Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3882: The Greyhound appears!

"I don't know. At the beginning, the Deputy Sect Master and the five elders failed to force the real strength of the Greyhound. If it weren't for that Greyhound is not easy to kill, they might not be able to retreat all over." Overlord Hua shook her head.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned and watched the crowd sternly exhorted: "Remember, our mission this time is only to check the situation in the Lion Valley, not to fight the Greyhound, so in the event of an accident, it is important to save your life."

Everyone nodded.

"Enter the valley." Xiao Chen said, everyone gathered their breath and walked cautiously into the valley. The environment in the valley is very beautiful and quiet.

After walking into the Lion Valley, Xiao Chen started to watch the breath, but unfortunately he did not find any breath of the head stone.

The Lion Valley is very big. Half an hour after everyone entered the Lion Valley, they only came to the hinterland of the Lion Valley. They didn't meet a single spirit beast on the way, and the entire Lion Valley was quiet and terrifying.

"Is this really the most dangerous Lion Valley? Why does it feel so quiet?" Zhu Dachang wondered.

"Don't you think it's quiet and weird here?" Xiao Chen asked rhetorically.

"Yes?" Zhu Dachang didn't think.

Everyone gave Zhu Dachang a look, and Zhu Dachang was speechless. At this moment, Zhu Dachang suddenly looked at Xiao Chen, with a strange look in his eyes, "Boss, what is on your shoulder?"

"What?" Xiao Chen was startled, then turned his head to look, only to find that somehow, on his shoulder, there was a little lion the size of a wild cat but with a lion face.

Everyone also saw the little lion.

"What a cute little lion." Qianmei Yilian said in surprise, and Luoshang also showed her liking.

"Be careful, it's the Greyhound of Lion Valley." But Bawanghua's expression changed drastically, and said hurriedly.


Everyone was startled, and subconsciously stepped back, staring at the little lion on Xiao Chen's shoulder cautiously.

Xiao Chen looked at the little lion on his shoulders, his expression unchanged, and instead asked, "Little guy, are you really the boss of this valley?"

The little lion jumped directly to the ground. The next moment, he changed his body. A mighty and majestic lion appeared in front of everyone. The lion roared up to the sky, shaking in all directions, Xiao Chen and all of them were shocked by the roar. A few steps.

"What a strong pressure!"

Everyone stared at the greyhound cautiously, ready to escape at any time.

The grey lion stared at Xiao Chen with its huge eyes, suddenly raised its front paws, and patted directly at Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen stepped on his feet to return to the moon and flashed out directly, shaking the mountain suddenly.

The grey lion stepped on the auspicious clouds and stood up in the sky. The front paws kept shooting, and immediately a series of claw prints of primordial power were shot towards Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen kept dodge, and claw pits suddenly appeared in the valley.

"How do I feel that this greyhound is playing with the boss?" Zhu Dachang couldn't help but say Qianmei Yilian and others hiding.

"It's really playing around with the younger brother, or it's too boring, it's hard to come across toys, so naturally it has to be fun." Overlord Huadao.

"Too much deception." Qianmei Yilian said coldly, just about to help Xiao Chen, but saw a monkey suddenly appeared on Xiao Chen, and the monkey jumped directly across from the grey lion.

The greyhound stopped attacking and confronted Xiaobai.

"Xiao Bai, is it you?"

Xiao Chen was startled. He suddenly understood what the Greyhound said, or that the Greyhound was communicating with Xiaobai in advanced animal language, and because he had communicated with Xiaobai in advanced animal language before, he could understand them. Exchanges.

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