Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1313: The truth is revealed (1)

But Fengying knew that the real trouble had just begun. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing when I get the map fragment. Now there is only one step to look at.

Jiang Ning used to wake Yue'er again. Yue'er looked at Jiang Ning, and then at Feng Ying who was awake, she was particularly surprised. She didn't know how Feng Ying woke up. Who saved him!

"Jiang Ning, what is going on?"

"It's too late to tell you now, let's run away first!"

"Escape? Why?"

After Yue'er asked this sentence, Jiang Ning didn't even bother to give her an answer. He immediately pulled her and started running. For Jiang Ning now, running is the only way. Let's talk about things later. Anyway, I already got it. Map fragments. Nothing else matters anymore!

With that said, Jiang Ning and Feng Ying left with Yue'er. Feng Ying and Jiang Ning’s light skills and invisibility techniques have always been relatively high-powered, but because they had been in the middle for a month, the two of them supported each other all the way and left the town using the soul chasing method.

Everything happened too suddenly, everything happened again too strange, even Yue'er hadn't figured out what was going on before she started to run away. And what Yue'er didn't understand was that someone was following them all the time.

When she reached a mountain peak, Yue'er suddenly called Jiang Ning and Feng Ying to stop. If you didn't think about it carefully now, it turned out that a few of them had escaped for three days and three nights, and had not eaten for a long time. When Yueer walked to this mountain, he found that this mountain was a good place to avoid the enemy, and it also had the unique advantages of the mountain, and there were many fruits nearby, so the three of them could rest here.

Yue'er carefully observed the surrounding situation and listened to every bird call. Every tone of voice might be an opportunity, and Yue'er carefully compared the sound according to the different sounds and the size of the cave’s cavity. After that, Yue'er took the two of them into a relatively sealed cave.

And after months of careful observation, someone must have been there before, so it must be relatively safer, and there is still water in it. There is still some food above the cave, which the three of us can find to fill their hunger.

After walking into the cave, Yue'er couldn't help being taken aback by the things under her feet. Yue'er looked down and suddenly frightened her soul.


Jiang Ning followed Yue'er, heard Yue'er yell, and immediately went forward to see what happened to Yue'er. When the flames on Jiang Ning's hand came out, Jiang Ning suddenly found that there were many bones under her feet. No wonder Yue'er was just taken aback.

Jiang Ning looked at these things, then calmed down and comforted Yue'er. Feng Ying followed behind and asked Jiang Ning what happened.

"Feng Ying, it's probably not just a few people who have been here as Yue'er said. I guess that this cave must have killed many people before. I don't know if it was a flee or what, anyway, it is estimated that a large number of people and horses have been killed here. Feng Ying, be careful not to step on those bones."

Speaking of Jiang Ning, the flames in his hand were spotted on the surrounding walls. There was a flame on each wall. Although there was no fire source, Jiang Ning used his own witchcraft on it, so even It is still on without a fire source.

Feng Ying looked around at her feet through Guangliang, and sure enough there were many bones, and it seemed that it had been weathered for a long time. Feng Ying nodded at Jiang Ning, and after confirming that he had understood, Jiang Ning took Yue'er and went on. Fengying followed closely behind.

Yue'er has always been afraid of encountering something more terrifying, and has been cautiously moving forward on the road. And during the period, Jiang Ning's sleeves had been held and he dared not let go. Jiang Ning also lit flames on various walls along the way and kept lighting. Yue'er is a girl after all, and it is her duty to protect her.

Until I walked into the cave, it was indeed a place with a different sky. Just like Yue'er said, there were a lot of mountain water sources, all of which were extremely clear. What Jiangning did not expect was that there were indeed everything in it. There are many fruits that have not been seen before. What a paradise!

Seeing this, Yue'er couldn't believe her eyes, she didn't expect it to be so beautiful!

"Yue Clan is really a clan who knows geography and geomantic omen, and he can even find this kind of place in this deserted place. I really admire it!" Feng Ying said as she looked at Yue'er, who was also surprised.

In fact, Feng Ying had thought about why she had to escape when she was escaping with Jiang Ning, because after all, Boss Jin didn't dare to take what she did to herself, so it didn't matter if she stayed in that small town. But if Jiang Ning escapes, Feng Ying doesn't want to leave Jiang Ning alone.

After all, the last time, he was left behind.

"I don't know how I look at Feng Shui, maybe it's genetic, hehe. I just found this place according to the method my father and mother taught me, so I actually don't know it is so good, Fengying , Do you Wind Race have any unique skills?"

"Well, it's already used."

"Already used? What does that mean."

"In the ring, didn't you see it?"

"You mean that your trick that directly killed the opposite person? Wow! I was stunned when I watched it! It turns out that your witchcraft level is so high!"

"Nothing, little meaning. There was no other way to beat him at that time! You're welcome!"

Yue'er smiled at Feng Ying. Although this Feng Ying was cold on the surface, he was actually a child in his bones. How else would he escape with Jiang Ning!

The three of them rectified and sat there and began to rest. For Fengying and Jiangning, they should have a good rest. The two of them have not taken a good rest for a long time. This is indeed a great opportunity for the future. It's still a long time, and it will take a long time to get through. Now you must save your energy for tomorrow's battle and for future battles.

Jiang Ning looked at the exhausted Feng Ying and Yue'er, and then said, "You two should have a good rest. I will go outside to help you watch. If there is any trouble, you can have a reaction to avoid being discovered by others. What should you do? You two are very tired. Let’s rest. I’ll go outside and help you guard.",...

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