Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2180: Two wounded and three escaped

   Chapter 2180 Two injuries and three escapes

  The water hall master thought about it right, so he didn't take action, he was inside the stone statue, and laughed at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, we won't be fooled."

   "Am I going to cheat you? Not fooled! It's ridiculous!" Lin Tian smiled helplessly, and then opened the Celestial Throne.

   This Celestial Throne began to swallow the cultivation of the water system, and the cultivation of the master of the water temple was immediately affected, and then shouted to the other four, "He, he swallowed my cultivation."

  Those hall masters were shocked, but they couldn't help, so they could only let the water hall master be swallowed, and finally forced the water hall master to shout, "I fought with you."

  I saw that the stone statue began to shake, and then a figure appeared, and with a direct palm, it hit Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian quickly turned into a ghost.

   So this blow did nothing to Lin Tian at all, instead Lin Tian smiled and said, "This is your ability?"

   The master of the Water Palace has scrapped a little at this moment, and is very angry, "Boy, if my cultivation hadn't been affected, I would have abolished you just now."

   "Oh? Really?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, releasing countless ghosts, and those ghosts opened the Celestial Throne one by one.

   The next moment, the cultivation level of this Water Temple Master immediately dropped, and he shouted to the other four in anger, "What are you doing? Come out and help!"

   These four obviously didn't want to come out, and the Water Hall Master was annoyed, "You mean you don't help, right?"

   "It's not that we don't help, it's just that we are in retreat." The Master of the Wood Palace said embarrassedly, while the Master of the Water Palace said, "At this time, are you still thinking about retreating?"

   "Water Hall Master, I hope you understand what we are doing." The Wood Hall Master was appeased, but the Water Hall Master was not reconciled, and hummed, "Then I will fight him."

   At this time, the master of the water hall wanted to burn Xiange, but who knew that the cultivation base went backward very quickly, and he roared with anger. When it finally detonated, there was only a little cultivation base, so it had no effect on this at all.

   Instead, the other party fled with an immortal soul, and You Qi cursed before leaving, "Boy, wait for me, I won't let you go!"

  Lin Tian ignored it, anyway, he had sucked the opponent's cultivation base and entered the fourth layer of the Fire Element Cepheus.

  I saw Lin Tian staring at the Hall Master of the Fire Immortal Hall and said with a smile, "What do you call you?"

   "I'm the head of the Fire Immortal Palace, Yan Qi!" The head of the Yan Palace believed in himself, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "That's fine, I won't talk nonsense with you."

   "What are you going to do?" The Palace Master Yan said, while Lin Tian said with a smile, "Like the Master of the Water Palace, I use your cultivation."

   Palace Master Yan was shocked, and then asked Palace Master Wood, "What should I do now?"

   "This guy, are you planning to abolish our cultivation bases one by one?" The wooden hall master was very angry.

   Palace Master Yan didn't know, but he said, "No matter what, I have to withdraw!"

   After saying that, the Lord of the Yan Palace immediately came out of the stone statue, turned into a fire, and stepped back, guarding Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian filled the entire palace with countless ghosts, and said with a smile, "You, there is no way to go!"

   "Boy, you don't want to abolish me!" The Yan Palace Master was very angry and stepped back, while Lin Tianxie smiled, "There is no chance."

   After finishing speaking, those ghosts began to open the Cepheus Throne, and under the influence of the Cepheus Throne, the cultivation of the Flame Palace Master went crazy backwards.

   This terrified the Lord of the Palace of Flames. He wanted to burn Xiange, but the result was too late, and there was no way to escape, only the spirit of the fairy could escape.

   Finally, Lin Tian stared at the other three stone statues in the temple and said with a smile, "Wood, gold, earth, there are three remaining temple masters."

   These three people saw the miserable experience of the first two, so they cursed in anger, then took the stone statue directly, rushed out of here, and disappeared.

  Lin Tian smiled wryly, "Just to scare me, that's all?"

   Huo Qifeng and others were afraid to stare at Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian walked towards Huo Qifeng and smiled, "I want your cultivation."

Huo Qifeng was shocked and wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape at all, so he could only stare at Lin Tian in horror, but after Lin Tian abolished his cultivation, he looked at the remaining people and smiled, "Okay, you guys are useless. , you can go."

   Those people were overjoyed and turned around, but Lin Tian said, "Go back and tell the elders of Tiandaomen, as well as Patriarch Yi Ming, if they don't let them go, I will go back to Tiandaomen, which will make them even more miserable."

  These people nodded wildly, and then quickly escaped, while Lin Tian was staring at the place where a few stone statues stood just now, so there was something underneath.

  I saw Lin Tian walked over and opened a seemingly ordinary piece of cloth, and under it, there was a huge black slate.

  Lin Tian pulled away the slate with a force, and countless immortal auras emerged from below, and these immortal energy flashed a powerful green light, and even turned into mist.

   "It turns out that the nine-star immortal veins are suppressed here." Seeing such a strong immortal energy, Lin Tian finally understood why those few people were cultivating here.

   So Lin Tian began to turn these immortal energy into immortal crystals one by one, and then collected them.

   About half an hour later, after those immortal energy had no effect, Lin Tian turned around and left.

   It wasn't until he came to the entrance of the cave outside that Lin Tian let Nangongyan and others out, but Tian Xing and the others were curious about where they were now.

   "Where is this place?" Immortal Emperor Lanjian couldn't help but ask, and Tianxing explained, "This is the place where the five hall masters practice, so it is called the Five Immortal Hall."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian was suspicious, "Five Hall Masters?"


   "What about them?" Immortal Emperor Lanjian was curious, but Lin Tian said, "They have already been cleaned up by me."

   "What?" These people stared wide-eyed, obviously not believing it was true, but Lin Tian didn't talk nonsense, just looked at them and said, "Go, keep on your way."

  Tianxing and Huohuang continued to lead the way.


   At the moment in the main hall of Tiandaomen, the five people have already introduced the matter to the side, and the water hall master also looked at the wooden hall master and said, "If we started together earlier, it would not be like this."

The    wooden hall master complained, "This guy can swallow our cultivation, and there is no difference between an early action and a late action."

   "Impossible." The Water Hall Master didn't believe it, but the Wood Hall Master continued to insist that he was right, and then they quarreled.

  The elders in front of these people were annoyed, especially a white-haired man with a cane, stomped the cane and said, "Have you had enough trouble?"

The five dared not speak, and the beard of the white-haired old man was already mopping the floor, but the whole person was very serious, "The five masters of the five halls, two were abolished and three escaped, you say you, say it out. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed?"

   These five people looked ugly, and the white-haired old man continued to say, "Tiandaomen, after so many years, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing."

   Wooden Palace Master said depressedly, "Elder, that guy is really weird."

  The Water Palace Master agreed, "That's right, that guy, as soon as the Celestial Throne opened, my cultivation went crazy backwards."

   Palace Master Yan also looked helpless, "This kind of monster can't be regarded as a human being."

The   elder was so angry that he said, "A fairy king, but you call it so scary, do you really think I'm a fool?"

   (end of this chapter)

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