Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 575 Supernova’s Breath

The Otsutsukis in the dwarf planet were also hit by gamma ray bursts. The first ones to bear the brunt were the sacred tree on the light-facing side and the Kaguishiki Ten-Tails in the central space.

The Otsutsukis, who are small in size, fast, and good at spatial abilities, react extremely quickly. The moment they were exposed to gamma rays, they hid in various spaces.

Although not every Otsutsuki's space ability is an independent space, one of the advantages of being organized is to compensate for each other's shortcomings.

This group of Otsutsuki has been organized like Otsutsuki Teru and can now accept others into their own independent space, so no one escapes and no one is continuously irradiated.

The Otsutsukis were all moisturized, but the Divine Tree and the Ten-Tails were unable to move quickly. As a highly aggregated chakra, it was extremely difficult for them to teleport using space capabilities, and it took a long time to warm up.

Gamma rays have three poles: extremely short wavelength, extremely high frequency, and extremely energetic. It is the only radiation discovered by Zhou Wenming that can directly affect chakra.

The chakra contained in the sacred tree that was irradiated by gamma rays was exerted with huge energy, and then broke away from the constraints of the sacred tree and dispersed in random directions.

This microscopic phenomenon appears on a standard scale, and is like the sacred tree being burned and trembling, every inch of branches and leaves on the body are on fire, and the blue flames are burning fiercely in the form of jets.

After the chakra was forcibly stripped away, the huge sacred tree withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dry branches no longer had strong toughness and became fragile and easy to break.

The sacred tree suffered such a blow, and the Otsutsuki who were one with it were all in great pain, and their strength was damaged to varying degrees.

But no Otsutsuki dared to step out of the independent space. The sacred tree could not bear the impact of the gamma ray burst, and they could not bear it either.

The destruction of the sacred tree is indeed painful both physically and mentally, but Otsutsuki will not die no matter how painful it is. He will definitely die if he is exposed to a gamma ray burst.

Gamma ray bursts are not a rare celestial phenomenon in the universe. It can be said that they occur all the time, and gamma radiation is abundant everywhere.

For Otsutsuki, they are very familiar with gamma rays. It cannot be said that they are definitely harmful. It depends on the specific radiation intensity.

Gamma rays in the universe can also affect chakra, but they can only slightly increase the activity of chakra. For Otsutsuki members, it is like soaking in a 36-degree hot spring, which is comfortable and beneficial.

When approaching dense and highly radiating objects such as magnetars, white dwarfs, and black holes, the intensity of gamma rays increases. At this time, for the Otsutsuki members, it is like jumping into hot water at 54 degrees Celsius. It is uncomfortable but not uncomfortable. fatal.

Some particularly powerful old guys may find it very comfortable. For example, King Otsutsuki likes magnetar matter very much.

Gamma ray bursts are completely different from the previous two types of gamma radiation. The difference between them is worlds apart, even greater than a 60-degree hot spring and a plasma fireball ignited by an atomic bomb.

If hit by a gamma ray burst, any member of the Otsutsuki clan will die within seconds.

Fortunately, gamma-ray bursts are usually very thin, and because the angle of dispersion is very narrow, few unlucky ones will be hit directly head-on.

Even if you are accidentally hit, you can effectively avoid damage by teleporting through space or hiding in an independent space, including using space barriers to defend yourself.

You don’t even need to dodge when you are sailing in the universe. The width of a gamma ray burst is very limited, and there is no situation where it cannot be rushed through in one second.

But the Otsutsukis did not expect that an enemy could launch stable gamma ray bursts at the dwarf planet they built.

Because countless space defenses have been established on the dwarf planet, the Otsutsuki's own space capabilities have also been severely weakened. They cannot escape with the sacred tree and can only save their own lives.

It can be said that the first blow of the war hammer hit the vital point, and the more than twenty Otsutsuki who were hit were in agony.

You can only watch your own sacred tree or the Ten-Tails struggling in the gamma ray burst, until you and the sacred tree fall down together.

Gamma ray bursts are the strongest form of energy bursts in the universe. No matter how the recoil is balanced and how the supernova is protected, the attack cannot last too long.

In just 1.7 seconds, the Supernova's protection system forcibly stopped the attack. The Otsutsukis, who were as fast as a year, immediately jumped out to rescue their severely damaged sacred tree and dragged it into an independent space as quickly as possible.

There were seven Otsutsuki paralyzed in the space, motionless and silent.

