Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2132: her hidden power

   Chapter 2132 Her, hidden power

  When everyone heard this, they realized that their aloof palace master was actually caught by Lin Tian.

   This is a blow to everyone, and the palace lord saw everyone's expression and said, "What a daze, give me a hand, and destroy him!"

   Everyone looked at each other, and the teacher was too embarrassed to say, "Palace Master, we can't help him."

   "What? You can't help him?" The palace lord was very angry, and stared at these people, wishing to clean them up, but she was bound by Lin Tian and couldn't do anything at all, so she could only be sulking there.

  Lin Tian smiled at everyone, "Okay, I won't play with you anymore."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian brought this palace lord and was about to leave, but those people were anxious. After all, this is the palace lord, the goddess they worshipped, but they were arrested today and have to be taken away. They seem to be missing something in their hearts. Same.

   But at this moment, the mysterious woman in red suddenly turned into a ray of blood, entangling the palace lord. The next moment, the palace lord and the mysterious woman disappeared.

  Lin Tian frowned, looked around, and found that they had disappeared completely, and the teacher was startled immediately, "This has nothing to do with me."

"She's your apprentice, what skills do you have, don't you know?" Lin Tian stared at her and asked, the teacher was too impatient, "Boy, although she is my apprentice, she only listens to my orders occasionally, as for her ability to cultivate. , I really didn't ask."

   "Didn't you pass it on?"

   "No, no." The teacher shook his head, while Lin Tian looked at the other nine, "Do you know where they went?"

   These people were even more ignorant, and shook their heads one after another, while Lin Tian said solemnly, "Do you have any other secret rooms or hiding places?"

  The teacher said, "Except for some sleepy places, there is really no other place here."

   "The sleepy one? What else!" Lin Tian had been there a few times before, so he stared at the teacher and asked, and the teacher quickly told everything he knew and took Lin Tian to see it.

   But there was no space for them, and Lin Tian became suspicious, "Is there really no place for them to hide in this Moon Palace?"


  Lin Tian had to close his eyes to sense the palace master, but he still lost contact, which made Lin Tian helplessly open his eyes, "Miscalculation!"

   The teacher said hesitantly, "Actually, there is a place where I might go, but I don't guarantee it."


   "The mausoleum of the palace masters of all dynasties, but that place is full of ghosts, and it is also a restricted area of ​​our Moon Palace. I think my apprentice should not go there." The teacher was too nervous.

  Lin Tian knew this place from the memory of the palace master before, so when he heard this, he said, "It's not impossible, it's very possible!"

   "This." The teacher didn't dare to look at Lin Tian for fear that he would get angry, but Lin Tian calmed down and said, "Let's go."

   "Really?" The teacher's eyes widened, but Lin Tian ignored it and asked her to lead the way. The teacher had to lead the way.

  Tianwan shouted, "Boy, don't go, this old woman wants to deceive you to die."

   "Liar me to death? Do you think it's possible?" Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and Tian Wan said after seeing that Lin Tian didn't listen, "Do me a favor, let them let me go, and I'll go with you."

   "You are going too?"

   "It's better than being trapped by them." That Tianwan looked at the eight people and felt very depressed, and Lin Tian felt that this Tianwan was unreliable, but he was a capable person.

   Therefore, Lin Tian walked up to this Tianwan and released the Ghost King, and that Tianwan said urgently, "What are you doing?"

   "You are a little unreliable." Lin Tian smiled at him, while Tian Wan was shocked. As for the Ghost King, under Lin Tian's order, he instantly passed through his body.

  Tianwan was depressed and stared at Lin Tiandao, "I'm unlucky!"

  The teacher laughed, "You have today too."

  Tianmaru glared, "You're not much better."

  Lin Tian glanced at the other eight people, they had to let go of the control of Tian Wan one by one, and Lin Tian smiled at Tian Wan and Shi Tai and said, "Let's go."

  The two led the way obediently, and after a while they came to the tomb of the Moon Palace.

  I saw that there were still formations around the mausoleum, and that Tianwan said, "You saw it too, you can't get in."

   "Do you think a formation can stop me?" Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but Tianwan said, "This is not a joke formation."

   Shi Tai also said, "As soon as this formation is touched, it will be burned, so it is impossible for my apprentice to enter here."

   Lin Tian said, "Only when you go in will you know."

  Tianwan looked worried, but Lin Tian ignored them and put one hand on the formation, and then the formation flashed, but Lin Tian had a golden body to protect him, so this formation had no effect on him at all.

   Not only that, Lin Tian broke the formation after a while, and Tian Wan and Shi Tai were both stunned and couldn't believe that Lin Tian broke the tomb formation so easily.

  Lin Tian walked to the tomb, where there was a huge stone gate, and Lin Tian looked at the stone gate and said, "There is their breath on this."

   "How is that possible!" Shi Tai didn't believe it, and Tian Wan didn't believe it either, "Her apprentice, no matter how capable she is, it's impossible to pass through the formation and enter this stone gate, right?"

   "But they do have their breath on it, it's just that your souls are too weak to sense it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to study the stone gate.

   Until Lin Tian sucked the power from the stone gate one by one, Lin Tian picked up his mood and said, "Okay, let's go in."

   "Go in?" The two were puzzled, and at this moment Lin Tian seemed to be walking through a wall. As for Tian Wan and Shi Tai, they were dumbfounded.

   But Lin Tian shouted inside, and they had to keep up with them. When they got inside, they saw an incredible picture.

  I saw that there were countless crystal coffins inside, and in each crystal coffin, there were different people, as if they were asleep.

  Lin Tian glanced around and said to the mysterious woman and the palace master, "I know you are hiding here."

   At this time, the mysterious woman said, "I didn't expect you to be so capable to run here."

  Lin Tian said curiously, "I didn't even expect that you have been hiding your strength."

   "What do you know?" The other party hummed, while Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Your cultivation level has exceeded 100,000 Immortal Dao, maybe even higher, right?"

   The mysterious woman was startled, but the teacher didn't believe it, "How is it possible, how can my apprentice have such a high level of immortality."

  Tianwan didn't believe it either, "That stinky girl, how can there be more than 100,000 immortals?"

  Lin Tian looked at the two of them, "Do you really think she doesn't?"

   "Of course." The two said in unison, but Lin Tian smiled at the dark place and said, "Do you want to come out and tell them!"

   "Do you think I'm stupid? Came out to catch you?" the mysterious woman hummed.

   (end of this chapter)

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