Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4013: You want to kill him!

Cheetah slowly turned around, stared at Xiao Chen, and said indifferently: "You are really looking for your own death."

Xiao Chen didn't speak, but the long sword in his hand suddenly disappeared and turned into a long wooden warehouse. At the same time, a tattered black armor appeared on his body, killing intent mixed with boundless fighting intent, surging out.

"Chirp, like a woman." Xiao Chen Mucang pointed directly at the cheetah and said in a cold voice.

The voice fell, and the whole venue fell silent. Everyone looked at Xiao Chen incredible, is this kid provoking the cheetah leader?

Cheetah's eyes narrowed slightly, and an unprecedented coldness flashed in his eyes. This ignorant boy dared to laugh at him as a woman.

Cheetah's whole body suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of Xiao Chen, with no secret of killing intent in his eyes, and he slapped Xiao Chen with a palm.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, and Chang Mucang suddenly stabbed in his hand, giving his life a blow, and stabbing the cheetah's palm severely. This Mucang is the strongest Mucang Xiao Chen can use at present, with all his powers. Ichikura stabbed with anger in his heart.


Xiao Chen's Chang Mucang banged against the cheetah's palm, and the stabbing sound continued.

"Retreat to me!" Xiao Chen roared, and the power in his body exploded. However, the next moment, Xiao Chen's figure flew out directly, and the cheetah's figure only took two steps back.

Although Cheetah had only retreated two steps, his heart was extremely angry. One of his four great leaders was forced to retreat by two steps. This was a shame to him.

"Die." A little bit at the feet of the cheetah, he was already chasing Xiao Chen who was flying out, and then he was about to slap Xiao Chen's head.

Just at this moment, a figure hugged Xiao Chen, and then directly slapped the cheetah, and the cheetah's figure took three steps back again.

And it was Geng Yan who caught Xiao Chen. Geng Yan looked at the cheetah coldly and said indifferently, "You want to kill him?"

"Who are you that dare to stop me?" Cheetah looked at Geng Yan, with anger in his heart. Today, everyone dared to disobey him. Where can he put the face of his commander?

"It's long-winded, like a woman. I asked you if you were going to kill him. What did you say that some didn't?" Geng Yan said irritably.

"I..." Cheetah was angry when he was ridiculed again, his face was shaking because of the anger.

"What am I? Answer me, do you want to kill him?" Geng Yan asked, with a hint of command in her words.

The cheetah became even more angry, especially the tone of Geng Yan's command, which made his face cramp. Who is he, he is one of the four chiefs of the cheetah, he has never been the only one to command others, and no one has dared to command. he.

"You're looking for death!" The cheetah roared and attacked directly at Geng Yan. Geng Yan's eyes were cold, and he lifted a palm, and banged against the cheetah.

The next moment, the prestigious leader of the cheetah flew straight out, and he was hit by a palm.

Everyone stood up, eyes full of incredible, Goshawk and Black Tiger also stopped, looking at Geng Yan with inexplicable eyes.

Xiao Chen was also slightly surprised. Although he knew that Geng Yan was very strong, he didn't expect that he was so strong that even the leader of the cheetah could fly.

"Who are you?" Cheetah was naturally unharmed and stopped soon, but looking at Geng Yan, he was already furious.

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