that war has become a thing of the past. See, even the merchants of the Federation came to the core of the country to open such a hotel. It did not mean that the shadow of the war had already Farther and farther, have the bells of peace and freedom struck?

This businessman from the Commonwealth is called Kaile, so this hotel is called Kailemen, and it seems that it is also confirming the victory of the empire in the North-South Patriotic War?

In short, Mr. Kaile has become a celebrity of the Empire and the Commonwealth, and has also held some positions with strong political colors, such as "advisor". The senior officials of both the Empire and the Commonwealth attach great importance to Mr. Keller's views. It is precisely because of his actions that the military confrontation, which may last for a long time, has been completely quelled. Both sides regard him as bringing peace The ambassador gave him so many convenient conditions that the operation was no longer the main job of Mr. Kaile.

His main job is of course clients.

He or social celebrities like him used clients to describe his work as an insult to him. It is better to use "messenger".

"Sir, are you dining or entertaining?"

When Xun Gang stepped on the marble floor inside the gate of Kailemen, a welcome lady immediately greeted him. While leading Du Lin toward the inside, he asked Du Lin's main purpose of coming to Kaile Men. Then Du Lin reported Kevin's name, but a little unexpected, because Kevin only reported two people when he registered for the number of diners, but now there are three. In order to avoid this guest from affecting other people's meals later, the restaurant needs to confirm.

I waited for about two minutes, and Kevin walked out of the elevator. He had a cane in his hand. Although he could make the crutch in his hand look like a civilized stick as much as possible when walking, the somewhat faltering posture still sold the real purpose of the delicate stick in his hand. .

"I thought you would only contact me tomorrow. You came just right, I have a friend to introduce to you." Kevin enthusiastically hugged Du Lin, then patted his arm, turned and turned to him We walked towards the elevator together and whispered, "This time I invited the head of a new department of the Ministry of Justice. Thanks to the citizen ID system you got in Otis, the Ministry of Justice thinks it is very important. Significant, a proposal has been prepared for submission to the Imperial Parliament for voting in March. "

"From the current situation, it seems unlikely that there will be any resistance. Magus nodded in agreement. The old party breathed air and could guarantee that there would not be any accidents in the Imperial Parliament. So the idea within the Ministry of Justice It is to first establish the content of the departmental framework, and immediately enter the work after the proposal is approved. This new department is called the "empire citizen information office" and will manage the identity information of all citizens of the empire. It's a department that looks useless but absolutely important! "

The two talked and walked. When they arrived at the waiting area, the hotel waiter had stopped the elevator for them and opened the elevator door. The words of the two also stopped.

The hotel's decoration is very luxurious, with a distinguished atmosphere from the inside and out, it looks very public, but it won't make people hate this place.

The dining place is on the third floor of the hotel. When the elevator door opened, Du Lin realized why Kailemen Hotel was one of the best hotels in the capital.

他 He doesn't know exactly how much the entire hotel is on the third floor, but he can count how many tables there are, not to say that the restaurant on the third floor is small, on the contrary, the area is very large. But the distance between each table and each table is very wide, at least not less than fifteen meters. Du Lin also noticed that there are screens around some dining tables to ensure the privacy of the diners inside. Even if the voice is a little louder, people at the next table cannot hear it.

巨大 A huge crystal chandelier made the entire third floor very bright, and Kevin greeted Doolin towards the table they had booked. It was a square table, and Du Lin didn't look crowded. A lady who looked thirty-seven or eighty years old had stood up and looked at Kevin and Du Lin with a smile.

"This beautiful lady is Nomi 菈, who will serve as the director of the Information Office, responsible for the information approval of citizens across the country every two years." He nodded with a smile to Nomi 菈, and then continued to introduce, " This is my good friend, Mr. Doolin. You may not be familiar with him, but I think you must have heard of Mayor Doolin in Otis, this gentleman. "

Nomiy took the initiative to reach out and shook Du Lin, which surprised Du Lin slightly, but did not show it, "It is a very lucky thing to meet a young talent like Mr Du Lin, everyone is discussing you When will it come back, will it bring us new surprises! "

"Thank you, I believe it will not be far away that day!", Du Lin answered very politely, and politely sat down with two sentences.

