Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 585 Have you heard of Wandering Star System?

[The death of Otsutsuki for more than twenty years occurred for the second time with an interval of less than 10,000 years. 】

[If the conditions are met, start information collection and judgment to confirm that Otsutsuki and the others are declining? Or is there a stronger civilization rising? 】


[It seems that... Otsutsuki's civilization has declined. No, it's not a decline. Otsutsuki's civilization... has disappeared, but what happened to Otsutsuki's death signal? 】


[It turns out that they are the servants of Otsutsuki, and the signal of death belongs to them. These demons who have been given the name of Otsutsuki are more like Otsutsuki. 】

[I am sure that the hibernation plan was successful. 】

[Undo the warping of time and space, activate the insect swarm body, and revive our civilization. 】

[Recovery must first leave here, this place is too barren. 】

[Even if we abandon the stars and planets and leave, we still have to wait for the insect swarm body to be fully charged. 】

【wait! 】

[You can get rid of the stars, but you can’t get rid of the planets. The memory of civilization is on the planets. If you abandon the planets, they will inevitably perish. 】

[Energy abundance increases, thinking breaks down. 】

[I, we are awake. 】

Conscious civilization was not born near the ninja world, but at the other end of the distant universe, but was defeated in the war with Otsutsuki.

After thousands of years of escaping, he finally escaped pursuit and hid in a thin empty space of darkness. He spent nearly half of the energy of the star he carried when escaping to curl up the space, completely eliminating his traces from the universe.

That's right, when the conscious civilization fled, it not only took its home star with it, but also kidnapped another star and ran away with it.

The consciousness civilization back then was so overbearing.

When it was confirmed that the defeat was irreversible, the conscious civilization began to flee.

They have spent decades pushing the orbit of their parent star to a distance of nearly half a light-year, and are in a state where they can leave at any time.

At the same time, they selected the most suitable among the most common binary star systems, with the right size and the right distance from the black hole.

A black hole was dragged through the position system and invaded the binary star system, and successfully swallowed the larger yellow dwarf star and ejected the smaller red dwarf star.

The high-speed wandering stars passed by the edge of the galaxy of conscious civilization, successfully took away the mother star of conscious civilization on the edge of the star system, and formed a new star system.

The whole process was not noticed by Otsutsuki.

Because in the war between consciousness civilization and Otsutsuki civilization, throwing out stray stars is a common behavior.

Both sides often use this trick to change the star map environment, create a suitable battlefield environment for themselves, and occasionally directly attack the other side's star system.

However, for a super civilization, this kind of blatant attack is too obvious. It has always been intercepted midway and the attack has been derailed, and there has never been a successful example.

The real weapons of attack on galaxies are magnetars that are difficult to detect, and even black holes that are not visible at all.

The black hole is the truly decisive attack weapon. The distance it can be discovered is too close, and there is no time to change its trajectory. In the end, it can only give up the galaxy.

In the three hundred years before and after the formation of the wandering star system, both the consciousness civilization and the Otsutsuki civilization threw more than 50,000 stars into the star field controlled by the other party.

Amid such massive chaos, wandering star systems are a very ordinary, inconspicuous occurrence.

In addition, although the defeat of conscious civilization is irreversible, the situation on the battlefield has only just begun to tilt. Normally, it will take thousands more years to truly see the outcome.

Otsutsuki had no idea that a conscious civilization could make the decision to escape in advance when there was still a chance to struggle.

This is a characteristic of conscious civilization. As an immortal species with no limit to its lifespan, after judging that the war is difficult to win, the first choice is: hide and outlast the enemy.

Although Otsutsuki is also an immortal species, he really doesn't have this awareness of hiding first.

However, although Otsutsuki did not discover the plan of conscious civilization, the wandering star system was still intercepted and attacked by Otsutsuki.

In the super civilization war, both sides are playing with space, resulting in no real front and rear for either side. No matter how the wandering star system flies, it must pass through Otsutsuki's territory.

At this time, both sides were already red-eyed, nervously watching every movement. Even a dog passing by their territory would be kicked, let alone a red star.

Such a big star is the biggest hidden danger. Even though the current orbit is not aligned with our own galaxy, it is too easy for stars to change their orbit.

It must be blown up.

The red dwarf star in the wandering galaxy was originally a healthy and bright red dwarf star, and the escape target was not here.

