Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 265: Go to Xia's house

"Five-leaf flower, a heavenly genius treasure, fully mature, with five flowers of different colors blooming on five leaves. If Ling'er uses this kind of thing to nourish the soul, he will soon wake up."

"Five-leaf flower." Xiao Chen tried to find it in the cheating store, but only found the introduction, not the actual object.

"Country capital, the Xia family has a complete five-leaf flower." Tian Xing'er said.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, and then said: "Sect Master, can you get it directly."

He suddenly remembered how Tian Xinger had emptied Xuan Lingzong in Xuan Lingzong, and he didn't know whether Nangong Yuanhua, the great elder of Xuan Lingzong, had discovered it.

"Dad Xiao Chen, Xuan Lingzong’s resources were originally Qianqian’s mother’s belongings, belonging to the Tianxing Sect’s wind palace, so this sect made an exception. This time, only Xiao Chen’s father can do it himself, and it must be found today. Wuyehua, otherwise I am worried that something will happen to Ling'er."


Hearing Xing'er's words, Xiao Chen gave a wry smile. It seemed that Wuyehua could only find it by himself.

However, on the day of Wudang meeting, he came directly to the bottom of the list, I am afraid Xia Zhengchun looked down on himself even more.

However, time is waiting for no one, Xiao Chen had to walk in the direction of the Xia family again.


Not far from Xia's house.

"The one who just went in should be Bai Shengtian, Bai Family Tianjiao, Xiao Jiaxiao Wudi and Xia Family eldest daughter Xia Ruoyu's wedding day, the great princes of the capital, and even the three major sects also sent people to come, it seems that the capital will be lively next. Incomparable, the rare Tianjiao in previous years is estimated to appear soon!"

After Xiao Chen came to the Xia's house, he heard several young talents not far away talking.

These young talents all have the cultivation base of King Wu. When chatting together, they looked at the Xia family with some envy.

In addition, there are people who go to the Xia family from time to time. The least of these people are Wu Zong powerhouses or the leadership of Wu Zong powerhouses to enter the Xia family.

"Unexpectedly, Xiao Wudi won the first place in Huiwu yesterday, and today the two families announced their wedding. I am afraid they have already planned it and just wait for the end of Huiwu."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and then walked towards the gate.

At the gate of the Xia family, a man with a serious look, like a housekeeper, was standing at the door watching the crowd entering the Xia family.

Moreover, there is a faintly looming horror aura on his body, his eyes are sharp, I am afraid that at least there is Wuzong Peak cultivation base.

The Xia family arranged dozens of strong men to register and receive gifts.

The team is in order.

"This is Xia Fang, the great elder of the Xia family, a powerhouse of Wu Zong's pinnacle level. Only one step away can step into the Emperor Wu."

Xiao Chen heard a Wu Zong expert introduce to his descendants, he was full of admiration when he looked at Xia Fang.

"Arrange the Wuzong peak-level elders to maintain order. It seems that the Xia family values ​​this marriage very much."

Xiao Chen followed the long line and thought to himself.

"Just why did you choose to be in the Xia family on the wedding day, not in the Xiao family?"

Xiao Chen thought with some confusion, but it wasn't his business, he was just looking for Wuyehua.

"Wu Zun Sanxiu? The gift is two Pozun Pills'."

When it was Xiao Chen's turn, Deacon Wu Zun, who was in charge of registration, gave Xiao Chen a faint look, and then handed him a wooden sign: "Your seat is at the end. Don't walk around randomly."

"Thank you."

Xiao Chen didn't seem to see the disdain in the opponent's eyes, and thanked him.

After entering the Xia family, fortunately, the guards who knew Xiao Chen were no longer at the door. I am afraid that with their strength, they were not qualified to guard the door.

Soon, Xiao Chen came to a large hall. The hall was extremely large. I am afraid that it would not be a problem to accommodate thousands of people. The seats in the hall were divided into three levels: inner, middle and outer.

The outermost layer was already full of people, almost all of them from small forces in the capital. Xiao Chen casually found a place and sat down, surrounded by some powerful martial artists.

Not long after, a group of figures appeared above the hall. As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's eyes, including Xiao Chen.

"That's Dong Cheng, the president of the Inscription Guild!"

"Yuwenshan, the chairman of the Alchemy Guild, has also arrived."

"There is also a refining guild! The people from the Taming Hall are here."

People from the four major vice-professionals of the capital came hand in hand and walked towards the hall, bearing a series of admiration, worship, and some awe-inspiring eyes.

Xiao Chen also met an acquaintance, his cheap apprentice, Duan Xinghai, the president of the Shanhe County County Inscription Association.

Duan Xinghai was right next to an old man. The old man was in high spirits. I'm afraid that old man is Yu Wenshan, the president of the Guodu Inscription Association.

Xiao Chen sat in the corner and watched quietly, as people of great influence walked into the hall.

He wanted to find an opportunity to see if he could find the Xia Family Treasure House and Wuyehua, but now it seems that it is almost impossible.

"Xuan Lingzong Great Elder Nan Gongyuan has arrived!"

Xia Fang stood at the gate, sang loudly, and shouted respectfully. At the same time, a stalwart figure stepped in, followed by many figures. Nangong Fei followed that figure and looked down on Xiao Chen very much that day. The Nangong Rock behind them.

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