Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 29: Fighting in the desert

A pass on the border, with mountains on both sides and only one trail in the middle.

"This is the first line of the sky, everyone be careful, there may be an ambush!" Ju Taiyi said.

In fact, Duran has already felt that there are still many people, at least a hundred. However, most of the governors are very patient, and there are not many who can bear or endure.

"We are surrounded! I am the most powerful to solve, the rest of you are in charge!" Duran teleported and walked away!

A movie-level ninja, Duran responded carefully.

Nine seals took only three seconds. The ninjas who survived the war are not ordinary powerful. "Wind escape, a big breakthrough!" The breath from the mouth became a wind blade and struck Duran.

Duran is also unambiguous, afterglow fist is displayed, and a fist hits the other party's face.

But immediately Duran felt wrong and the enemies hit became leaves and flew away with the wind.

Avatar is the basic skill of ninja, but it is the safest life-saving means.

Duran's gas has been found, and the enemy is hiding in the stone in the distance.

"Fuck the gas bomb!" A baseball-sized gas bomb was thrown out by Duran.

The enemy felt the danger and immediately showed the original shape, and the shuriken was thrown out.

Bullet Duran is not afraid, will he be afraid of shuriken? Dulan held up the sword in his hand while holding his chest, very pretending.

"? What a strong body! But it's useless, wind escape-sickle !!!" The huge mongoose rushed towards Duran with a sickle!

All the rocks were cut where the sickle passed. Of course, Dulan would not foolishly destroy his clothes, but also a shadow fist.

"Da——" Duran's figure was already standing in front of the enemy.

30 years old is the pinnacle of ninja, not surprised to see Duran's speed. The seal on his hand remains unchanged, "Wind escape-wind demon shuriken!" Chakra sweeps the wind like the blade of the cutting machine.

Duran is not weak, a gas popped into his hand, and collided with the wind demon shuriken.

"Instant ninjutsu?" In this world, ninjas only know ninjutsu!

The enemy and Duran stood face to face, a few big ninjutsu came down, even if the strength was already shadowed, but Chakra's recovery amount was not consumed!

Of course, Duran will not feel this way. With the support of perpetual motion, Duran's energy is endless. "Sun Fist !!"

Blinded the enemy's dog's eyes, Duran finally seized the opportunity, but the fist still did not hit the person. Because although the eyes are invisible, the seal can still continue.

This time his seal is ‘wind escape—tornado! ’

Duran ’s body was bound by the tornado, and then the enemy threw out the bitterness that helped the demolition character and got involved in the tornado. The sound of explosions is constant.

'S face showed a smile, and in his opinion Duran had to die.

"Nice move, but this move is useless to me! Qi Yuan cut !!!" The disc flying out of the tornado cut the air and brought out a blood bead, Duran left the other hand. !

Because Duran doesn't like killing people, keep him alive!

Below, San Xiao and Ju Taiyi fell into a bitter battle, although half of the hostile ninjas were killed by them! But half of them surrounded them.

After Duran ended his battle, Teleport returned to the three small ones, "You hold my hand, let's go!" Teleport, carrying four people at a time.

Ju Tai opened his eyes and looked at the familiar room, feeling a little unbelievable, "This?"

"Okay, we have arrived at your house, please pay the balance now!" Duran found a chair and sat down, then took out four fairy beans, all of them were injured more or less, "Eat it, the injury is all right!"

Ju Taiyi was still a little unbelievable, "You sit down, I'll go out!" He immediately ran to the chief's office.

After a while, Ju Taiyi came back with a bag, "I ca n’t believe it, this is space ninjutsu. The journey of a few days ended in an instant, incredible. This is the remaining commission, you check it!"

Duran did not politely take the bag, nor counted it, and directly handed it to Nobitaro, "Since that is the case, we will go! Goodbye."

"Please wait!" Ju Taiyi hurriedly shouted, he was afraid that Duran would disappear again.


"It's like this, I still have a task. I don't know if Mr. Du Lan is interested?"

"You said!"

"This, in fact, I have to talk about the goods I shipped ..."

It turned out that Ju Taiyi's mission was to transport the world's nuclear weapons-level thing, the tail beast. Ever since the Six Daoist Immortals sealed ten tails and divided the ten tailed chakras into nine before death, the tail beasts have been affiliated with the kingdom of fire, controlled by the two groups of Qianben and Uchiha!

Now the Lord of the Kingdom of Fire has ambitions and wants to master the nine-headed tail beast. When the head of the Thousands of the Clan sent the tail beast out, the Sand Country also got a tailed guard crane! But there was no airtight wall in the world, Ju Taiyi's team was attacked, and then they met Duran.

"Now we are ready to seal the tail beast, but for the war, most of the village's Shangren is stationed in the border, so I want Mr. Dulan to help guard the seal ceremony! Of course, there will be no less reward How about 10 million? "

"Yes!" Duran agreed very simply, he was really short of money.

"Great, then I will report!"

Duran also issued orders to San Xiao to let them have fun, and he started taking pictures around himself.

Sealing ceremony was at midnight two days later, in the most central fortress of Shanren Village.

The troubled ninja came on time, wearing a rooster mask and a gray robe! At a glance, you know that those who are not good are not coming.

The **** mask was very confident in himself, and he walked in with a big swing, and all the guards were put aside by him.

"Sorry, I'm sorry this road is different!" Dulan also dragged and stood in the middle of the road!

"You are the powerful ninja invited by the country of sand?" The **** mask opened, calm and powerful.

"Nothing wrong, it's me, so go back before you get hurt!"

"That's not okay! Tu Dun-rock fist." The walls of the rock houses on both sides of the road suddenly stretched out a person's fist.

Duran stretched out his hand, his fist collided with the huge rock fist, the rock shattered, "Only with this strength, that won't let you pass!"

"It seems that I really can't underestimate you, the law of tolerance-the big swamp" The swamp appeared at the foot of Duran at once, he didn't even have time to react, and the swamp area was still expanding, and the surrounding houses were implicated!

"It's disgusting!" Duran noticed that the fortress behind him was about to be implicated soon, and he couldn't wait any longer ~ ~ Aeration! The mud around him was blown away, and Duran flew slowly into the air.

Then he waved his right hand and opened a gap between the fortress and the swamp.

"?" So strong, although the **** mask has heard from his teammates that this hired ninja is strong, but did not expect to be so strong. The trick just now can obviously be used against one hundred!

"However, I will not give up, Tu Dun-diamond cage!"

Time is still. There are countless optoelectronics flying out of the surrounding sand to cover Duran, a diamond coffin, no trace of cracks, people can only suffocate inside and die!

Duran felt that his body could no longer move. "It's a very good move, but you forget that I will still move-teleport!" Duran went outside in a flash! "The coffin is back to you!"

Of course, it is definitely not possible to hit the **** mask, but it also confirmed the determination to attack the mask. "You know, the fortress behind you is not the center of the village."

"……" Duran said he didn't understand!

"Now let you take a look at the strongest ninja that transcends the six celestial beings, the super forbidden technique-the technique of Diyongyehuo!"

Duran suddenly felt bad. There was something surging in the ground under his feet. It seemed to burst out of the shell. It was the magma of the earth's core! It turned out that before they got the information, they had already prepared on the periphery of this Sharen village. Such a big ninjutsu requires more than a dozen ninjas at the ninja level to create enough to destroy a country at the cost of life. natural disaster!

Dulan was stunned. On the destructive power, Duran was unwilling, but this kind of move to protect the lives of many people was not sincere. Du Lan's brain quickly turned up in a while ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~

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