But in the process of escaping from the battlefield, it was attacked by three void blasts. Seventy percent of its mass was stripped away by the explosion, and its carefully designed trajectory became impossible to figure out.

This led to the bankruptcy of the plan to revive the conscious civilization. The escapees were finally captured by the gravity field of the black hole in the river system and had to choose to hide on the spot.

The exiles of the conscious civilization set the strictest awakening conditions. All members of the civilization separated from the body, merged into one consciousness as a whole, and then fell asleep.

I don’t know how much time has passed now, but the awakened collective consciousness discovered that the Otsutsuki civilization disappeared as they expected.

The immortal species outlasted the immortal species. No matter whether Otsutsuki himself declined or the civilization was promoted and separated from the current universe, the final winner was the civilization of consciousness.

But consciousness civilization soon discovered that something was wrong with itself.

Although it is being integrated into a collective consciousness, the collective consciousness still suffers from memory loss during the long dormancy.

Although there are more memories stored in the core of the planet, after all, only the most important part of the information considered before falling asleep can be recorded.

The memory impairment of the members of civilization has resulted in a considerable part of the information not being recognized, and they have no idea what the original meaning of the information was.

Just like when some guys are retrieving their passwords, they see the password question they set ten years ago: What is my dream? Who is my favorite person?

After some attempts at scratching their scalp, they will exclaim:

"Damn it, my dream is not a small goal, a house, a car, money, what is that?"

"The person I love most is not Teacher Mikami, Teacher Kong, or Teacher Lan, so who is it?"

Maybe there was a vague impulse in his heart, maybe there was a vague long-haired figure, but he could no longer recall the specific information.

Memory loss is normal, but the result of memory loss is the decline of civilization.

But it doesn't matter. Members of immortal conscious civilizations know that the decline of their civilization is a common thing, but it can always be restored.

Because civilization has its own life, as long as consciousness does not die, even if it takes other paths, the level of civilization will eventually grow again.

It's just time, just take your time, the Eternal Seed is never in a hurry.

The expansion of the curled space creates ripples of gravity waves, carrying the information of eternal consciousness civilization and spreading to the entire universe.

Otsutsuki sensed the gravity wave, but easily ignored the civilized information in it, forgetting that this was their most terrifying enemy.

This cannot be blamed on them, because the celestial phenomenon that illuminates the universe is like a clarion call of war, which confuses the Otsutsukis and they can't even bother to analyze the information in the gravity waves.

After receiving the information of Otsutsuki Terishi's surrender, Otsutsuki Shibai, who has a thick crown and a thick horn, fell into a long period of silence and thinking.

After a long, long time, Shibaju asked: "How much information does Otsutsuki of Terushiki's level have?"

The Supreme Lord immediately responded: "Except for my actual ability and the information about the six people in the Blood Successor Snare, he knows everything."

Otsutsuki Shibai asked again: "Judging from the fact that the power accumulated by Otsutsuki Teru's style has been annihilated, can the three Otsutsuki's Bloodline Snare raid be successful?"

The Supreme Lord replied without hesitation: "No. Moreover, he will die."

Otsutsuki Shibaju was silent for a long time and sighed: "It's too fast. The power of this civilization has increased too fast. Our raid has failed only halfway through."

"Recalling the three blood successors, Snare, is one of the few trump cards we have now. We cannot expose it meaninglessly, let alone lose it at will."

The Supreme Lord immediately responded: "Yes."

After a full ten minutes of operation, strong chakra burst out, making even Otsutsuki Shibaju's throne tremble.

After a special spell, the planet was used as the carrier to launch the chakra, carrying the recall command and other information at an indescribable speed.

Suddenly, the emotionless voice of the Supreme Lord sounded: "The three blood successors, Snare, are already on their way back."

Otsutsuki Shibasu slowly raised his head and asked slowly: "When did you start returning?"

"Three days ago."


After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Otsutsuki Shibaju commented emotionlessly: "Huh! You guys are afraid of death!"

"Awaken all the blood inheritance snares again, start cultivating soul activity, and choose the appropriate development route."

"We... take a detour." Otsutsuki Ishiba said with a sigh, "I hope that the decision to prepare is not wrong, and that the speed of our legion preparation will not be surpassed by the enemy's development speed."

