Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1475: Right of interpretation!

All the strong looked at Xiao Chen as if they were idiots, even Xiao Ming and the others were full of surprise, even Xiao Li did not expect Xiao Chen to speak like this.

"Hahaha, this is the best joke I heard, Niu Xiu, by you? Or by the Xiao family, let us stay here, I really want to know."

Niu Xiu was also taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, his face full of disdain.

"It's a pity." Xiao Chen shook his head, and then a little fat man appeared beside him.

"Erdan, it's time for you to do it." Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Pangdun, who was Xiao Dingfeng's grandson, Xiao Erdan.

"Yes, young master."

"A child?" Everyone looked at the sudden appearance of Xiao Pang Dun, instantly dumbfounded.

And the next moment, they were even more dumbfounded. This time they were completely frightened, because Xiao Pangdun's voice fell and he had already appeared next to Niu Xiu. With a light pat on his little hand, Niu Xiu was instantly slapped into mud.

With just a palm, the young castle master of Meng Niu Bao, Niu Xiu, who possesses the five-layer cultivation base of the God Realm, was photographed into mud.

The three powerhouses of the Eightfold Divine Realm were dumbfounded!

Xiao Ming, Xiao Li and other strong Xiao family were dumbfounded!

All the strong people around are dumbfounded!

This is totally unreasonable!

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for slaying Niu Xiu, the five-tiered powerhouse of the God Realm, for gaining 1,000 supernatural powers, 1,000 pit fate points, and a little god-killing point!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting a Shenxuan Pill."

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the Ninth-Rank artifact."


"A god-level five-layer only gains 1,000 points of divine power. Wouldn't it be necessary to kill five god-level five-layer powerhouses before I can break through the fourth layer of the Immortal Emperor Luo!"

Hearing the system's prompt tone, Xiao Chen's face was dumbfounded. This is only the Immortal Emperor Daluo. If it is to break through the demigod, the divine realm, how much divine power is needed.

"System, isn't it a bit too little for the divine power value?"

"Niu Xiu didn't kill by the host himself, he can only get one-tenth of his divine power." The system replied indifferently.

"Isn't the Xiao Jiajun killing monsters the same as mine? How could it be only one tenth?"

"All interpretation rights belong to the system, and the host does not need to know."

"You're cruel!" Xiao Chen had already seen the system's cheating, so he didn't continue to ask, and after Xiao Erdan killed Niu Xiu, he rushed towards the other three high-level gods.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen also went to the Niu Family's semi-god powerhouse. Xiao Ming also reacted. No matter who Xiao Chen and Little Fatty were, he shouted: "Kill all the men in the Bull Fort, kill One earns one, kills a pair and earns a pair."

Hearing Xiao Ming's voice, the eyes of the strong behind him were all red and killed. Their patience had reached their limit. In an instant, a big battle broke out at the door of Xiao's house.

The three eight-tier powerhouses of the gods in Mengniubao were restrained by Xiao Erdan. The others were not Xiao Ming and Xiao Li's opponents at all, and they fought to one side.

And Xiao Chen continued to use his wing flashes, focusing on the demigod to make shots, and every time a demigod died in Xiao Chen's hands.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for upgrading to the current fourfold of Immortal Emperor Daluo!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for leveling up. Currently, Immortal Emperor Daluo has five levels!"

"I still get a lot of divine power from killing with my own hands. I am afraid that it will not take long before you can enter the demigod."

Xiao Chen had a smile on his face, but his subordinates did not stop at all.

the other side.

The battle between Xiao Erdan and the three powers of the gods did not last long. Xiao Erdan was the power of the gods. The Wushuang **** soldier appeared in his hands as a giant hammer. A few hammers fell, and the three eighth powers of the gods It became a pile of mashed meat.

The audience is silent!

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