Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1458: Evenly matched!

The Eighteenth Army also desperately killed the enemy, without any fear at all, the great battle broke out, and the Soul Destruction Mountains were in a mess.

The fiercest battle and the most destructive place were Xiao Chen and Wang Kun. The place where the two fought, there were no living creatures within a thousand miles, and there were burning flames and ice everywhere.

There are no moves, no tricks, only constant collisions, the collision of fire and ice, very dazzling.

Wu Jiantian and others who watched the battle from a long distance were full of shock: "This is the power of Immortal Emperor Daluo. This is the power of the law. It is so much stronger than what I have. I must master this power. , Must go to the God Realm."

Wu Chutian's eyes were full of madness and yearning.


In the starry sky, the demon followed Xiaoqing to the starry sky. The surrounding area was barren. Then Xiaoqing transformed into a demon young man with a green robe and a pair of red wings behind him. There was a golden crown on his head. It looks not only strange, but also has a special temperament.

The demon looked at Xiao Qing with a different light flashing in her eyes, Xiao Qing screamed, and the demon seemed to be able to understand it, and gradually crimson appeared on her face. If there is someone here, it must be You will find that the demon is now extremely coquettish, like a little woman.

"Okay." The demon's voice was very small, like a mosquito, and it was full of shyness.

Xiaoqing's face was full of ecstasy, and then he held the demon in his arms, and a different kind of battle fought in the starry sky.


Xiao Chen and Wang Kun have no idea how many duels in the Soul Extinguishing Mountains.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Xiao Chen, in just a few years, you have reached the current Immortal Emperor Daluo from the body tempering realm that was not counted in the next mainland. Even I have to admire it."

Wang Kun said as he kept colliding with Xiao Chen.

"Neither did I expect that our grievances will continue to this day, but today, either you die or I die, there will be no second result."

Ling Tian appeared in his hand, and Ling Tian directly cut out with a sword.


A black bone knife appeared in Wang Kun's hand, easily blocking Yi Jian Ling Tian.

"This bone knife is made by me after countless transformations, using the main bones of my body. It contains endless power. Use it to take your head."

Wang Kun's voice fell, and a flame knife was cut directly at Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen saw this, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed out directly.

The flame knife and the cold ice knife met in mid-air, and the power of the powerful law raged, and any Da Luo Immortal Emperor peak entered here would be shattered.

Xiao Chen and Wang Kun ignored the aftermath of the collision and rushed directly to the middle, the black bone knife and the white broad knife directly collided with each other.

After a few fights, the two separated again. Wang Kun looked at Xiao Chen, and then his eyes fell on Ling Tian in Xiao Chen's hand: "The knife in your hand is not easy."

"Of course, the name of this knife is Lingtian, but it is the Eighth-Rank Dao Lingbao." Xiao Chen said, and at the same time, his eyes fell on the bone knife in Wang Kun's hand. "Your chameleon's bones are really hard, and my Lingbao The sky has collided so many times, there is no crack at all."

"Eight-Rank Dao Lingbao, it's no wonder that it is so tough and can actually block my destiny." Wang Kun's eyes flashed astonishment, and then he raised the bone knife high.

"The Fury of Burning Heaven!" Wang Kun slapped him, and a black sword beam of hundreds of feet, with terrifying power, slashed towards Xiao Chen.

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