After the Supreme Lord determined that Otsutsuki Shibaju had no more orders, he gave a confirmed response: "I obey."

Then the Supreme Lord comforted him: "Please don't worry, your decision is already the best."

"Well, let's do it."


The Otsutsuki Hall Square returned to a silent state again, but the entire Otsutsuki Star began to operate.

The first is the awakening of the two blood successors who have fallen asleep again. Because this time they wake up to fight, the awakening time is deliberately long. As long as they are awake, they can have the strongest fighting power.

The second step is to resurrect the lambs that were killed before setting off, awaken their frozen souls from the death side of the world, and directly use their fourteen-year-old bodies to begin their birth.

Tens of thousands of boys and girls were thrown into Paradise to begin their happy and carefree lives. Their only task was to give birth to five children within five years.

After five years, these lambs that have not gone through the birth process and are directly cloned will exhaust their lifespan and age and die at an extremely fast rate.

But the children they gave birth to experienced natural pregnancy and delivery, and the souls of these young lambs were normal.

They only need to be placed in a less comfortable environment, and after fifteen years of natural growth and development, under a certain degree of hard work and danger, the souls of these lambs can mature.

This number has been calculated, excluding those who were unlucky and died young, and those whose personalities were extremely developed and awkward. There will be enough souls to serve as a breeding ground for the subordinate Otsutsuki to reside.

In other words, in twenty years, the number of lower-level Otsutsuki will increase by a full hundred thousand, which is already enough to release all the lower-level Otsutsuki.

Otsutsuki Juji closed his eyes, like a marble sculpture, without any reaction. Even the supreme master did not know what he was thinking.

But the current situation is that under Shiba's decision, the Otsutsuki clan has squeezed out all its power and capital, starting a war with uncertain outcome.

There is no doubt that this satisfies a series of judgment conditions at the lowest level of the Supreme Lord, and it has activated a more secret underlying logic without its knowledge.

The Supreme Master packaged all the information and transmitted it to an extremely secret space. After the transmission was completed, he cleared all traces of the operation.

The whole process only lasted eight minutes, and under the cover of the opening operation of Paradise, no one could detect it.

Then, in the center of the star core of the Otsutsuki star, through a secret space gate, the information was transmitted into it and received by a great will.

This is the will of the Otsutsuki star, and it is also the last will left by the former Otsutsuki civilization.

He is not a member of the former Otsutsuki civilization, but a condensation of the intelligent control system that has not been eliminated in the various facilities left after the civilization left. It is activated by the biological characteristics of Otsutsuki's planet.

Because he didn't know why the Otsutsuki civilization disappeared, he simply regarded himself as the God of Otsutsuki and created a new Otsutsuki clan with the help of the remaining civilization relics and war weapon races.

The Otsutsuki clan moves around in the universe, and its main purpose is to collect more life essence to become the material for him to perfect his own life state.

The second purpose is to search for traces of its former parent civilization. If it wants to continue to grow, the best way is to find civilizations, obtain all their knowledge, and improve its own wisdom and spirit.

But for tens of thousands of years, the Otsutsuki clan has traveled throughout the universe, but has not found any trace of the Otsutsuki civilization, which means that this road will not work.

Fortunately, in the information left by the Otsutsuki Civilization, he also discovered another way, which is to find and eat a dynamic civilization, absorb all the humanistic achievements of its civilization, and use it as food for his own wisdom and spiritual growth.

The last target was the Erdo civilization. In the long war, although he did not directly intervene in the war, he was the key to the victory of the Otsutsuki clan.

Because He infiltrated into the Erdo civilization and ate the souls of all the elites selected by the Erdo civilization due to the war.

These elites include fearless war heroes, firm and wise leaders, and smart and persistent scientists. It can be said that they encompass all the heritage of civilization.

Due to the large-scale death of elites, Erdo's top-level inheritance was fatally cut off, and the entire civilization was severely destroyed.

Not only could the level of science and technology not progress rapidly under the stimulation of war, but it continued to decline due to faulty inheritance. The level dropped again and again until it was completely surpassed by computers.

Even the original civilization system could not be maintained. The dignified interstellar civilization was forced to adopt a management model that combined politics and religion to barely achieve management.

As a result, the Erdo civilization collapsed, but he was full of fat and made great progress.

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