Nomi 菈 is also a member of the New Party. According to people's feelings, he is working in the core of imperial politics such as the Imperial City, and the chief executive in a branch of the Ministry of Justice's vertical management should be a great man. It may not be wrong to say so, but it depends on who you compare with. If it is simply compared with a mayor of a remote city, Nommie has enough confidence to stand still and let Du Lin say hello to her first. But Du Lin is not the same. He has not only served as the mayor of the SAR, it is said that he has a very good personal relationship with Harry and Magus.

This makes Nomi 菈 the capital that is not in place, and everyone can see that after Du Lin was removed from office, he did not even lower the level of the party, and even raised the level of the party by one level. It may be insider to make people inside the party realize that Du Lin was fired, or of course, it was Magus who favored him. No matter what the reason is, the final result cannot be escaped--Dulin will definitely return to the new party and become an important person in the party. According to his current party level, he is enough to serve as mayor of any city, even Governor of a remote area!

In the face of a new party member who has such energy and wrists, why does Nomi have the courage to stand still?

After I sat down, everyone talked for a while. It was possible that Nomi and Dulin met each other for the first time, so the topic was not very deep. Nomi would resign and go home before 9 o'clock. After Kevin bought the bill, he and Du Lin watched her leave the car. Then the two brothers looked at each other and got into the car with a smile.

After they got on the bus, they both lit a cigarette. Kevin took a hard breath and glanced at the driver. After Du Lin nodded, he said, "This information office will be a very powerful department. Think about it. If you want to know information about any one person, you only need a phone call to know where this person lives, who they live with, what kind of work they are doing, and how much they earn. Even we still They can get their bills through the central bank or other banks, which can almost control everyone in the official hands. "

"Now many people still don't see the benefits of the information office. They regard this department as a cold bench, but I believe that when the information office develops, they will definitely surprise the eyes of this group of people. Socialize, sell first. "

Du Lin nodded, but gave a different point of view, "Do you want the information collector to collect your personal privacy?"

With a question, Kevin's entire facial expression changed from vivid to stiff, his eyes seemed to be confused, he lost focus, and he immediately fell into silence. It wasn't until his fingers burned into his buttocks that he trembled as if shocked, then raised his foot and stepped back and forth on the floor of the car a few times. There is no doubt that Du Lin made him find that he had made a wrong judgment in one sentence. It is no wonder that a department that clearly has such an advantage has not received much attention in the Ministry of Justice, and some people even said that Nomie must have offended. What talent will be assigned to the competent information office.

Before, Kevin still mocked these people for short-sightedness. It was just that the information department had the information of all citizens of the entire empire. It was a very powerful department ~ ~ If you add a little power, this department will It will become the main and most powerful department of the Ministry of Justice. But Du Lin's words awoke him a bit. If someone wanted to collect his personal information, he would definitely pick up the hardcover edition of the Imperial Code and smash it on that person's head.

资本 The capitalists, officials, politicians, celebrities ... and all the celebrities living in the spotlight, the elites of the upper class, the most important people in this empire are probably the ones who are least willing to reveal their privacy. Their presence will be a huge obstacle to the work of the Information Office. If these people cannot be resolved, don't want the whole society to accept the Information Office.

It seems that he is still too young politically and thinks too little. He shook his head with a sigh and lighted a cigarette. "I'm curious, how does your head grow? How could it be more than me? Still smart? "

Du Lin said with a smile: "This is the best compliment I have ever heard of this year, so don't be too polite!"

He opened the window and threw the cigarette **** out. When he turned back, the wind outside the window blew his hair. His eyes were particularly bright in the dark compartment. How are you doing now? "

When Kevin was hit, he would become very lazy. He leaned back on the back seat of the car seat and answered weakly. "What else? Young people hate me. . "...

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