Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 71: SHIELD Startup

   got a new mission, Nick could not help but look forward to it.

  He took the information that Lin Yi gave himself and began to collect his team members.

   Of course, the people above only exist in his memory, and many Lin Yi have not had time to create.

   But the advantages of the scene suit are also played here.

   members of Howling Commando, and some of the history Nick has experienced, is slowly integrating into this world and requires him to gradually explore.

   Lin Yi began to cultivate Peggy Carter, Damn Dugan and others, and figured out ways to contact Nick.

   He has to go and contact for a while!

   Turn back, and focus on more important things first.

   is also an important sponsor of SHIELD, Nick's old partner Howard Stark.

   In this world, there is no glory of Stark enterprise, and people do not know the father of Iron Man.

   However, Lin Yi can create one.

   He took out the rest of the scene suit, and there was a small golden light ball, which was from the Stark enterprise in the US team 1 world view.

   Tony's father, the genius scientist who helped make the Zhenjin shield, should also be his appearance.

   Lin Yi summons the system, highlights the small broken ball in front of him, and starts to choose the right time to create a Stark enterprise.

   The time is earlier than now, and Howard is younger and more handsome.

  According to what I remembered, I continued to improve the scene of the Stark company, and selected New York ten years ago as the launch location.

   [Target: New York ten years ago. It is estimated that it will cost a thousand points to launch the Stark corporate scene, and the integration will be completed in an hour! 】

  At the prompt of the system, Lin Yi cast the golden light ball according to the coordinates.

   The light ball landed on the New York sign, and finally turned into a virtual image of the building, and a series of light and shadow were refracted from inside.

  With Howard's youthful appearance, there are laboratory scenes, and pictures of contact with the US team...

  These finally merged together and penetrated into New York in the past.


  After a long hour, Lin Yi received a reminder that the fusion was successful.

   At this time, New York will undergo huge changes.

   People will see a magical company and thrive.

   It's time to go and see.

  Open any door, come to the lively New York, and enjoy the good time after the war.

As the biggest winner of World War II, the country of hope at this time is undoubtedly proud.

   As a Stark enterprise that finances the military, it is even more popular, engaging in arms sales and energy businesses.

   Howard has become a popular figure, and the headlines can be seen in the newspaper every day, just like the business elite of that era.

   Lin Yi probed the news, but only slightly smiled.

  It's time to perform.

   continued to change Pierce, quietly approached Howard, and talked to him in private.

   At that time, Howard was busy with a day's business, and was returning home tiredly to want a glass of red wine and take a break.

   did not expect to be an uninvited guest, but sitting on his own sofa, as if he were the owner here, greeted him unkindly.

   "Howard, long time no see?"

"you are……"

   Howard looked at each other in doubt, and gradually searched for a face he was not familiar with from his memory.

  Alexander Pierce, an old man in the military, has good qualifications. I heard that he recently joined the Ministry of National Defense and is negotiating the project to establish the World Security Council.

  I don't know what he came to do for himself?

   "Mr. Pierce, we seem to have met a few times. If you have something to look for me, you can go to the company to make an appointment, or go to the front door and ring the doorbell. Why do you sneak into someone else's house like this?"

Howard's tone was not very friendly, but Lin Yi didn't mind his attitude, but instead said with a smile: "Howard, you should know that I came to you like this because the things to be discussed are very confidential. See you on occasion."

   "So, did you have zf official talk to me?"

   Howard showed a trace of boredom, he was busy enough these days, and he really didn't want to worry about those annoying things.

   Lin Yi didn't answer his question, but stood up and stared at Howard with a mysterious smile.

   "Howard, do you remember Steve Rogers?"


   US team?

   Howard frowned a little, but a lot of strange memories flashed in his mind, and finally rubbed his forehead and said: "Too long! We have not lost him?"

   "Not necessarily!" Lin Yi said flatly, "According to the latest information, Steve has fallen to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and is suspected of drifting into the Arctic Ocean area. We were supposed to send people to salvage, but we can't do it with the current financial resources.

  Howard, you and he are also old friends, don’t you want to know Steve’s whereabouts? "

   Lin Yi threw out a very tempting proposal, which made Howard think.

   His memory is gradually being awakened, and his impression of Steve is also clear, and it seems to want to know the final outcome of the US team.

   "What are you going to do? Wish me to organize manpower to rescue him?"

   "Of course! And not only you, I also formed a small team, they all hope to find out where the US team is, even for this country and the world, what to do? Now, I need your help!"

   Lin Yi cut the topic in the SHIELD project to Howard, and also euphemistically mentioned that we need your financial resources and technical support.

   This sale is very cost-effective, not only can get money, but also get Stark's advanced technology.

  Of course, Stark had an inseparable relationship with SHIELD, and he and Nick Fury would sooner or later be hooked up.

   Lin Yi did not force him to agree, but just left a number and waited for Howard to make a decision.

   Then, quietly leave.

  The remaining Howard was in the villa, meditating alone.

   Until there was a little boy who was not big, he took his hand and asked, "Daddy, what are you thinking?"

   "Nothing, Tony." Howard rubbed his son's forehead kindly, "I just want to see an old friend!"

   "Then go! The friend that my father knows is also a scientist? Must be very powerful!"

   Little Tony asked naively, but it caused Howard to smile.

   "Yes, he is great!"


  The next day, Lin Yi received a call from Howard.

   He agreed!

   Successfully flick Howard to join, Lin Yi can organize the Caotai team.

  He called Nick in the name of Pierce and asked him what was happening there.

  Unexpectedly, no progress.

   Nick found nothing but find old friend Peggy Carter and Dugan.

  He now doubts whether he has received a fake task, the staff is uneven, the funds are unknown, and there is no office location. What is the picture?

   Fortunately, Pierce called and told him good news.

The gold master behind    has been found.

   Howard Stark in New York, you know?

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