Creation’s Grace

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

After the meeting between the mall and Lu Siying, Chi Yu finally smelled a fresh breath in the cloud mist lock.

When I told Qi Tong that Lu Sima was a straight daughter and had a boyfriend, Qi Tong was also quite surprised.

"I can't see it. Seeing her sticking to Ran Ban all day long, I thought..."

Chi Yu joked: "Boss Qi didn't find out about this."

Qi Tong sighed and said, "I still have a lot of work in a small studio. It's really difficult to investigate your sister's affairs. Later, there was another Zhou Yu, not to mention there are some people with less money and more work. Small client. There are only four people in the studio plus me, and I am tired all day long. How can I still have the energy to care if the policeman has a boyfriend! And she must not be in frequent contact with her boyfriend, otherwise I will find out. "

Chi Yu asked Qi Tong to help her investigate another matter first, which was much simpler than other matters, so Qi Tong found it three days after Chi Yu spoke.

Chi Yu went to Qi Tong's studio to find her, and as soon as he sat down, he heard Qi Tong, who came over with two cups of coffee, say:

"That Wang Yan was indeed involved in a drunk driving accident. The night of the accident, Wang Yan had a party with a few friends, and a group of friends were all rubbed on the ground by Chi's in the energy circle. I hated your sister before, but now your sister When he was gone, he naturally transferred all the hatred to Ran Jin. This group of people gathered together and did not miss Ran Jin.

"It is said that Wang Yan became angrier the more he talked, and threatened to teach Ran Ban a lesson. His group of friends thought that Wang Yan was just talking nonsense after drinking, and no one took it seriously. Strong king. Unexpectedly, Wang Yan turned his head and really asked Ran Ban to settle the account.

"Driving his Bentley and chasing after Ranjian for a long time, he chased him all the way outside the sixth ring road and wanted to continue to follow Ranjian. He was run over by a large truck when overtaking. Well, this is when the accident happened. Surveillance video. The speed of the car is too fast, how many lives are there? Dare to do this."

Chi Yu felt a little unfamiliar when she watched the banned car in the surveillance video rushing through the traffic.

In the past, Ran Jin used to drive her to and from school carefully, and she didn't even have a small scratch in the past few years.

Sometimes Chi Yu thought she was too slow, she replied: "Of course I have to slow down when you are in the car to ensure your safety."

It turns out that Ran Ban, who has been driving at a turtle speed, can actually drive the car like this.

Even if she knew that Ran Jin was fine in the end, when she saw that she was forced to overtake among the big trucks in order to escape Wang Yan's pursuit, she couldn't help but raise her throat.

There are several videos shot on different sections of the road. In the video, Wang Yan is chasing after Ran Jin's car, and he does look like he is drunk and heartbroken.

Seeing him being so aggressive, I really don't know how he would treat Ran Jin if he was really chased by him. Fortunately, Ran Jin escaped.

Wang Yan tried to overtake and keep up with Ran Ban. Drinking and driving was an extremely dangerous behavior, and he was also tossing more dangerous operations, so when his Bentley flew out of control and flew into the air, he was run over by a large truck behind him that had no time to brake. Outdated, the shocking picture fell in the eyes of Chi Yu and Qi Tong, which was also expected.

Qi Tong said while drinking coffee: "So, although Wang Yan's death is said to have something to do with Ran Ban, but Ran Ban did not kill him as rumored by the outside world, everything is his own fault."

The hurting edge in Chi Yu's eyes gradually dimmed, turning into a softness that was not very clear: "You can say that."

Qi Tong was still very keen on the change in Fa Xiao's attitude, and followed her words: "In this way, Lu Siying was not the object of her derailment, and Wang Yan was not killed by her, we have misunderstood her a little bit before. "

Chi Yu thought that Ran Jin had asked the people in the company to take the trouble to teach her. He didn't respond to Qi Tong's words for the time being, and asked instead, "Have you traced the person who was photographed dating my sister?"

Qi Tong was about to cry: "Sister Yu, look at my small studio, because you have been twitching for a long time, and the most important weapon in your sister's case that can overturn the conclusion of suicide has not yet been found. I have a Zhou Yu. Now, I only give myself five minutes to eat. I wish I could run away with the rice bowl in my hand. I know you are worried about this, so I can only try my best to check it. I'll definitely put what you want to know in the first place, okay?"

Qi Tong is not complaining, but is habitually talking to Faxiao, but the central meaning is still her business.

According to the previous way, the two will definitely fight each other twice.

Unexpectedly, Chi Yu looked at her and said seriously: "You have worked hard for this time, Qi Tong. Thank you for taking my affairs to your heart."

Qi Tong's back stiffened when she heard it, and her heart softened immediately.

"Oh, what are you talking about! What's the relationship between us, we grew up wearing a pair of pants, your business is mine, how could I not take it to heart..."

