Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1324: The prosperity of ancestors, the downfall of younger generations

   Chapter 1324 The prosperity of the ancestors, the downfall of the younger generation

   Lin Tian replied, "I don't want to hear about him."

  Lin Tian's coldness made everyone startled, but Bu Feng said anxiously, "My son is like this, how can you save him?"

   "I'll save him now, but in the meantime, don't disturb me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, a force dragged Bulong, then returned to the room and closed the door.

  Everyone wondered if Lin Tian really had the ability to solve the flesh and strange diseases on Bulong's body.

   At this moment, Bulong was put on the ground, and Lin Tian stood in front of him and said, "Tell me, how did you get this disease."

At this moment, Bulong sat on the ground feeling a little better and said, "About half a year ago, a strange treasure map appeared in the city. It was rumored that some precious runes and medicinal pills could be found, so I searched with a group of friends and finally found the treasure map. Treasure's underground palace, but when we get inside, our body swells up, it's very uncomfortable, and then we withdraw."


   "After I came back, some people died, and I was a little older, but I always wanted to eat, and at the same time, my body was getting fatter day by day, and I couldn't use strength." The Bron explained.

  Lin Tian squatted down, put one hand on his shoulder, then looked inside his body, and that Bulong said with vigor, "Can you really heal me?"

"Do not talk."

   The other party had no choice but to remain silent, but after Lin Tian's consciousness swam in the other party's body, he found nothing abnormal, which made him wonder, "Strange, there is no abnormality?"

   Just when Lin Tian was about to try again, he found that there was a faint black spot in the other party's Yuanshen, and this little black spot released a strange power there.

  Lin Tian's consciousness penetrated curiously, only to see that this little black spot was a small bug, and this little bug looked like a black caterpillar, but it was looming, hidden in the primordial spirit, and difficult to find.

   "Bloat bug." Lin Tian didn't expect this guy to be a ghost, so Lin Tian used the trapping technique to get it out bit by bit.

   In the end, Lin Tian held it in one hand and put it away, and that Bulong lost weight in an instant.

   Not only that, but the power on his body can also be used, which surprised Bulong, "This."

   "Okay, rest for a few days and you can fully recover." Lin Tian said, and the Bulong was very grateful, "Thank you for the doctor."

   "Be a good person in the future." Lin Tian said to him, and Bronen said, "I will definitely do it."

After    finished speaking, Bulong left happily, while Lin Tian opened his palm and stared at the little thing, "Tell me, why are you in that underground palace."

   "My lord, I came there through a crack."


   "Yes, there is a crack in the underground palace that connects our world. After I come, I can't go back." The flatulent worm said pitifully.

"Then why did you run into someone else's body again?" Lin Tian asked, and the worm said anxiously, "When a group of them ran in, I wanted to leave the underground palace through this person's body, so after entering his body, I fell asleep comfortably. already."

   "You fell asleep alone and almost killed someone else." Lin Tian sighed, and the bug said depressedly, "I didn't mean to."

   "Okay, follow me later." Lin Tian said, and the worm muttered, "I can't survive without continuous aura."

   "It's not just aura, just set up a formation for you."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian got the bug into the painting and made a formation in the painting.

   In this formation, the little bug was very happy, and then it grew a little bit bigger, and finally became the size of a fist.

   That Zeng Xiaoyao asked curiously, "What is this."

   "An interesting bug." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he let Zeng Xiaoyao watch, and then Lin Tian left the painting.

   It was very lively under the inn at the moment, because of Bulong's recovery, everyone believed that Lin Tian's medical skills were very powerful.

   Therefore, countless people wanted to invite Lin Tian, ​​but they were all stopped by Su Jing. As for Bu Feng, he wanted to send something to Lin Tian, ​​but he was still stopped.

  Bu Feng had to ask Liu Yunfeng to help, and Liu Yunfeng came to Lin Tian's room to find Lin Tian, ​​"Little brother, can you come in?"

"come in."

   After Liu Yunfeng went in, he took out a space bag, "There are a lot of colorful stones here, just treat it as a reward from the Bu family."

  Lin Tian took a look and found that there were quite a few inside, and said with a smile, "That's fine, I'll accept it."

  Liu Yunfeng said happily, "Come to the City Lord's Mansion when you have time, let's have a good chat."

"There will be a chance."

  Liu Yunfeng then turned around and left, and when Su Jing came back, she wondered, "Old Ancestor, how do you accept people and things."

   "Someone gave it away, why didn't you take it?" Lin Tian laughed and put away the bag.

  Su Jing sighed, "Ancestor, if you make money like you do, it probably won't take many days for you to become the richest man in Kyushu."

   "Look, am I short of money?" Lin Tianxiao asked, while Su Jing hesitated, "This."

   "I want money, I can have it at any time." After Lin Tian finished speaking, Bai Jue outside shouted, "The people below are yelling to see a doctor."

  Lin Tian thought about it and said, "Let's continue to choose ten."

After   , Lin Tian went downstairs and went to the courtyard, while the shopkeeper Tong continued to let everyone go one after another.

   After about an hour, Lin Tian got ten people, and then packed up and went shopping.

  Su Jing and Bai Jue followed, but when Su Jing saw Lin Tian walking out of the city, she asked curiously, "Ancestor, where are we going?"

   "I'm going somewhere."

  Su Jing and Bai Jue were curious about where they were going, but Lin Tian walked out of the city without saying much.

   About half a day later, they came to the edge of a desolate stockade.

   There are still many people living here, but these people are somewhat frail and completely lacking the power of the Holy Spirit.

   "How could this be." Lin Tian frowned, while Su Jing was curious, "Old Ancestor, where is this?"

   "Back home." Lin Tian said these two words, and Su Jing said in surprise, "What? This is the bandit den?"

  Lin Tian wondered, "The ancestors of this family all possessed all kinds of holy spirits, and they were very powerful, but now, why have they become so desolate."

  Su Jing muttered, "It may be that after that war, their descendants became like ordinary people, not born with the Holy Spirit."

  Lin Tian doesn't think so. After all, there is a Holy Spirit born by nature, it is a kind of blood inheritance, and it will not disappear suddenly.

   So Lin Tian continued to go, but at this time a group of gangsters came out and stopped Lin Tian and others.

   "Outsiders are not allowed to step in." The leader pointed at Lin Tian and the others with a stick, like beggars.

  Lin Tian stared at these people and said, "I want to see your patriarch."

   Hearing that these people wanted to see the patriarch, these people looked at each other in dismay, and the leader said like a ruffian, "Who do you think you are? If you want to see our patriarch, you can meet me?"

   (end of this chapter)

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