Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 2832: spectacle

The wandering plan was finally approved by the world, but not because the sun was about to flash, but to use this matter to blackmail and stimulate this already slack global economy.

In this special era when you can't fight, but you still have to live, the powerful countries are trying to do all kinds of things to redistribute the world's resources and want to control the global distribution power. But what country can last forever? If there were no nuclear weapons, or if there were absolutely secure air defenses, World War III would have started long ago.

It is a pity that because there are nuclear weapons and no absolutely safe air defense system, no country can fight. Even if they see that other countries have rich wealth, they can't directly robbery with strong ships and cannons, and they can't make people cede land and pay indemnities. So you can only use other means.

But no matter what the purpose is, there is a large number of industries in the homeless plan, and once it is advanced, it cannot be stopped at all, and it can create a large number of jobs. Because starting from digging a pit, each planetary engine requires a lot of materials and skilled workers. This is not a simple stacking, but a test for the entire industrial industry, and it is the ultimate application of human industry.

And in the application of these technologies, there will be new technologies emerging.

Engineering companies, design companies, building materials companies... It's like piranhas who smell blood have gathered.

The first batch of planetary engines consisted of three, and they were built in the three major countries. To set an example, the subsequent small countries would follow up. Of course, there is a lot of wrangling within the US imperialists. There are various confrontations between the two parties.

The other two engines soon completed the site selection, and then land acquisition, relocation, renovation, and cooperation between major departments, because this project is much more complicated than building a community, and the requirements for cement and metal are completely different, making it very challenging.

Duran joined in as a construction worker to participate in the construction of this spectacle. The process is full of problems. It is really not easy to implement the things on the design drawings. Duran is anxious for human beings. At this speed, four hundred years is not enough to build ten thousand planetary engines.

Because the project is really too big, we must first dig a deep pit five kilometers deep, and we must first build a dungeon. Because once they start wandering, the temperature of the surface will drop sharply, and even the atmosphere will freeze, so they can only hide in the ground and rely on the land for insulation.

The first to start construction is a civil underground city, which will accommodate about 300,000 people, and there must be enough facilities in it, such as schools, hospitals, police stations, sports fields, museums, commercial streets, and so on.

The difficulty of the construction environment is unprecedented, and the five-kilometer pit is not a casual talk.

So as a novel, Wandering Earth is a romantic sci-fi imagination. But to implement it step by step, the difficulty is unprecedented. Not just social issues, technical issues, economic issues, and even religious issues. Anyway, this problem, that problem, so Western sci-fi builds spaceships to run away, and they really can't blame them for such things as leaving the masses, because this is really the cheapest method.

Although it is difficult to build a spacecraft, in the research institute, in the test site, in the workshop, the environment is no worse than five kilometers underground.

Just ventilation is a huge project, and it needs compressors to compress air to transport it down, otherwise it will be full of carbon dioxide. Not to mention the various uncertain geological and hydrological environments underground.

Going out of the research institute, out of the workshop, into the construction site, facing the mud, facing the construction site that is devastated every day, facing all kinds of "tricksters", it is really a splitting headache.

Underground engineering is too difficult, but it must be done. This is the first dungeon, and there will be 10,000 more. If you can't overcome it, there is no hope at all.

However, the project of the dungeon is only one of the difficulties. After that, there will be an engine of heavy nuclear fusion technology. To ensure the stability of the engine, in addition to the output thrust, it must be able to boil water to generate electricity to provide electricity for the dungeon, so although the engine is one year higher It is more than 10,000 meters, but there are also various facilities inside, not only the engine, but also the generator, and the heating machine.

Of course, in order to ensure that the engine will not sink into the ground, the entire ground area of ​​20 kilometers needs to be reinforced with metal.

Anyway, this material, this technology, think about it is terrible.

So it would be a miracle if humans could really push the earth.

Heavy nuclear fusion technology requires only stones to continue the reaction. But it takes a huge amount of energy to start the engine.

Just like a nuclear bomb, in order to have nuclear fission, it first needs to be detonated with a large amount of explosives to stimulate nuclear fission, and then there is a chain reaction that releases the energy of the nuclear bomb. The same is true for the hydrogen bomb, which also requires an initial energy. The same is true of the engine, and the initial energy of the engine is the nuclear bomb. By detonating the nuclear bomb, the entire heavy atomic nuclear reactor is activated, which means that the engine must be able to withstand the blow of the nuclear bomb.

Therefore, the requirements for materials science are also unprecedentedly high, and this material is really amazing to continue to withstand the burning of the plasma stream.

Anyway, the first engine is not

It is cost-effective to manufacture locally, but with the heavy nuclear fusion technology, electric energy is no longer a problem, and electricity can be provided indefinitely, so it does not matter how high the energy consumption of material manufacturing is.

In short, the first engine has many problems. After overcoming these problems, in the end, it is estimated that humans no longer want to have children. In the original book, there are still many people who want to have children by lottery, but if they are really wandering and living in a closed dungeon, it is not such a beautiful thing to have children.

Duran listened to the workers chatting on the construction and chatting with the engineers, and knew that the whole plan was difficult, and the budget for the first dungeon alone had already exceeded a lot. However, various mechanical design institutes and factories around the world often send people over to look for business. After all, looking at the world, this planetary engine project is really the largest gold-sucking machine at present. With a steady stream of financial budgets invested in it, everyone wants a piece of the pie. .

Everyone earns money, so various manufacturers gather from all over the world and express that they can provide technology to help planetary engines build parts.

At the same time, many people worry about spending so much money, will they be able to recoup? What is the value of this dungeon and planetary engine, do you still want to fight a nuclear war? As a nuclear shelter, it is still good. It is five kilometers underground and has an engine that can withstand nuclear bombs. After a nuclear war, it can be used as a command headquarters.

Not many people really believe that a helium flash will happen. The Big Chess Party believes that this is the country preparing for a nuclear war. After the people of the whole country can hide, they will not be afraid of nuclear bombs.

Of course, the real intention is actually to control distribution and make small countries obedient. If a small country wants to get a piece of the pie, it can open schools, learn technology, and then accept language education and technical standards. This can be regarded as the same track as the book and the car, everyone can communicate with each other, and their ideas are connected, then the community of human destiny will also be done.

In fact, it seems that the first planetary engine is a spectacle. The erected altar, and everyone stands in a row around the altar. Symbolic meaning far outweighs actual meaning.

The reason why the ancient emperors liked creating wonders so much is the reason. First, they can transfer benefits through infrastructure. Second, they can monopolize the interpretation power of myths through wonders. Third, they can establish a benefit distribution plan through wonders.

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