Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 271: Yuge brand manned eyeball aircraft

It was You Ge’s cheap wife who was stabbed.

Velvet aimed at the daughter who had the most powerful fluctuations among them, but she didn't expect that the opponent's three faces could move freely.

After being stabbed,

Velvet also noticed the unusual aura in it,

"Is this a newly fused alien?"

With a question, after kicking the opponent out, Velvet stood in Yuge's mouth and looked at the fused Ian below,

"Yeah, less than an hour."

A full score would only be 40 points, of which You Ge was certain.

"The fusion is not perfect, focus on attacking one, don't be confused."


After being reminded, You Ge also understood instantly,

"That woman was not completely integrated with the other two." Velvet was referring to the eldest daughter who had just escaped. Otherwise, all three faces would be harmed equally, and there would be no difference.


As soon as the big eyeball shook, countless small eyeballs flew down from the body.

For harassment attacks, his body size has some problems, but it does not affect the use of small eyeballs to harass. Regarding the enemy's attacks, even if Yu Ge recovers his body, it may not be as effective as Velvet. It is better to launch detailed harassment attacks. Come on.

Eyes flying,

Velvet also jumped out of Yu Ge’s mouth,

The moment her guilt swelled, she also radiated her power into a black realm of her own.

Huge mouths began to appear around them,

Her goal at this time also became how to bite off that face. If the balance is destroyed without perfect fusion, the alien will naturally have weaknesses.

The attack continues,

You Ge felt a little helpless. It seemed that he still needed to use unconventional means.

worm sequence,

We can't drag it out any longer. Now it's chaos, which is why the Rat Man didn't make a complete counterattack. If it's just a sudden appearance of a strange knight who has blocked it for so long, then forget about the victory later.

You song in the sky,

The moment the corruption pollution was scattered again, one eyeball was also filled with insect pollution.

It's impossible to do it on a large scale. Who knows what kind of aliens will change because of this? Let's get this done first, and let the other knights hold on.


"Sir, are you going to let them continue to make trouble like this?"

Several people have gathered in the Tomb King's upside-down spire. Apart from the man in black robe from before, the others are the captains of the knights under his command.

"The death-match agreement has begun, and it has become a settled matter here." The Tomb King is not happy at all now. His toy was bombarded by the opponent, and he can only watch. If the knights are sent to intervene now, he will simply fight to the death. From a technical point of view, he can only be used as a skimmer.

On the other hand, he has been embarrassed. The knights he sent before did not expect to fail so completely.

Aliens, they are still aliens after all, and it is still difficult to get them to behave themselves.

Now we are sending people, haha, you are completely beating yourself up, can't you afford to lose? Even if the people from the tall steeple don't arrange for people to come, I'm afraid that clockwork guy is about to appear.

At that time, it was no longer a matter of being defeated by his subordinates. The original meaning of a fight to the death had completely changed. He would probably be laughed to death by the tall spire.

"Let everyone surround the chaotic area and prohibit anyone from entering. If there are participants, they will be executed immediately." Tomb King gave the order. He could only suffer this loss by himself. If he had known it, he would be killed when the Hall came. Don't let the people below play.

"Yes, sir!"

tall spire,

"It's chaotic! Hahaha! It's completely chaotic." The face under the clothes of the beast was full of joy: "It's rare to see problems in that guy's territory. It seems that the so-called rules will also be full of loopholes."

"There will be problems in this case, but his territory is not as good as originally thought."

The wise man still maintains a calm attitude. Although he does not like chaos, chaos is also the best time for observation.


Big mouth bites,

After a huge mouth suddenly appeared on the blade of Velvet's resentment, it finally bit three swollen faces of Ian.

Without any hesitation,

Tiny blades sprouted from the blade again,

A small mouth also bit into the face of the daughter who was avoiding it.

"Now!" You Ge's eyes containing insect contamination immediately crashed into the cheap daughter's mouth,

Pollutants are everywhere,

The moment the eye pulp exploded, the insect-contaminated information successfully entered the opponent's body.


In order to be able to kill with one blow, You Ge also waited a little.

He did not choose to directly release the insect-contaminated contamination outside the opponent's body, which was also considered. He was able to resist in the beginning, and fused with Ian, he will be able to resist as well.

What Youge needs at this time is to cause interference to the opponent so that Velvet can directly attack the opponent's core.

Sensing the insect-formed pollution erupting in the opponent's body,

Without waiting for You Ge’s prompt,

Velvet also noticed that the other party's aura was confused.

The evil-mouthed sharp blade in his hand exploded instantly,

The moment it penetrates the opponent's body,

Velvet's head also opened a big mouth,

Swallow it in one gulp,

Youge's cheap daughter's face instantly turned into the marks left after being bitten by sharp teeth.

As the attribute power of fused with Ian explodes,

After forcing Velvet back,

Vomiting started immediately,

Countless tiny worms also spit out from the remaining two mouths.

Seeing this, Velvet immediately spit out the face in her mouth. She didn't want to become a worm nest.

"The breath is declining." Yuge, who was always keeping a close eye on the opponent, immediately started to finish off the opponent. Insect pollution is indeed a little more difficult than his other abilities. Although he only used insect pollution superficially, it is undeniable that as long as he continues to grow, he will be able to completely turn insect pollution into his own means one day.

Following the opponent's wound, Yuge's countless eyeballs and the red-marked human memory flooded in at the same time, and this time they finally caused considerable damage.

Accompanied by Velvet's blade piercing and biting,

Yuge's small eyeballs also began to eat away at the opponent's body.

One bite at a time, in the forced burst of Ian's last few attributes and the unwilling roar, it finally turned into a pool of corrupt mud.

"Let's go!"

He called out to Velvet.

Youge ate Ian's remaining corrupted matter in one mouthful, turned around and flew in one direction of the city wall.

"It's still not too late. The ratmen are just showing some signs of gathering." He caught up with Velvet who jumped up, and told her the information about the ratmen he had obtained from Elosli's mental connection: "The high-level officials of the air ghosts and the ratmen are fighting. The other side doesn't know that there are air ghosts in their tribe. We just need to advance the front line and surround the ratmen."

Facing the Rat King and the other side's elders,

it is not enough to force the attack with the current military force,

but it is enough to hold the other side back. Once the Rat King is told that air ghosts have appeared in the tribe's territory,

if he doesn't want his people to die and be injured for no reason,

the Rat King must leave here to support the territory. Apart from anything else, Youge is ready to hold the other side back. As long as you don't admit defeat, they will never let you go.

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