The seven sacred trees of Otsutsuki were just in front of the gamma ray blast. They were completely hopeless at this time. They themselves were seriously injured due to the death of the sacred trees and entered a coma to protect their consciousness.

"Quick!" Otsutsuki Terushiki anxiously transported his Ten-Tails, and he shouted to everyone: "The enemy will not attack only once, we must protect our sacred tree!"

"be quick!"

In order to speed up, Otsutsuki Terushiki cut off all the tails of the Ten-Tails without hesitation and directed the Ten-Tails to drill into an independent space.

The other Otsutsuki followed suit. The sacred trees broke branches and roots one after another, transformed into the ten-tailed form as quickly as possible, and then drilled towards the entrance to their independent spaces.

But this process cannot be fast. As the framework of the dwarf planet, the root system and branches of each sacred tree have expanded to at least 500,000 square kilometers.

For such a huge behemoth, the slightest movement is amplified by conduction, and the speed it reaches the end may be more than ten times the speed of sound.

Even if a large number of ends are discarded, the divine tree's form transformation is still not fast and cannot be completed in a few minutes.

The Otsutsukis operated with fear, but were surprised to find that until ten minutes passed, the next round of gamma ray bursts did not attack.

While they were rejoicing, they were also on alert, ready to run away at any time.

But soon the Otsutsukis realized that something was wrong. They felt strange discomfort in their bodies, and something was wrong with the Divine Tree or the Ten-Tails.

Otsutsuki Terushiki also sensed something was wrong. He didn't know what was going on, but he was sure that this was the enemy's second wave of attacks.

"Speed ​​up, the enemy has started to attack. Bastard, you have no idea what type of attack it is."

"Hurry, come on, even though it's not a quick fatal injury, I feel uncomfortable, very uncomfortable."

"Ahem, I... coughed up blood. It was a direct injury to the body."

As more and more Otsutsuki began to cough and bleed from their orifices, they discovered that their own self-healing abilities could not be used, and the injuries they received were extremely slow to recover, and even some organ damage showed no sign of recovery at all.

At this time, if someone can be 300,000 to 500,000 kilometers away, they can see a faint layer of light haze on the dwarf planet, and the light haze is flowing rapidly toward the front of the dwarf planet.

Eventually, this layer of light mist is absorbed by the starfish ahead, just like dust absorbed by a vacuum cleaner.

These hazes of light are actually ionized carbon elements. They are the result of the destruction caused by the full-force attack of the supernova's built-in virtual black hole as the core elemental attack weapon.

The medium of this attack is gravitational waves, which cause ripples in space.

Gravitational waves are not a rare phenomenon. Gravitational waves with large-scale wavelengths are everywhere in the universe, but their direct impact on the world is not great.

Because the wavelength of this fluctuation is so large, even the entire star system will only be slightly compressed and then expanded unnoticeably, without any substantial impact.

Only by continuing to amplify between stars will gravitational waves have a significant impact.

Especially in airspace with a high density of stars, a sweep of gravitational waves will disrupt the already complex motion relationships, causing chaos in the orbits of a large number of stars and resulting in collisions.

The destructive power of gravitational waves has always been shown indirectly in this way, rather than directly showing violent destructiveness. Just like waves tearing apart ships, the phenomenon of stars being directly torn apart by gravitational waves has never occurred.

But this is all caused by the wavelength of gravitational waves being too large. What will happen if the wavelength is reduced?

Through the high-frequency approach and distance of two virtual black holes, the vibration frequency of gravitational waves is artificially increased, resulting in a shortening of the wavelength.

When the frequency increases to the point where fifteen zeros are required to express it, the wavelength of gravitational waves shrinks to the scale of atoms, and the vibration space affects the relationship between atoms and other atoms.

In the confrontation between the electromagnetic force of chemical bonds and gravity, the extremely weak gravity will definitely fail. But now the role of gravitational waves is not to fight against the electromagnetic force on a large scale, but to add a little extra force to the balanced electromagnetic force on a microscopic scale.

The result of this extravagant approach is to easily cut off chemical bonds, allowing specific atoms to become ionized free elements.

The frequency of the supernova's strike was locked to carbon atoms. First, a small amount of carbonate in the rock body of the puppet was disassembled, and then combined again to form acid, causing secondary corrosion to the rock itself.

However, the carbon content in the rock is extremely low, and the damage to the puppets is minimal. Then it is the turn of the bodies of the sacred trees and Otsutsuki, which are the real targets.

