Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 141 Review after the fierce battle

After the great elder was killed, the Otsutsuki clan went berserk. All the puppets were attacking crazily. However, the random and unorganized attacks were simply serving food to the giant thunder insect. The sky bug swarms were intercepted and released in an orderly manner. , let the puppets gather at the deliberately prepared gap, and the giant thunder insect can aim at the predetermined gap and generate plasma thunder balls to destroy hundreds of puppets.

"Oh, oh, I didn't expect the tactics from World War I to be so useful in the interstellar world."

"Well, as long as there are no elite units with super combat power to cause trouble, the applicability of tactics in that era is still very good."

A hearty massacre only lasted for forty minutes before Otsutsuki's party regained their senses and retreated in an organized manner.

The Otsutsuki Puppet moves faster than the insect swarm. Usually, if the insect swarm loses, it will be completely destroyed, and if it wins, it cannot pursue them. This is why tens of thousands of puppets can overwhelm hundreds of thousands of insect swarms.

Naturally, Aburame Tetsumaru and the others would not pursue them. They commanded the insect swarm to spend a day cleaning the battlefield and replenished a group of follow-up troops before slowly continuing the attack.

Otsutsuki's side did not retract the moon in one breath, but launched layer upon layer of attacks under the leadership of the new elder puppets. However, just as Aburame Tetsumaru and the others expected, Otsutsuki's side did not have a more powerful puppet.

As long as there are no giant puppets of the Great Elder's level appearing on the battlefield, the insect swarms that have direct experience in dealing with them can deal with them calmly without any setbacks. In the belly of worms.

A month later, the number of insects in the swarm accumulated to 500,000, and the number of giant thunder insects reached the originally planned 3,000, forming a mighty insect tide.

Although the number of Otsutsuki puppets has also increased from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, without the impact and breakthrough of the elder puppets, they are like spears that have lost their sharp spear points. They can no longer confront the overwhelming number of insects. group.

As a result, the battle turned into the most annoying guerrilla warfare mode. Otsutsuki puppets formed thousands of small troops and launched endless harassment attacks.

The insect swarm can only form a huge spherical formation and slowly crawl forward to reduce its own losses.

After rushing into the earth-moon orbit from Otsutsuki, Aburame Tetsumaru reached a small climax by killing the first elder puppet. The subsequent battle against the elder puppet was an unrepeatable peak. The capture of four elder puppets was a slight improvement. After that, the rhythm of the war uncontrollably slid towards dullness, and finally entered the most boring sage stage.

Almost all Aburame Tetsumaru turned their attention elsewhere and returned to a relatively normal routine.

In April of Konoha 42, Aburame Tetsumaru's tactical team set up a huge iron pot on the space station, connected it to a good signal, made all preparations, and finally held the first all-hands conference call in two months.

"Review, brothers."

"First of all, I would like to commend everyone. Our strategy was formulated without any problems. From the beginning to now, we have firmly occupied the strategic advantage and strategic initiative. Even when we were forced to go 20,000 kilometers, we did not collapse. The resilience of the brothers deserves praise. "

"Hahahaha, it's really awesome to be able to withstand it."

"Yes, the biggest credit should go to the brothers who performed the assault mission. That blow was truly shocking."

"you saw it?"

"Of course not, it's so fast, you can't even see it."


The moderator stopped the trend: "We are having a plenary meeting this time, and that brother is also in our group. He can hear us, but there is a delay of about twenty-four minutes."

"What? Have we reconnected?"

"That's great, that's great."

"Speaking of which, this brother is really lucky. He is definitely the luckiest among us. How about we give this brother a name?"

"Be quiet and wait for your reply."

After a long, long time, the distant voice came back. After being amplified by the amplifier, along with the noisy buzzing noise, an indignant voice sounded: "Good luck, good luck, I will stay in the sky for two years before I can return." Home?"

"Without TV, movies, animations, dramas, teachers, and wives, how can you survive this day? I finally managed to get through the phone, but it was delayed by twenty-four minutes. Ha, a phone call that was delayed by twenty-four minutes in one sentence? Which of you? Is there someone I can talk to for a few hours a day?”

Aburame Tetsumaru from the ninja world expressed their opinions at all times: It's miserable, it is indeed miserable. Shrunk in such a small cabin, it feels like it was before I was born. How about we pass all the computing needs to him so he doesn't get bored.