Qi Tong said a few words, Chi Yu's eyes began to turn red, and he suppressed his emotions abruptly.

This really frightened Qi Tong, and hurriedly took out two pieces of paper: "Don't cry, Sister Yu, you said that we have known each other for so many years, why didn't we carry the storm together? No matter when, you still have me... "

Chi Yu didn't cry, but after she took the paper from Qi Tong, the tears did not fall, and Qi Tong smiled.

Chi Yu has always felt that he is strong and brave enough to face whatever happens.

But during this time, countless unexpected things were pulling in her heart, trying to shatter the cognition she had built up over the past twenty years.

Only then did she realize that she also had weaknesses.

"I'm fine." Chi Yu's nose was slightly red, she took a deep breath and said, "Don't be too tired, let's take it slowly."

Qi Tong nodded vigorously: "Mmmm!"

Before leaving Qi Tong's studio, Chi Yu copied from her the video of Lu Siying's dash cam on the day of the crime.

This is one of Ran Jin's most important alibi. I had read it before Chi Yu, but it was played quickly and not carefully.

Late met all night watching the video of the dash cam, and repeatedly compared the surveillance video of the back door of my sister's lounge that I had copied back before.

No matter how the person in the surveillance video looked at it, she was Ran Ban, and she couldn't admit it wrong with this face.

But the person talking in the monitoring dash cam is also Ran Ban, and she can distinguish the voice clearly.

So why, one person can be in two places at the same time?

Chi Yu remembered Zhou Yu who was like him, but not like him.

Could it be that someone pretended to be Ran Jin and wanted to frame her for killing her sister? And Ran Jin had been prepared for a long time, so on the day of the incident, he and Lu Sima created a perfect alibi.

However, if Ran Ban had known that someone was going to kill her sister, but didn't tell her...

Chi Yu pinched his mouth.

It's not impossible, because the two of them have broken up, and Ran Jin has enough reasons not to remind her.

What happened to my sister?

"Under the lights, you know, some people you think you know her well, but in fact, the truth may not be what you believe."

Lu Sima's words appeared in Chi Yu's heart.

Combined with the bits and pieces of being taken care of by Ran Ban in the company these days, the late encounter at this time inevitably came up with an idea—

Ran Jin might not really be the murderer. She didn't sleep all night. As an assistant, she still has a lot of work to do. Chi Yu is never a person who gave up halfway. She must go to the company.

Ask Aunt Su to pour a cup of black coffee, and then go out after serving a few mouthfuls of soufflé toast.

Ran Jin is going to see Dong Ling from STAR Group this morning. The reason why Chi Yu has to climb to the company today is because of this itinerary.

The STAR Group has a huge influence on the domestic galaxies and channels. When Chi Yu was abroad, he often heard Dong Ling's name. STAR and FPIU are the two companies that star-track talents in the world yearn for the most, and naturally they also have a competitive relationship.

The three moon-oriented orbits that Ran Ban bought with a lot of money before were the orbits developed by the STAR Group. If I come back to them this time, the purpose of Ran Ban is definitely the orbits.

It is possible to use the newly joined partner Zhou as the capital for negotiation, or to use profit as bait, in an attempt to reach a new cooperation plan with the STAR Group.

Ran Jin has already recruited Zhou Yu. If he gets STAR's support again, he will probably be busy with the blockade of the orbit of the moon before the late encounter.

Late in the morning, he was looking for an excuse to follow Ran Jin to the STAR Group.

She listed more than ten excuses in her mind. Before she could speak, she heard Ran Jin say, "Xiaoyu, you'll go out with me later."

Chi Yu raised his head and looked at Ran Ban.

"Let's go to STAR Group together." Ran Jin said.

In the warm room, Ran Jin took off his coat and suit, and only wore a white shirt with a light blue pattern at the waist. The cufflinks and wrists were still stitched together, and the neat cuffs revealed a small section of slender wrists.

Wearing a watch on her wrist, Chi Yu remembered that this watch was a gift from her sister in the second year she came to Chi's house.

She also wears something her sister gave her.

Without getting an answer, Ran Ban looked at Chi Yu with some puzzlement.

"Well, good." Chi Yu replied.

"What's the matter, didn't you sleep well last night?" Ran Ban noticed the traces of staying up late on her face.

Chi Yu didn't answer her question: "Leave in fifteen minutes?"

"Okay." Ran Jin said, "I'll have a small meeting first, and I'll be back on time in fifteen minutes. If you're sleepy, take a break."

Chi Yu gave an inaudible "um", almost answering her with an air tone.

Ran Jin didn't go to the meeting after going out, but turned to the front desk and asked, "Has my courier arrived?"

"It's here!" The front desk took it out immediately, "Do you need me to help Mr. Ran take it apart?"

"No." Ran Jin rarely smiled, "Just help me wipe the outside of the express box."


