Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2344: spike

   Chapter 2344 Spike

   As soon as this earth clone passed, the surrounding space cracks scraped frantically around Lin Tiantu clone, almost smashing Lin Tian's earth clone.

   Fortunately, the earth avatar was backed by colorful stones from heaven and earth, so it was not crushed, and it passed through the tunnel smoothly and came to an empty wellhead.

   At the same time, there was immortal energy everywhere, and Lin Tian glanced at it. This aura was from the Immortal Realm Shrine, which made Lin Tian ponder, "Why is this ancient temple of gods and Buddhas connected to the realm of the gods, and here."

  No one explained to Lin Tian, ​​so Lin Tian had no choice but to go to the main hall, but on the way, many disciples of the Immortal Realm Shrine saw Lin Tian momentarily, their eyes widened, staring at Lin Tian in disbelief.

  Lin Tian was very calm, looking at everyone with a funny look, "What about your elders?"

   These people were so frightened that they left madly, and the ten elders who were practicing in seclusion in the secret room at the moment were shocked when they heard that Lin Tian appeared, and hurried to go.

  When these elders saw Lin Tianshen, they all looked shocked, and some people looked at Lin Tian strangely, "You, are you all right?"

   "You guys, miss me?" Lin Tian asked with a smile.

   When those elders saw that it was Lin Tianhou, one backed away, but the first elder became icy cold, "No one has ever come out of that place alive."

"That's someone else, not me, so don't compare me to me, okay?" Lin Tian smiled at the Great Elder, and the Great Elder looked ugly, and stared at Lin Tian and said, "Lin Di, I have to admit your ability. , but even so, it is impossible for you to fight against our ten elders!"

   "Your top ten elders are indeed not easy, but I want to try a new skill I have learned." Lin Tianxie laughed.

  Everyone didn't know what Lin Tian meant, and the big elder looked at Lin Tian strangely, "Do you think you have the ability to deal with us?"

   "Then you are optimistic." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to perform the Buddha's Sound.

  I saw the golden light covering these people, but they didn't think much of it, and the sound was like a bell, and they didn't think much of it.

   So the elders breathed a sigh of relief, and the big elder even laughed, "Boy, why do I think I'm so good at it, it turns out to be so tasteless."

   "Is it tasteless?"

   "Nonsense, you see, it doesn't affect us at all." The elder laughed, but Lin Tian laughed when he heard this, "Oh? Is that so? Then I'll show you!"

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian continued, and when these people saw that Lin Tian kept making such a strange voice, they became impatient. Some elders also said, "Boy, don't waste our time."

   There are also elders who said, "That's right, when you go on like this, how long will you be in trouble?"

   "Then if you have the ability, deal with me." Lin Tian smiled at them, and of course these people thought, but when they thought that Lin Tian might be a shadow, they gave up again, and then looked at the Great Elder.

  Some people even asked the Great Elder, "Great Elder, what should I do now?"


   "Wait?" Someone was curious, but the Great Elder hummed, "I'll see what he's going to do."

   Everyone had to wait, and a quarter of an hour later, a few elders suddenly laughed, while the other elders wondered what these elders were laughing at. As for Lin Tian, ​​he smiled secretly, "It worked."

   The elder even stared at the elders and shouted, "What are you laughing at?"

   As a result, these elders were fighting there, and they were killing each other. They looked so brutal that the other elders were blinded.

  The Great Elder felt something was wrong, so he quickly shouted to the crowd, "Disperse, there is something wrong with this golden light."

The others were frightened and rushed to leave. Who would have guessed that Lin Tian released the iron bones and they were all gods. Even if they were bound by the laws of the immortal world, they would still have no problem dealing with these immortals. When they appeared, the elders were all frightened.

  The Great Elder was even more alert, "You, who are you!"

   Tie Gu said in a dignified manner, "We are gods."

   "Godman? You guys, are you from the tomb of the Shrine?" The Great Elder was frightened, but those people didn't speak, but looked at Lin Tian, ​​You Qi Tie Gu asked, "Sir, what to do with it."

   "Take all these ten guys for me."


  Those people immediately went and took down these ten people, and the first elder panicked and began to shout, "Boy, our palace master will not let you go."

  Lin Tian came to the Great Elder and asked, "Tell me, where is your Palace Master?"

   "I don't know!" The Great Elder said angrily, and Tie Gu directly slapped the Great Elder seriously, while Lin Tian was punched into the Soul Seal, but the Great Elder really didn't know where the Palace Master went.

   As for the Great Elder, he stared at Lin Tian with serious injuries, "I said it, I really don't know."

"In that time, when did your palace master contact you, or how did you tell you to do things?" Lin Tian stared at him, and the elder knew that he didn't dare to lie after being imprinted by Lin Tian, ​​so he stammered. , "Generally, through the sound transmission stone."

   "Oh? Then you use the sound transmission stone to send a message to your palace master, saying that you have caught me."

   "What?" The elder was stunned, while Lin Tian smiled at him, "What? Is there a problem?"

   "I'm afraid he will see through." The elder said nervously, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "It depends on what you say."

   Seeing Lin Tian's expression, the elder said nervously, "I'll try!"

  Then the Great Elder took out a sound transmission stone and communicated through the sound transmission stone, while a voice at the other end said in a dull voice, "What's wrong?"

   "Palace, Palace Master, I, we caught Emperor Lin."

   "Didn't you say he was sent to the Jingu tomb?"

   "He, he came out again, and was attacked by us." The elder said depressedly, and the palace master said after understanding, "Take him to the Jingu Library."

   "Yes." The Great Elder finished speaking, finished contacting the other party, and then looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, go to the library."


   "Yes, the library is in the deepest part of our shrine, but that place, only the palace master can enter, we can't enter." The elder explained.

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "So, that Palace Master is inside?"

   "Maybe." The elder said nervously, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Lead the way."

The first elder had to lead the way, while the other elders followed silently, while Tie Gu and the others followed, until outside the first library of the Jingu Palace, the first elder pointed to the quiet palace that seemed to have no breath and said, "That's it. That."

  Lin Tian looked at Tie Gu and others, "Go back to my magic weapon first."

   "Yes." These people hurried back to the magic weapon, but Lin Tian walked to the gate of the palace and pushed open the door, but it was dark and terribly quiet inside.

   (end of this chapter)

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