Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2183: talk to that voice

   Chapter 2183 Talk to that voice

   Old Ancestor Yi Ming's temper gradually gained the upper hand, but Lin Tian stared at Old Ancestor Yi Ming, "Hand over my people."

   Ancestor Yiming recovered his expression, "I can't give it to you."

"Oh? Do you want me to take care of you?" Lin Tian stared at Patriarch Yi Ming, who said coldly, "Ten thousand years ago, I wanted to experience you as Emperor Lin, but I never had the chance. , I have a chance to meet you today, and I will teach you well."

   Hearing that Lin Tian was Emperor Lin, the great elder was stunned, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "So, you really don't intend to give me someone?"


"It turned out to be like this, then I don't need to be polite." Lin Tian released countless shadows, and the eyes of the ancestor Yi Ming flashed a strange light, "You can even know magic shadows, it seems that you are a double cultivator of immortals and demons. "

   "Don't worry about how much I repair, as long as you know that I can easily take care of you, that's it!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, those ghosts were wiped out.

   That Yi Ming Patriarch immediately roared, and then a powerful aura erupted from his body, and then directly blasted the Great Elder and a bunch of ghosts into the air.

  Ancestor Yi Ming said proudly, "It seems that after your rebirth, you are not as good as 10,000 years ago."

   At this time, the entire space was filled with sand, and the ancestor Yi Ming said coldly, "What, has it turned into sand?"

"What do you think?" Lin Tian's voice laughed there, and then the sand became more and more, and Patriarch Yi Ming snorted, slapped countless palms, and sent the sand flying, leaving no sand all over his body. , and also said with awe, "Emperor Lin, is this your ability?"

   At this time, countless phantoms appeared again, and they were one by one facing the Yi Ming ancestor.

  Ancestor Yiming immediately threw a magic weapon.

   I saw this magic weapon, turned into shields, and then surrounded himself, making Lin Tian's emptiness all resisted.

   "Soul-proof Melaleuca, you have it all." Lin Tian was a little surprised, and Patriarch Na Yiming said proudly, "Yes, Immortal Realm, the first anti-soul magic weapon."

  Lin Tian laughed, while the great elder muttered to himself, "The sect master is really amazing."

   But the next moment, Lin Tian waved his hand, and all the shields of the opponent flew to Lin Tian's palm and turned into a armor.

   Ancestor Yi Ming was furious when he saw this, "Boy, give it to me!"

   "It belongs to me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put it away, and the elder took a deep breath, "Is this taken away?"

   Ancestor Yi Ming said, "Boy, I can't spare you!"

After   , Patriarch Yi Ming was about to take action again, but there were still a bunch of ghosts around, condensing and destroying again.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "I wonder if you can resist without the soul defense."

   Ancestor Yi Ming said in a rage, "I'm not a fool."

   Finished speaking, Yi Ming Patriarch directly fired a group of demonic fire.

   I saw that these flames were entangled with demonic energy, and these demonic fires spread out at once, hitting all the demonic shadows directly.

   The Yi Ming Patriarch said proudly, "See, I'm very good."

   "Oh? Is that so?" Lin Tian's deity appeared again, and the Yi Ming ancestor hummed, "What else are you doing besides dodging?"

   At this time, countless ghosts dispersed, and this time all the ghosts of Lin Tian used the soul painting technique.

   In an instant, countless shackles entangled this Yi Ming ancestor, and Yi Ming ancestor was shocked and wanted to break free, but the immortal soul was firmly fixed.

   The ancestor Yiming snorted, and his body immediately dispersed, turning into countless phantoms, and those phantoms surrounded him.

   "You have the magic shadow technique, and I also have my avatar technique." The ancestor of Yi Ming split into countless avatars proudly.

  The Great Elder was stunned, "That's amazing."

  Lin Tian laughed there, and stared at Patriarch Yi Ming and said, "Your clone is useless to me."

   "Your ghost image is useless to me." The ancestor Yiming said madly, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Really?"

"of course!"

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, drew the soul technique directly, locked a clone, and then pulled it in front of him, and the deity of the ancestor Yi Ming said proudly, "It's just a clone."

   Lin Tian smiled and let the Ghost King pass through this clone, while the Yi Ming ancestor showed a suspicious look, "What are you doing?"

   "Your clone has your soul consciousness, and as long as I control it, I can control you." Lin Tian smiled at Patriarch Yi Ming.

   Ancestor Yiming didn't believe it, and hummed, "You want to control me? Don't be naive!"

   "Oh? Don't believe it? Then you'll see." After Lin Tian finished speaking, the body of the ancestor of Yi Ming was out of control, and then he was pulled over by Lin Tian step by step.

   This frightened Patriarch Yi Ming, making Patriarch Yi Ming anxious, "No, it's impossible!"

  For a while, Patriarch Yi Ming stood in front of Lin Tian and wanted to take action, but Lin Tian said to him, "Stand still."

   Ancestor Yiming was motionless, staring at Lin Tian angrily, "You."

   "Hand over people."

   "Don't pay."

  Lin Tian glared at him, and the Yi Ming ancestor immediately became anxious, "They are not here with me."

   "Where did you go?"

   "Sent to the Demon Realm." Ancestor Yi Ming said nervously, while Lin Tian's eyes widened immediately, "What? Sent to the Demon Realm?"

  Ancestor Yiming stammered, "Someone told me that you will definitely find this, so let me send them to the devil world."

  Lin Weather said, "Who."

   "I don't know either, it's just a voice."

  Lin Tian immediately placed one hand on Patriarch Yi Ming's forehead, and when he saw that voice again, he said, "Damn it."

   Not only that, but Patriarch Yi Ming nervously took out a letter, "The man said, if you catch me, I will give this to you."

   "What?" Lin Tian said solemnly, the ancestor Yiming didn't understand either, he just said, "Only you can take it apart."

  Lin Tian took a look. There was a seal on the envelope, which had not been opened. After Lin Tian opened it, a picture appeared.

   But there was only a piece of white fog and a voice, and the voice hoarsely laughed, "Lin Di, that's right, he was able to destroy the Heavenly Dao Sect."

   "Say, who are you."

   The other party laughed, "I won't tell you this question."

   "Where are my people? And what about Tianluo?" Lin Tian asked anxiously, but the other party laughed, "You have to find this question too."

"Don't let me catch it, or I'll make your life worse than death!" Lin Tian said angrily, and the man smiled strangely, "Lin Di, aren't you the number one person in the Immortal Realm and the strongest in the God Realm? Then I Just look at how capable you are."

  Lin Tian frowned, "Have you been to the God Realm?"

   "Why should I tell you?" The man didn't say anything, fearing that his identity would be exposed, but Lin Tian guessed that the other party must have been to the God Realm, otherwise the other party would not know that he was the strongest in the God Realm.

   Seeing Lin Tian pondering, the other party smiled and said, "Want to know where your people were sent to the Demon World?"

   "Where?" Lin Tian showed a solemn expression, after all, saving people was the most important thing now.

   (end of this chapter)

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