Ran Jin has always been afraid that it will be too late. This is her foreign partner who finally came to the auction. After calculating, it will arrive a week ago. As a result, I didn't know what was wrong on the way. It was delayed for a long time. .

Ran Jin urged the courier brother several times, and finally it was delivered. Fortunately, he didn't miss it.

Chi Yu called Dong Ling's secretary, and the other party was very enthusiastic, saying that Mr. Dong had been free all morning and was waiting for them.

Hanging up the phone, when Chi Yu planned to get up and do some activity, his phone rang.

It was Qi Tong's WeChat, he sent a voice, and the next line followed a bunch of cakes.

Chi Yu was a little confused, and when she clicked on the voice, it was "Happy Birthday" from Qi Tong's loud voice.

Today is my birthday.

Chi Yu suddenly realized that yes, it was indeed her 23rd birthday. No wonder there were many reminders of unread messages in the APP she used for work this morning. She hadn't opened it yet, so she probably wished her a happy birthday.

Aunt and uncle also sent her WeChat, and her chaotic brain because she hadn't slept last night gradually became active again amid the blessings.

Just as she was replying one by one, the phone received a push notification of a new email.

Seeing the sender's name, Chi Yu's expression condensed in an instant.

【Sender: Late.

Email content: Happy twenty-third birthday, baby! 】

A tingling sensation jumped up from her spine to the top of her head. Chi Yu watched helplessly as the push came with her sister's name in front of her. She didn't respond until the push bounced back.

elder sister?

Chi Yu opened the mailbox APP with a cold and trembling hand.

It wasn't the hallucination she had caused by staying up all night, it was really an email from her sister.

a video.

Really sister? Is your sister still there?

Chi Yu didn't know how she was feeling at this time, countless guesses and a little hope were rampant in her heart.

After taking a few deep breaths, she puffed a few **** of hot air into her hands, calmed her emotions, and then opened the video.

【Small encounter! baby! What! 】

The person in the video is really my sister, and my sister hugged the video and kissed her a few times.

[My God, our little baby is now twenty-three years old! Time flies too fast. In my memory, you are still the little brat who only acts like a spoiled brat by my side all day long, and you will graduate from college in a blink of an eye. Hey, time flies, you grow up, I will be old. 】

The fresh elder sister, the voice she hadn't heard for a long time, made Chi Yu burst into tears for a moment.

In the video, Chi Li is sitting on the sofa in Chi's living room, wearing home clothes, and the makeup on his face has not been removed. He seems to have drunk some wine and is very excited.

[Last year, I was so busy that I forgot your birthday, and I was trained by you. This year, I recorded the video in advance and set the delivery time. I will definitely not miss it. You can’t talk about me! what! So, this video is specially made to celebrate my baby's birthday. Birthday present...I'll have to think again. Do you know how picky you are? It's really not easy to give a gift that can touch your heart. I'm going to lose my hair. But your sister, I already have a general direction, and I will make sure you like it when the time comes! 】

This is recorded in advance by my sister before her death, so as not to miss every birthday of hers.

But the person who loved her most in the world is no longer there. Ran Jin held the courier, stood behind Chi Yu, and heard Chi Li's voice from her mobile phone.

Chi Yu heard the footsteps of Ran Jin coming back, lowered his head and wiped away the tears, looked back, and tried his best to make a calm expression: "Are you going now?"

Seeing how she was holding back her tears, Ran Jin felt as if her heart was being twisted so hard that it was in severe pain.

Chi Yu's gaze shifted uncontrollably to the courier in her arms, and Ran Jin noticed her vague expectation.

Chi Li died before he could prepare a gift for Chi Yu, Ran Jin knew.

She also knew that for the late encounter at this time, the gift that her deceased sister personally picked for her was a hundred times more precious than the gift from an expired sister-in-law.

"This is... a gift prepared by your sister for you." Ran Jin delivered the courier to her.

Hearing this, Chi Yu's eyes really lit up.

"I'll open it for you." Ran Jin opened the courier and took out a somewhat worn leather notebook.

These are the working notes of a scientist who died young, whom Chi Yu most admired.

Ran Jin knew that Chi Yu had been looking for this work note a long time ago, and Ran Jin was secretly helping her find it, and finally found it at an auction house three months ago.

Chi Yu held the notebook tightly, her knuckles turning white. She lowered her head, trying to control her surging emotions, but Ran Jin still saw a tear drop from her sagging face.

Ran Jin was so distressed that he raised his hand to touch her head as before, comforting her, but...

The hand hanging by his side only moved slightly, but did not lift it.

Ran Jin brought her a tissue, kept a distance from her, and accompanied her quietly.

After a wave of emotional outbursts, Chi Yu saw the recipient on the express.

The recipient is not "Zhang Li", but "Ran Ban".

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