Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2725: The new palace owner!

For a whole month, there was no news about Xiao Chen, but at this moment, a news came out saying that Xiao Chen was in the tomb of Xihai. All of a sudden, countless powerful people and countless forces moved towards the tomb of Xihai.

Somewhere in the wine shop, Tianjizi faintly looked at the direction of the tomb of Xihai, and the two maids followed behind him.

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, the temptation of the five ancestors, not only the powers of the sacred dynasty, but also the powers of the sacred kingdoms, and the ten great saints, there are strong people who come here. Over."

"Young Master, that kid is just an ancient sage, is it so expensive?" A maid couldn't help asking.

"He is the only person I don't know, whether he is alive or dead, I have to watch."

Tianjizi said lightly.

"Young Master, you said that he has no background. Now that so many forces are chasing him, how can he survive?" Another maid also said.

"Not necessarily, because I can't tell whether he is alive or dead." Tianjizi shook his head and said.

The two maids looked at each other, and Tianjizi had no plans to spare. He knew everything about the holy realm. Perhaps it was because he couldn't figure out Xiao Chen that he was so interested.


Xihai Tomb, inside the room.

There was a triumphant smile on Xiao Chen's face, but the evil spirit within Ling Tian was violent.

"Impossible, how is it possible, you little bastard, how did you do it?"

"Little boy, thank you very much, but you'd better settle down. If this is the case, we can also be in peace." Xiao Chen smiled proudly.

"Little Wang Ba Lao, I regret it!"

"Hahaha!" Xiao Chen looked at Disha with a remorse expression, and couldn't help laughing freely.

After a month of retreat in the World of War Soul, Xiao Chen converted all the resources he had obtained into ancient crystals for cultivation, and he had successfully broken through the nine layers of ancient sages.

In addition, Xiao Chen also took advantage of Qiankun's strength to cultivate to the extreme. After he came out of the retreat, Disha used a top secret technique to seduce Xiao Chen and let Xiao Chen pass on him some strength.

Xiao Chen fully agreed that after practicing, he knew that this secret technique was indeed very strong, but what Earth Sha gave him was the beginning, which was not perfect at all. He wanted to let Xiao Chen let him go on the condition of the second half of the secret technique.

But how could he think that Xiao Chen had a system in his body, through analysis and analysis, it was directly supplemented, and Xiao Chen directly cultivated successfully.

Xiao Chen felt amused when he thought of the dumbfounded look at Xiao Chen when he was using the secret technique.

"Palace Master, the succession hall is ready." At this moment, West Lotus walked in and arched his hands.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen nodded, and then walked out of the room with Xihehua and came to the largest square in the center of the Xihai Tomb, where he began to hold the succession hall.

Said it was the ceremony of succession, it was just to let everyone in the tomb of Xihai get to know the new palace owner, and the tomb of Xihai did not communicate with outsiders, so there was no guest.

After a series of rituals, Xiao Chen sat on the main seat, with the three deputy palace masters beside him, and below are the elders and then the disciples.

After the ceremony was over, Xiao Chen was supposed to say a few words, but at this moment, a disciple rushed in and hurriedly said: "Palace Master Qi, Vice-Palace Master, appeared within the tomb of Xihai. A lot of strong men were overwhelmed, and those who came were bad, and many disciples have been injured by them."

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