Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2104: Ancestor Ning is missing

   Chapter 2104 Old Ancestor Ning is Missing

   The woman was a little surprised, especially since the ice everywhere had been shattered, but Lin Tian was an immortal, but he was still intact, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Did you raise the things in the stone statue in the Temple of the Beast King?"

   "Boy, the less you know, the better!" The woman still said coldly with her back to Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was even more curious, "You make me even more curious."

   "I don't care whether you are curious or not, anyway, today, I will not let you tell the secret here." The woman said solemnly.

   But Lin Tian laughed, "You want to trap me?"

   "That's right!" After the other party finished speaking, there were formations around, blocking the entrance, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "When I came in just now, there were also a bunch of formations, but what happened in the end?"

   "You are crazy!" The woman said coldly, while Lin Tian smiled and replied, "It's like this!"

   "Good birth! However, next, I'll let you know that even if you have a strong defense, you can't do it with me!" After the woman finished speaking, the blood-red liquid began to release blood-red light.

   Not only that, those blood lights invaded Lin Tian's body one by one, causing Lin Tian's blood to fluctuate.

  Lin Tian couldn't help laughing after seeing the blood changes in his body, "Your blood control technique is quite good."

   The other party was a little surprised, "You, you are not under control?"

   "No, it's just that my power is greater than your control power, so you can't control it." Lin Tian looked back at the woman with a smile.

   The woman didn't believe it, and still said there, "Boy, I don't believe you have this ability!"

   "Don't believe it? Do you think it's useful?" Lin Tian asked with a smile.

   The other party snorted and continued to control countless blood-red rays of light to invade Lin Tian's body.

  Lin Tian still didn't take these red lights seriously, and smiled at the woman, "I said, can you find some great skills!"

   "You." The woman was completely annoyed by Lin Tian, ​​and then waved her hand, blood-red liquid everywhere, condensing blood-red beast shadows.

  Lin Tian laughed and said after seeing this, "Blood Beast Technique, not bad."

   "Boy, you actually know the blood beast technique?"

   "I've seen them in some places before." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the woman snorted, "Even if you've seen them before, you know how scary they are."

"The blood beasts transformed by the blood beast technique can make themselves stronger by leaving their own blood in other beasts, right?" Lin Tian explained, and the woman said coldly, "You know a lot. "

   "I finally understand what's going on in the Beast King Temple now. It turns out that it was these blood beasts that on the surface gave them power, but actually absorbed their power." Lin Tianwei laughed.

   "Boy, it seems that I have to leave you today." The woman became gloomy, and then the blood beasts rushed towards Lin Tian frantically one by one, and rushed into Lin Tian's body.

  The woman said coldly, "You actually know the horror of blood beasts, you know that once they enter the body, they will drink all the blood of a person, and even attack the fairy soul until the soul of that person is completely destroyed."

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "You are frightening me."

   "Not to scare you, but to remind you and give you a chance."


   "As long as you stay here, don't leave, and don't spread the word about this place, I can spare your life and make you my slave." The woman said word by word.

  But Lin Tian laughed, and the woman wondered, "What are you laughing at?"

   "I laughed, you really thought I was being controlled by your blood beast." Lin Tian couldn't help but laugh.

  The woman hummed, "You don't need this opportunity, then I'm welcome."

   After finishing speaking, the woman went to control the blood beasts, but found that the blood beasts were not under her control at all, which shocked the woman, "This, what's going on."

   "How, do you feel that you can't connect with them anymore?" Lin Tianxiao asked the woman, and the woman asked angrily, "Boy, what do you mean?"

   "I mean very simply, they have been controlled by me." Lin Tian smiled and released the blood beast.

   These blood beasts lay beside Lin Tian one by one, and the woman did not believe in evil and continued to control it, with the same result.

  The woman was annoyed, "What I spent so many years cultivating was actually given by you!"

  Lin Tian knew that the other party was angry, but he didn't feel pity at all, and said, "Then I have to thank you for training, right?"

   "Boy, even if you are going to die, I will fulfill you." The woman immediately flashed with blood, and then the whole person disappeared, but the blood-red liquid around her turned into sharp swords, which directly hit Lin Tian one by one.

   These sharp swords, "Dangdangdang" kept hitting, but Lin Tian looked at them and found that only one tenth of the golden body was broken, and nothing else had changed.

   "This, how is this possible!" The woman in the dark was startled, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Okay, don't waste time, it's time to end."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he conjured a pen in his right hand, and then began to draw there, countless shackles entangled in the air, and finally forced the woman out and entangled her fairy soul.

   The woman struggled for a while, but couldn't break free and had to hum, "Boy, today's affairs, I will never finish with you!"

   After the other party finished speaking, it turned into blood in the blink of an eye, flew into the blood cell, and disappeared together with the blood cell.

  Lin Tian wondered, "So unplayable?"

   However, Lin Tian gained a lot from these blood beasts, and blood beasts can easily enter the human body and control the blood of others.

   So Lin Tian put them all away, and sighed, "It seems that there are quite a few masters of Wang Xing this month."

   But this didn't scare Lin Tian, ​​so Lin Tian wanted to quickly pack up and go back to Old Ancestor Ning to see if he made a breakthrough.

  However, when Lin Tian returned to the old orangutan and the others, he happened to see a group of fallen fairy monsters, and some of these fairy monsters died and some fell into a coma.

  Lin Tian was suspicious and quickly woke the old orangutan, but the old orangutan woke up with serious injuries and stared at Lin Tian in surprise, "Sir."

"What's up?"

   "I don't know, a purple light suddenly exploded, we felt attacked by something, and then passed out." The old orangutan said depressedly.

  Lin Tian frowned, "Purple Light?"

   "Yes, Ziguang, there seems to be a person."

  Lin Tian became suspicious, "Could it be the Purple Ghost Immortal?"

  Lin Tian hesitated for a moment, and rushed into the cave with a leap, and the formations in the cave were shattered, even in the place where Old Ancestor Ning practiced, and there was a sound transmission stone on the ground.

  Lin Tian picked up the sound transmission stone and connected, while on the other side, the purple ghost smiled strangely, "Boy, I didn't expect it to be me."

   "What did you do?" Lin Tian said coldly.

   "I didn't do anything, I just found some friends and arrested Old Ancestor Ning together." The purple ghost immortal laughed evilly.

   (end of this chapter)

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