Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 955 The Departure of the Horned Rat

Big killer,

You Ge dared to face the counterattack of the Chaos Evil God alone, which was naturally due to his trust in the most mysterious and powerful being in his body.

In fact, it can be seen from the beginning of mankind's call for greatness that beings that are too weak cannot carry the slightest influence of power on these great beings. Most of them are the other side's initiative to gather them, or the greatness bestows gifts on lower-level beings that can carry their power. This Only then can communication be smooth.

And why is You Ge's commitment to greatness like this at this time?

He can completely reveal great information, just like an accident. As long as it leaks out a little, this group of beings will tremble under the great information. There is no need for You Ge to take action, and even greatness does not require any action. This truly great existence carried in You Ge's body can completely destroy them in countless ways.

The cruel smile, from the hell star that now surrounds everything around, shows the naked voyeuristic intention of the red seal of chaos. The complex human nature is conveyed in this expressed smile, followed by the tentacles stretched out for these three people. , the peaceful atmosphere that had been maintained for a long time was completely broken.

"TheRed, you will completely die here today. We will accept everything from you and thank you for your efforts!"

At this moment, Nurgle and others also realized how the thing surrounding their existence existed, and after that part of the tentacles swallowed the Garden of Khorne and incorporated it into their own existence, Nurgle's crazy plague began. Emerging from all directions, vigorous love was exposed from the plague, and countless Nurglings rolled vaguely in the green diffuse, each one biting and destroying tentacles and eyes crazily.

This plague that can destroy everything, this horrific plague that can completely plunge the universe into despair and sadness, was spread across the entire space from Nurgle's existence.


The plague that filled the entire space in an instant made Tzeentch and Slaanesh retreat. Is this guy crazy? ! Are you desperate to unleash this power? !

The plague that can corrode the universe is called the wrath of Nurgle. It is also a product of the properties of the Aphotic Pot. It is also the main reason why Nurgle has been able to achieve so long and pull down all three of them.

After so long, they have indeed found a way to restrain such power. They are not completely suppressed by this power as before, but what they cannot ignore still exists, its destruction of the universe and their entire existence. The destructiveness completely exceeded the original limit of existence.

Once it ends, it represents irreparable damage, and even their existence cannot ignore this loss.

And the reason why they collectively besieged Nurgle after finding a way to restrain it was to prevent him from continuing to grow. This urgent battle under the pressure of time finally ended with the unexpected appearance of the third Youge. It has turned into the current result.

As the plague continued to spread, the flickering Nurglings began to get into all the gaps they could get into,

Looking at the destructive trend from a distance, the fear under the plague became strong again. Under the pressure, the other beings all chose to retreat, avoid the space where the plague was raging, and put up a series of defenses to block the ruthless spread of the Nurgle plague.

"Oh? Plague? A plague of mercy that transcends limits. It's really rare for you to gain such power."

Familiar taste, familiar feeling, completely different from the power system of the Kingdom of Chaos, the power of replication and mutation after the Matte Pot.

"Finally something slightly different. With the existence of this power, it is indeed worth me to take you seriously."

The power of the evil god plus attribute power is really interesting.

Looking at Nurgle, under this situation, You Ge's body also showed recognition of its power. The infinite self began to operate, and the hole-shaped penetration allowed those hell star appearances to move back to the defeat of the other party's invasion and destruction. The situation and the absolute resistance of the beyond-limit power caused the space of the Chaos Kingdom to directly begin to be broken and distorted.


Nurgle's hidden power was held back, and his dissatisfaction with Youge became more vigorous. His own power was restrained by the red seal of chaos. The power of the evil god alone was a bit too weak. The plague of kindness that was devastating the kingdom of chaos was also blocked by the other party. How could it be done? joy.

"Three 'great powers', you really make me surprised by you!"

Nurgle also felt an inexplicable sense of urgency, and the same over-limit power confirmed that the next result might really lead to a bad situation.

"Aren't you going to take action? Just watch him devour us?"

Nurgle roared, and after the plague that filled the entire space was gathered and changed, he stood together with the other three again.

"Tzeentch, do you have any good ideas?"

The benevolent plague spirit Nurgling was still wreaking havoc on the appearance of the hell star. After they gathered together, Nurgling suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and directly asked Tzeentch, who was most likely to have a way to deal with Yuge's wisdom and cunning. .

"It's impossible for you..." Before Tzeentch could say anything, the Horned Rat had already said it. He glanced at the three of them with disdain and continued: "Not only these, the secrets I know are enough to destroy you. There is no chance for you."

The Big Horned Rat retreated step by step. At least You Ge did not block everything here. His purpose was just to keep these three countries here. On the contrary, the Big Horned Rat who entered here alone could completely escape.


After saying this, the Big Horned Rat left decisively. What about the secret? How could the Big Horned Rat not know what You Ge did? If he didn't have absolute certainty, he would not take such action. From this point of view, there is no need to dwell on this. After he understands the other party's methods, he can talk about other things.

"Have you thought about it?"

Seeing the departure of the Horned Rat, the Chaos Red Seal made a mocking sound, approaching step by step without giving the opponent any room.

Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh,

This absolute being who was king in the Kingdom of Chaos has now become a little lonely.

The feeling of powerlessness was intensified by the presence of the Hell Star, and the huge energy vortex that merged into one had begun to squeeze their existence.

what to do?

This absolute power has nothing to do with strategy. The other party has already firmly grasped their existence.

And even if it was the new power of Nurgle, what the Horned Rat said when he left made Tzeentch even more frightened. What other mysterious methods did the other party hide? !

"Don't worry, you won't die."

After this brief thought, You Ge did not have any expectations or nonsense. The first thing to do was to encircle and suppress Slaanesh. This most powerless evil god was under his control, and the joy of desire had no effect at all. After the Red Seal of Chaos was suppressed, the method of imprisoning Khorne was also revealed on Slaanesh.

"TheRed! I will never admit defeat!"

Seeing the prisoners controlling Slaanesh, Nurgle went crazy. The sudden feeling of being slapped in the face made his heart burst out with more anger. Unlike the wise and calm Nurgle before, after this battle, , I don’t know when I started to completely lose the calmness of the past.

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