Another twenty-four minutes passed, and the distant Aburame Tetsumaru sent back the last words: "Your uncle!!"

The avatar presiding over the meeting immediately turned off his mic and declared, "Okay, he's offline."

"Now that we've finished talking about the happy topics, let's talk about the problems exposed by this war."

"The first is a problem that we never expected. When Otsutsuki took out the elder-level puppets, our insect swarm had no troops that could match them. In the end, we had to take the risk ourselves, and even lost three people because of this. A brother."

After a period of silence, everyone expressed their emotion: "Who would have thought that in a large-scale interstellar war, heroic units would play a decisive role. This is completely different from our common sense."

"After all, this is an extraordinary world. The abilities of heroes are far beyond that. The power of one person is comparable to that of thousands of legions. It should not be underestimated."

"It's not necessarily unique to the extraordinary world. Maybe interstellar war is originally a stage for heroic units. It's just that the military common sense we know is from the star table era and has not yet reached the level of interstellar warfare."

"So the conclusion is out, we need to seriously consider the creation of hero units."

This important proposal, which affected the development direction of the swarm, was finally approved by all, and someone from far away later added a vote of approval.

The second big problem is the issue of reconnaissance capabilities. Due to the scarcity of air force in the ninja world, Aburame Tetsumaru's insect swarm focuses on developing vision. They have developed telescope, magnification, dynamic and other abilities well, and they also insist on developing chakra vision. .

It was not until the battle in space that everyone discovered that at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, vision was poor. It was not that the eyes were not good or the imaging accuracy was not enough, but that visible light in this universe is naturally weak.

The situation is very clear. Electromagnetic waves with greater energy intensity are most suitable for interstellar reconnaissance. Radar that can actively emit electromagnetic waves is the correct direction for ultra-long-distance reconnaissance.

Aburame Tetsumaru and the others unanimously agreed to set up a remote sensing group to be responsible for the research of imaging radar.

The third big problem is that the mobility of the insect swarm is too poor, resulting in passive tactics. This problem cannot be solved directly through technology, but there is a ready-made ninjutsu that can be used.

"It is urgent to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique. We must keep an eye on Namikaze Minato 24/7 and learn to fly the Thunder God through him as soon as possible."

"This matter can only be done by the main body. Only he can use the secret technique and field barrier to achieve holographic observation. Anyone else who monitors Minato Namikaze is seeking death."

"Where's the main body? Tell me."

Aburame Tetsumaru replied angrily: "Okay, okay, I'll think of a reason to go to the Leaf Village as soon as possible."

Suddenly a voice intervened: "No need to think about the reason, the village sent us a task more than a month ago, and the task book is still here with me."


"Damn it, we're not going to become rebellious ninjas, are we?"

"You are so generous. Check to see if it has timed out."

Although Aburame Tetsumaru and the others are no longer afraid of the Konoha Village, they are currently in a stalemate with Otsutsuki in the sky. The huge consumption is entirely supplied by the Kingdom of Tea. This is definitely not the right time to cause friction with the Konoha Village.

Besides, it was because of this fight that the Aburame Tetsumaru and the others realized that although Konohagakure's fighting power was not very good after Shuangka was gone, there were many good things in the village, and the relationship was too tense. Things are inconvenient.

You can tell by looking at Orochimaru. Even after he defected, he still stayed close to the village. He would come back from time to time to pluck Konoha's wool. This was a very good example.

"Oh, are you blaming me? I reported it more than a month ago, but no one cares. Only now do you think of blaming me, and you are being unreasonable."

Everyone was silent. They had just killed the Great Elder Otsutsuki more than a month ago by luck. All the Aburame Tetsumaru were fully participating in the big calculation to help the lucky brother find a track to turn back. At the same time, they were all worried about whether another ruthless character would appear in Otsutsuki. They really were not in the mood to care about the affairs of Konoha Village. Compared with these two things, defecting was not a big deal.

After a lot of trouble, it was confirmed that the deadline for the task had not passed yet. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the review meeting continued. The hard-working body took the phone to Snail and immediately set off to perform the task.

The next topic involves the vital interests of all Aburame Tetsumaru, the weapon enhancement of the colonial suit.

When being chased by the Great Elder Otsutsuki, the two most heroic brothers rushed forward and felt all over their bodies, but only two wrist swords could be used. At this critical moment of despair, they could only go up and poke them like the protoss's cross soldiers. , so stupid.

