Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 242: Hatch a beast!

I saw that the egg under Xiao Baibai made a crisp sound, the egg shell was broken, and a fluffy, cute species appeared.


"This really hatched a little chicken!" Xiao Chen said, looking at the fluffy little species.

"so cute!"

The little chicken looked around and jumped directly towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen subconsciously opened his hands and took the little thing into his hands.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the cub of the Divine Beast, the Nine Heaven Divine Phoenix!"

"What!" Xiao Chen looked at the same species as the chicken in front of him, and said in shock: "Divine beast? Or Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, how is this possible?"

A Divine Phoenix was hatched from an egg!

"Haw!" Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix's small mouth pecked Xiao Chen's hand.

"Father Xiao Chen, feed it with a demon spirit pill!" Tian Xing'er's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

When Xiao Chen thought, a pill suddenly appeared in his hand. The moment the pill appeared, the little guy swallowed it directly with a face of enjoyment.

Xiao Baibai seemed to smell the demon spirit pill, and suddenly rushed to Xiao Chen's side, arching Xiao Chen's legs and feet with his head, and his eyes were flattering.

The Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix seemed to know what Xiao Baibai was going to do, and he immediately leaked a fierce look and chirped non-stop, which meant that you were robbing a broken fox with the beast that you wanted to eat, and you couldn't find death!

Although Xiao Baibai was scared, it seemed to also know the importance of the demon spirit pill, and he still had a longing for the demon spirit pill in his eyes.

Xiao Chen smiled, a demon spirit pill popped out with his fingers, Xiao Bai's mouth was blank, and he ate it directly, with the same expression of enjoyment.

After the two little guys finished eating the demon spirit pills, they both looked at Xiao Chen flatteringly, Xiao Chen was not stingy, anyway, they had a lot of demon spirit pills, so he gave them a few more.

Although the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix was small, he ate more than Xiao Baibai, and Xiao Baibai took the demon spirit pill, and his aura suddenly rose. Not only that, but even his talent also increased a lot.

This is a qualitative change. For example, if nothing happens, Xiao Baibai can cultivate to the realm of Emperor Wu at the highest level, so he can now cultivate to the realm of Emperor Wu. This is a qualitative breakthrough.

"What do you feed them?" Feeling Xiao Baibai's changes, Hai Ru was delighted, but also curious.

"Demon Ling Pill!" Xiao Chen said.

"What? Demon Spirit Pill, isn't this an ancient pill that has been lost for a long time!" Hai Ru's face was shocked!

Demon Ling Pill, Hai Ru was shocked when he heard these three words. The demon Ling Pill was also seen by Hai Ru from an ancient book.

The demon spirit pill, as the name suggests, is the pill for cultivating monster beasts. If there is a demon spirit pill, some forces can quickly cultivate a powerful monster beast.

It's just that the demon spirit pill has been lost for a long time. If anyone knew that Xiao Chen had a demon spirit pill, it would definitely attract the coveting of many forces.

"How come you have a demon spirit pill?" Hai Ru looked at Xiao Chen, still unable to believe it.

"Acquired accidentally in a ruin." Xiao Chen casually lied. He didn't expect the demon spirit pill to be so expensive. It seems that the system is also very expensive to sell.

"You are lucky." Hai Ru said with some envy.

"Are you an alchemist?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"Well, I am an eighth-level alchemist." Hairu said.

"Unexpectedly, girl Hairu turned out to be an eighth-level alchemist, she was really disrespectful!" Xiao Chen said with his hand over his hands, "By the way, girl Hairu, can you look at this for me?"

With that, Xiao Chen took out the demon spirit pill that he had purchased in the system, Hai Ru was an alchemist, maybe she could check the pill.

"What is this?" After Hai Ru took the pill and immediately checked it, after a while, she lifted her head and said in shock: "This is the pill of demon spirit pill, you just showed it to me. "

"You are Ruoxi's sister, I believe you." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Hai Ru looked at Xiao Chen, she knew that Xiao Chen did not believe in her, but Xia Ruoxi, which made her a little bit savoury, but then sighed and returned the pill to Xiao Chen, saying: "The pill of demon spirit pill Missing the main elixir, the demon spirit grass."

"Other medicinal materials are not expensive and can be seen everywhere, but this demon spirit grass has long since disappeared, which is a pity."

"That's the case." Xiao Chen wasn't much disappointed, anyway, he was used to the cheating system, and it was not impossible to spend the cheating value to buy an unrefined pill.

"Miss Hairu should have gone to the capital." Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, we are going to return to the capital." Hairu nodded.

"Then I wonder if I can take a ride?"

"of course."


The next day, at dawn, the Haitian caravan came to the front of the capital.

The area of ​​the national capital is more than ten times larger than that of Sanhe County, the largest county.

The field of vision ahead is vast and boundless, and the endless buildings are tall and short, and the omissions are orderly, forming a vast sea-like building complex, majestic and amazing.

The continuous tall city wall, about ten feet high, is built with thousands of kilograms of boulders arranged in several layers thick. It makes people stand under the city wall and is also unreasonably depressing.

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