The corners of Wu Wenqi’s mouth oozed bright red blood.

The madness in his eyes before retreated a little.

His demons, his obsessions.

It was all generated by Su Tian’s terrifying power after seeing the video.

That is obviously in his own eyes, relying on little cleverness.

Guy with a little luck.

Why can there be such power.

The more genius, the more paranoid it is.

Under such thoughts.

Wu Wenqi gradually developed a heart demon.

And now.

When he stood in front of Su Tian.

I personally feel the great force that seems to be the coexistence of heaven and earth.

The inner paranoia completely dissipated at this moment.

Only bitterness remains.

He was half on his knees.

Looking up at the white clothes.

The voice trembled a little: “I’m sorry, I really let you see the joke.” ”

“I used to be so naïve.”

He apologized very sincerely for his past words and deeds.

Then he slowly stood up.


Among the countless Tianjiao list, he was second only to Lin Lei, who had the Kingdom of Mythical God.

Under him are all geniuses.

Such people are arrogant, but not arrogant.

When the gap with Su Yang was clear.

He quickly adjusted his mentality.

He took a deep breath and faced the slightly smiling teenager.

Looking at Wu Wenqi, whose spirit was obviously different in front of him.

The smile at the corner of Su Tian’s mouth was a little better.

Cheng Enough to become the second in the list of talents, in addition to talent.

The heart of this second-year teenager is also quite tough.

“You’re welcome.” Su Xiao responded lightly.

Then he turned around and walked towards Qin Ming and the old man.

“I’ll catch up with you!”

“I will!”

“Definitely!” Wu Wenqi shouted hoarsely.

In his eyes, the back of white clothes.

But it is as majestic and tall as heaven and earth.

And out of reach.

“Yes?” The smile on Su Tian’s face did not change, like a kind boy next door.

The pace under his feet has not changed in the slightest.

“You can try to surpass me.”

“But the people I pass by are never in my way.”

“Until, even my back can’t be seen!” Su Yang’s voice was not loud.

But in everyone’s ears, it was like thunder and explosion.

The old principal and Qin Ming watched the white-clothed young man come slowly.


It seems to be in the era of countless heavenly arrogance and demons.

A white coat covers everything.

No matter how strong and arrogant, no matter how evil Tianjiao is, he will lose his grace because of the existence of this young man.

Under the white clothes, the sky is bleak.

“In an era with such a life, it is their luck and their misfortune.” The old principal said with emotion.

Then Su Yang signaled to Qin Ming that he wanted to go back.

Qin Ming’s palm was raised, and the burst of divine power floated.

“Last question, did you just exert your full strength!” Wu Wenqi asked the question in his heart.

“That moment just now was my peak for me, and I felt life and death in that moment.”

“What about you!”

Su Tian, who was gradually wrapped up in divine power.

The figure slowly disappeared in place.

Only an understated voice was left floating around the training room.

“For you, it’s really a fight in full force!”

Wu Wenqi heard this.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a bitter smile.

The implication of that sentence is.

For you, it’s a fight with all your might.

But for me.

Not so!

“I’ll catch up with you…” Wu Wenqi muttered in a low voice, “I won’t let any trash bother you until I catch up with you.” ”

Although the pride is gone, but the pride is born.

In Wu Wenqi’s heart, there is only an existence beyond him.

Only then can he be qualified to provoke and appear in front of Su Tian.

So much so that in the future generation of Tianjiao has grown.

This is called the Golden Age because of that teenager.

He was worshipped as the God King of the Thunder of Destruction in countless dimensions.

It will completely annihilate the existence of those who dare to provoke that young man.

As Su Yang left, Qin Ming also left soon after.

In the training room.

Only the old principal and Wu Wenqi remained.

“Headmaster, I’m sorry, I failed your expectations.” Wu Wenqi said in a low voice.

The old principal chuckled and touched Wu Wenqi’s head kindly.

“Kid, it’s already amazing that you can get out of your demons, and more importantly.”

“You’ve found the best target.”

The old headmaster had far-reaching vision.

“Do you think I can catch up with him?” Wu Wenqi asked.

This kind old man is a strong man who has spent thousands of years.

He looked at the position where Su Xiao was standing just now.

His eyes were ancient, and he did not answer.

Being in an era with such a life is the sadness of Tianjiao, and it is also the luck of Tianjiao.

That round of great sun will inspire countless Tianjiao to pursue and surpass his existence.

But it is also their sorrow.

Because, when they find out, that great sun is always high and always unattainable.

Even until they couldn’t see his back.

What a pathos that is.

“Su Tian, this name will become a legend.” The old headmaster whispered in his heart.


Su Yang returning to his bedroom from the training ground.

The first time to take a shower.

And the divine source promised by the other party.

It was in his hands before he was teleported back.

Not three though.

It’s five.

“Xiaoyou, thank your subordinates for their mercy.” The vicissitudes of the old headmaster sounded.

Su Xiao smiled slightly.

To be able to become the head of a school, the old principal’s eyesight is not covered.

As for the extra two divine sources.

Naturally, it was because Su Yang did not make a full move.

The old man gave a gift of thanks in order to thank him.

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immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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