"Compared with the high-energy particle cannon's dust escape, and the gravity controller's ultra-light heavy rock technique, we are trying to dig out the Tsuchikage's old foundation."

"Chen Escape is not an ordinary inheritance. It seems that there will be no third-generation inheritor in the end. We may not be able to learn it secretly like the flying thunder god technique."

"Is it possible to directly attack the Tsuchikage's inheritance? This is no different from raiding the Hokage's office and snatching the Sealed Book."

"In short, let's dig through the hole first, conduct extensive surveillance to obtain information, and then take our time. We can always find opportunities with field enchantment."

"Hey, hey, you guys had a great time chatting. Why did it end up being my business again?" Aburame Tetsumaru, who was on the way, interrupted unhappily, "I'm so busy with everything. I think it's time to study the real incarnation, at least. Let everyone be able to use techniques like Shadow Clone Technique and Field Barrier Technique, otherwise I really can’t take care of it by myself.”

"What Ontology said makes sense. The stalls are too big. We have to improve our capabilities as soon as possible."

"The microscopic particle group also needs to be strengthened. Even if the Dust Release is very sharp in the ninja world, the high-energy particle cannon that is more suitable for space battles is a high-energy particle cannon with a far enough range." Only one person's microscopic particle group popped up and declared his own Yes, there is a key project coming next, you can’t miss it.

After continuous calls, the distant brother finally convinced the host to give him a chance to speak, and of course he finished it in one breath.

"Biological computers must be developed. We can't wait any longer. The success of my attack this time is indeed due to luck, and there is no possibility of repetition.

You can understand if you think about it. Although I started preparing to launch three thousand kilometers away, I only locked on the enemy and launched the projectile at one hundred kilometers away. It only took 0.07 seconds for that projectile to go from separation to hit.

In 0.07 seconds, the projectile moved 420 meters laterally and landed accurately on the enemy whose projection interface was six meters high and four meters wide.

It is more appropriate to leave this kind of precise calculation and precise control operations to the computer, and we can only be responsible for the decision-making. "

Hearing this lengthy narration, the Aburame Tetsumaru fans once again lamented that this was equivalent to throwing a chopstick from a car traveling at 120 kilometers per hour on the highway and accurately hitting the target on the opposite car.

We are so lucky. This distant brother is so lucky. He is different from us. We all decided to give him a name, a name that represents luck.

After a heated discussion, it was finally decided that the new name of the distant brother was Dice.

"Congratulations to our Avatar brothers for finally having their first name. We must all work harder to get a new name for ourselves."

Amid noisy heckling and protests every twenty-four minutes, the matter was happily decided, and the review meeting ended.

Aburame Tetsumaru almost burst out laughing when he heard this. He looked up at the deep night sky and saw the faint light track at a glance. This was the swarm of insects flowing towards the moon like a long river.

It was originally planned to start the war in July of Konoha 42, but now the turning point of the war has been reached in February, and it has entered the final stage of garbage. If he hadn't had enough time, if he hadn't coveted Otsutsuki's giant reincarnation, wireless puppetry, moon castle, thousands of years of inheritance accumulation, and Otsutsuki's pure blood inheritance, Aburame Tetsumaru would have definitely cleared the way for complete destruction. Way to end the war.

If you want to get this precious wealth, you can only forcefully suppress it, slowly make the enemy feel fear of you, destroy their pride and will, and obey your rule obediently.

But dragging a war behind like this is the most dangerous thing. Aburame Tetsumaru decided to keep a low profile until the end of the war and must not cause trouble.

[Let’s finish the task first. 】

Through phone monitoring, Aburame Tetsumaru already knew that Konohagakure had expanded the "Giant Insect Squadron" and established a giant insect army. Therefore, more insects were needed, and the new demand was as many as four million.

Konohagakure raised part of it themselves, ordered part from Aburame's family, and finally sent a top-notch task to Aburame Tetsumaru, asking him to deliver two million giant insects to the village within two months, at least One million to be handed over.

This mission was issued by Nara Shikaku, but it must have been approved by the Hokage. The two old foxes wanted to test Aburame Tetsumaru's ability. If they could really produce a million bugs in two months, and take them from When the Tea Country runs to Konoha Village, Aburame Tetsumaru's giant insect production and command abilities will be proven.

On the other hand, it is also a show of goodwill, using a large sum of money to build a relationship between the two parties and lay the foundation for the smooth mobilization of this strategic-level ninja in the next war.

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