Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1500: Kill if you refuse!

The ensuing battle shocked everyone again. Lie Ting hardly had any power to parry. Xiao Dingfeng was attacked close by, and all attacks fell on him. In the end Lie Ting was beaten by Xiao Dingfeng alive.

Seeing Lie Ting being beaten to death, Xiao Ming let out a nasty breath.

The Lord of Fire God saw from the beginning to the end, there was no change on his face, even though Lie Ting asked for help, his brows did not frown.

Xiao Chen glanced at him deeply, and then left with Xiao Dingfeng and the others swaggeringly.

Watching Xiao Chen and the others leave, the strong fire sect felt a humiliation, and one of the elders said gloomily, "Sect Master, they deceived people so much that they killed the elder elder. Is this going to be the case?"

"Although that kid is only in the Heavenly God Realm, but his cultivation level is very high, I am not an opponent, but this kid is a bit familiar, it should be the person who killed the Liejun." The Lord of Fire God said indifferently.

"The Liejun? It turned out to be him, who killed the Liejun, and also the Great Elder, Sect Master, should we inform Lie Feibai."

"Of course, after all, the one who died was his illegitimate son, and the other was his father."

Fire God Lord said lightly.

"Sect Master, I will go to the Yang Clan to inform Lie Feibai now." The elder said, the voice fell, and the person had already left.


After Xiao Chen and the others returned to Ling Tianzong, they began to tour the mountains and water nearby, and Yang Yan controlled the affairs of building the sect.

Yang Yan had quite a means, and he didn't know how to persuade the Lord of Fire Worship. The two of them were actually brothers, and the entire clan began to change. All the places where the Fire Worship Sect was engraved were changed to Ling Tianzong.

The stone stele at the entrance of Zongmen is also engraved with the three characters of Ling Tianzong, and underneath is a long sword that wants to open up the world. This is the logo of Ling Tianzong.

These three characters were created by Murong Xiaoxiao. What shocked Xiao Chen was that he couldn't see Murong Xiaoxiao's strength, but Murong Xiaoxiao had no malice towards him, and he didn't get too entangled.

Ling Tianzong was formally established, with the lord Xiao Chen, the deputy lord Murong Xiaoxiao, and the disciple of the lord Shuyue Xihua.

Yang Yan, worshiping the **** of fire, served as the core elder, in addition to the inner elder, the outer elder, the core disciple, the inner disciple, and the outer disciple.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. At this moment, Yang Yan stood respectfully beside Xiao Chen in the Sect Master's room.

"My son, everything is ready, just wait for tomorrow's meditation ceremony."

Xiao Chen nodded lightly.

"My son, I am afraid that tomorrow's ceremonial confession will not be peaceful." Yang Yan said embarrassedly.

"What's wrong with it? Those who refuse to accept it will kill you!" Although Xiao Chen's voice was flat, his words were full of murderous aura. It has been several days, and the other two sects and Iron Fist Villa were all very calm. Xiao Chen wouldn't think that they would be indifferent to the establishment of Ling Tianzong.

Feeling Xiao Chen's murderous aura, Yang Yan's heart shuddered.

"You have done a good job these days, this is for you." Xiao Chen retracted his murderous aura, flipped his right hand, and a pill appeared in the palm of his hand.

"This is the Soul Cultivation Pill!" Yang Yan looked at the pill in Xiao Chen's hand. After half a day, he lost his voice, his eyes filled with shock and scorching heat.

"Yes, it is the soul cultivation pill." Xiao Chen nodded, "If I am not mistaken, your soul should have been injured. This soul cultivation pill should be helpful to you, take it."

Yang Yan didn't refuse, and excitedly took over the Soul Cultivation Pill, then knelt on one knee and said sincerely: "Yang Yan, thank you son."

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