Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3063: Slap after slap!

A restaurant in Octagon City!

"What's wrong with beating you, you dare to stand up against the young master's woman, go to Xihai and ask, who has the courage?"

Xiao Chen sneered, his attitude was very tough, arrogant without limits.

"Xihai?" Yin Zhenghua thought of a certain possibility, and then after taking a look at the breath of the four, he found that apart from Lengbing and Heipao, who were Tier 5, Xiao Chen and Duanmu Qinghan couldn't see through at all, and he had thoughts in his heart.


Just at this moment, his face was slapped again, very symmetrical left and right, looking pleasing to the eye.

"Asshole, dare to stare at this young master's woman. Believe it or not, this young master dug out your eyeballs and stepped on the ball." Xiao Chen's voice sounded again, staring at Yin Zhenghua with anger on his face.

Yin Zhenghua was aggrieved for a while, he was just checking Duanmu Qinghan's breath, he promised not to.

"Your Excellency is from the West Sea? My Yin family has a strong power in the West Sea. I don't know your Excellency..." Yin Zhenghua saw that Xiao Chen was arrogant, and he could not detect Xiao Chen's breath, so he planned to find out the details of Xiao Chen first. , So as not to get into trouble.

It's just that before he finished speaking, Xiao Chen slapped his face again.

"What kind of thing do you dare to inquire about the origin of this young master?" Xiao Chen sneered with disdain.

"You!" Yin Zhenghua gave Xiao Chen a gloomy look. He has never been so humiliated since his debut, and in just a few seconds, he has been slapped three times. This is something he never thought of. .

The other people in the restaurant were already stupid and looked at the beaten Yi Zhenghua dull.

Although Leng Bing and Heipao wear black gauze and can't see their expressions, they have already screamed for joy and slap Yi Zhenghua. Except for their three young masters, I am afraid that no one would dare to do so.


At this moment, another loud applause sounded, and Xiao Chen stared at Yin Zhenghua and said, "You are so bold, you dare to stare at this young master!"

"How could it be!" Yin Zhenghua had an incredible look on his face. After three slaps, he finally got prepared, but even so, he still slapped again, and he didn't even notice how Xiao Chen did it. of.

The other three princes also discovered this. Yin Zhenghua is a genuine four-fold powerhouse. It can be said that Yi Zhenghua has no defense. After all, he can't think of anyone daring to hit him, but what is this slap?

"It's your honor for this young master to beat you. You should be thankful that this young master didn't kill you. Don't hurry up to thank Dade and thank this young master.

Xiao Chen said in a tolerant tone that he had also seen a lot of dudes. At this time, he was acting in a playful manner. At this time, everyone in the restaurant looked at Xiao Chen and wanted to explode.

It was so shameless to slap people four times and let people be grateful, but looking at Yin Zhenghua's trembling body, I was very happy.

"Boy, you dare to face Master Zhenghua like this, you are too much!"

"You dare to bully Young Master Zhenghua, my old lady is going to kill you!"

"Boy, do you think we don't exist?"

Some people in the restaurant suddenly became embarrassed and stared at Xiao Chen angrily.

"Who is this kid? That arrogant attitude is from his bones. Obviously he is used to being arrogant. Such arrogance has not been killed yet. This kid must have an extraordinary background. Let these idiots first try his confidence. ."

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