Although they have various magical and extraordinary abilities, the Otsutsuki clan and the sacred tree are all carbon-based organisms. As the carbon element in the body is taken away, long-chain organic matter is fatally destroyed.

After the carbon element is lost, the remaining elements will recombine, changing from organic matter to inorganic matter, and begin to release energy or capture energy from the outside depending on the combination.

The damage to the Otsutsuki's bodies was extremely severe, even exceeding the damage caused by heavy particle radiation, and seriously hindered their self-healing.

After all, self-healing is also about digesting damaged cells and then reorganizing healthy cells. But now those cells are not broken, but have turned into inorganic substances in large quantities.

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and no matter how strong the self-healing power is, it cannot transform inorganic substances into healthy cells.

Warhammer silently calculated the amount of carbon element absorbed, and paid close attention to the stability of the high-frequency vibrating virtual black hole, and stopped the attack when the elemental strike lasted for twenty minutes.

At this time, the cooling of the gamma ray burst attack system had been completed, and the war hammer formed the seal again without hesitation. A few seconds later, the majestic energy was transformed into a raging gamma ray burst, which was sprayed towards the dwarf planet.

This time, the gamma rays were severely hindered by the presence of ionic carbon elements along the way.

The atomic nucleus of the carbon element absorbs the gamma rays and jumps to a high-energy state. After maintaining the high-energy state for five to two hundred microseconds, it releases photons and falls to the energy level.

During this process, the energy of gamma rays is somewhat dispersed and lost, especially the speed is seriously lost.

The photon itself still moves at the speed of light, but it is always captured by the carbon element and then regenerated, which causes the medium deceleration effect.

At the same time, due to the dissipation effect of secondary radiation, a large amount of diffuse visible light is produced. Because of its longer wavelength, some of this visible light can directly penetrate carbon elements and reach the dwarf planet in advance.

then. The Otsutsukis saw with their own eyes a bright beam of light running towards them. They immediately no longer cared about the stumbling sacred tree and got into the independent space one after another.

Seconds later, a gamma-ray burst hits the dwarf planet.

After multiple derivative radiations, the gamma ray burst lost part of its energy, and the uniformity of the wavelength also changed. While its penetrability was greatly reduced, its frontal destructive power was also greatly enhanced.

The gamma ray burst hit the rock puppet on the front, and the rock body sublimated and evaporated under the irradiation. A large amount of silicon compound vapor caused a huge explosion, causing physical damage that was a hundred times more intense than the previous shot.

At the same time, the concentrated energy explosion caused the ejection of silicon compound vapor, forming a massive ejection of material forward on a large scale, and the dwarf planet experienced a significant deceleration.

The gamma-ray burst emitted from Supernova lasted for one point and seven seconds, as the carbon deceleration raged on the dwarf planet for a full sixteen seconds.

Therefore, the second gravitational wave sweep overlapped with the gamma ray burst. This time, the wavelength of the gravitational wave was selected to be silicon. It happened that the airspace was filled with silicon vapor, and the element extraction efficiency was so high that it even formed To weaken the torrent of silicon elements that weaken gamma rays.

In this way, the supernova destroys and absorbs the dwarf planet like breathing, leaving the planet riddled with holes.

After the Supernova completed thirty-six alternate attacks, the dwarf planet changed from a loose structure like popcorn to a porous and loose state like a honeycomb.

More importantly, a large amount of sublimated and evaporated silicon compound vapor is stripped of its silicon element and condenses into metal rain, which converges into a stream and flows toward the center.

The originally empty central space of the planet was filled with molten metals of sodium, potassium, and calcium, forming a new core and creating a high-density bullseye.

In addition, the Otsutsukis had to stuff all the sacred trees into independent spaces, and the entire dwarf planet lost its connected support structure.

Warhammer is convinced that the time has come to deal a fatal blow to the dwarf planet.

Warhammer stretched with satisfaction. The twelve hours of continuous fighting did not make him feel tired. Instead, it was like a warm-up, which brought him into the best condition.

Now the chakra in his body is boiling, and the depression that has been accumulated for fifteen years is in place. Although he has just carried out thirty-six "country-destroying" attacks, his heart is full of fighting spirit, and he is eager to have a surrender. Vent as much as you can.

vent! !

Twelve starfish tentacles extended hundreds of kilometers of chakra light spikes, and the dazzling light burst out like a real supernova.

A phantom of a magnetar glowing with blue-white metallic light appeared on the back of the supernova. The supernova itself looked like a real supernova energy vent.

No reactive jets, no slowing down, and no more protection, just all-out, reckless jets.


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