Xier was naturally willing to have two more capable partners.

But from the perspective of her members of the Earth Fire, she could not fully trust the alien guest star that appeared inexplicably and Bronya of the upper-level Silver Mane Iron Guard.

It was even more difficult to understand why Xia Zhihui agreed to let them join without any hesitation, as if he had gone crazy.

But she completely trusted Xia Zhihui.

As things stand, she could only explain to the two of them the dangers of Rivet Town and let them retreat.

Thinking of this, Xier patiently explained

"Rivet Town is very dangerous. There are rift monsters wandering in it. Many of the supplies that people rely on for survival have been swallowed up by the rift."

"This is why there are so many homeless people in the lower areas and why supplies are so scarce."

"Many of the original production lines were destroyed by the rift, including our former home.……"

Rivet Town Orphanage.

Xia Zhihui nodded, but he was not worried at all. These words would never scare the two of them. Instead, they would only inspire their fighting spirit.

The fact was as he expected.

Buniya stood straight, and a fierce temperament emerged spontaneously, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

"You are going to collect supplies for the people, count me in!"

"Human life is at stake. Even if Lord Kokolia issues an order to isolate the upper and lower levels, if I leave this situation alone, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in the future."

"It just so happens that I have a lot of experience in fighting against the monsters of the Rift. I will definitely be able to help you two."

Her words made Natasha nod slightly.

This is the Silver Mane Iron Guard that the people want to see, who are brave enough to take the lead in the face of danger and never retreat.

Instead of the group of guys who never came back after leaving the lower area and were scolded by the people of the lower area.

Xing also nodded with full fighting spirit. How could she be left out of such a thing?

Seeing that the two were sincere and their words were well-reasoned, Xier was speechless for a moment and stammered.

"Humph... Well, then don't hold me back!"

Xia Zhihui suppressed a smile and nodded, explaining.

"She didn't refuse, which means she agreed. Now the four of us will go together. You should be relieved, right, Natasha?"

The gray-haired beautiful doctor nodded with a smile.

"Yes, there are two batches of supplies, steel plates and bandages. The steel plates for fixing bones seem to be in the market in Rivet Town, and the bandages are in the clinic of the orphanage. You can look for them in the clinic. There are also medical alcohol for disinfection and anesthetic drugs, etc."

"Speaking of which, those things were prepared for you. Xier often fought in the streets before coming to the orphanage, and Xia Zhihui often disappeared after he became more sensible, and sometimes came back with injuries."

Looking at the black-haired and black-eyed boy who has become the head of the children's commune and the canteen, and the heroic girl next to him who has become the backbone of the Earth Fire, Natasha hugged the two of them with relief.

"Now you have grown up, that's great, I just hope those medicines haven't expired."

Feeling Natasha's sudden hug, Xia Zhihui's body was a little stiff, but he still stretched out a hand to hold her back.

"Don't worry, we will definitely come back safe and sound."

Seele buried her head on Natasha's shoulder and nodded.

Bronya turned her head and whispered to Xing

"Did we come at the wrong time?"

Xing happily shook her head and went over to hug Xier and Natasha.

"I want a hug too!"

Looking at Xing who was acting like a child, Bronya could only shake her head and hugged him as well.

"It seems we are here at the right time."

Xia Zhihui couldn't hold it back any longer. With a slightly red face, he broke away from Natasha's embrace and expressed his intention to leave.

Natasha didn't care. She let go of a few people and smiled as she folded her hands.

"These things should be enough for a while. There may be other drugs in the clinic's laboratory. You can also take some back, but don't force yourself."

"You can come back safely, this is the most important thing."

Xier held her hand

"Steel plates, bandages, medical alcohol and anesthetics, that's all. Don't worry, Nata, we will definitely come back intact."

Xia Zhihui said after yawning

"OK, let's try to get back before midnight so we can catch up on some sleep."

"You three should get going quickly. I'll be waiting for you at the gate of Rivet Town."

Seele rolled her eyes at him and then nodded.

Xia Zhihui disappeared, Natasha returned to the clinic, and Bronya and Xing, led by Seele, headed towards the north of Rock Town.

Rivet Town used to be the industrial and commercial center of the lower district, but after the Silvermane Iron Guards evacuated, it was soon invaded by the Rift, and the residents who originally lived in Rivet Town had to leave their hometown and become townspeople or wanderers in other towns. The highest building in Rivet Town and most of the people in the orphanage are also like this.

It was only because of Natasha's superb medical skills, the appearance of the Earth Fire, and Seele's journey that she could lead everyone in the orphanage to live a normal life.

Several people hurried on their way, and before long, Seele saw the familiar streets and Xia Zhihui waiting at the gate of Rivet Town, and then she stopped.

"We are here. This is Rivet Town, where Xia Zhihui and I grew up.……"

She didn't finish the second half of her sentence, but everyone present understood what she meant.

But Xi'er didn't wait for the three people to comfort her, and the next moment she cheered up again.

"Let's go, be careful. Although the four of us can handle it, if the sound of fighting attracts too many world-shattering monsters, we won't be able to complete the mission."

Looking at the surrounding walls, Bronya took the lead in making a suggestion.

"The terrain here is too low, let's find a higher place and observe the distribution of monsters."

Xia Zhihui nodded, look, what is called professionalism, this is called professionalism.

Every time you go to a new place, occupy the commanding heights first and obtain the surrounding map information.

Fortunately, I don't need it, I have a system map.

Looking at the dense information on the system map, Xia Zhihui refused

"No need, I still remember how to get there, follow me."

Without waiting for the others to agree, he set off first, and Seele could only hurriedly follow him. Bronya and Xing looked at each other and could only follow. After a street and several alleys, the four of them did not encounter any world-breaking creatures.

Until the end of a narrow alley, Xia Zhihui stopped and looked back at the three people.

"There is a world-splitting creature ahead, on the right side of the exit, I leave it to you."

Seeing Xia Zhihui's smiling face and the thumbs up with his right hand, Xier held her forehead and sighed, and the next second she disappeared into the void, jumped over him, and appeared on the street.

Sure enough, on the right side of the alley, there was a world-splitting disaster shadow with a gun wandering in place.

Xier's figure quickly disappeared, and the next moment the sickle slashed towards the world-splitting disaster shadow.

And Bronya also quickly squeezed past Xia Zhihui, raised her spear and aimed to shoot.

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