Crown of Silence

Chapter 477 Lock

Chapter 478 Lock

The matter has been successfully completed, and Ye Qingxuan is ready to return to Angelo.

However, no matter how rushed they were on the road, they might not have time to celebrate the festival in Angru, so everyone decided to stay in the Holy City to spend the twilight of winter this year.

Moreover, with Charles here, he could get a few front-row seats to watch the Pope's New Year's sermon, so he could brag about it after he returned.

Winter is approaching and the new year is approaching.

The Holy City quickly returned to prosperity after a short period of depression. Amidst the joy, everyone was purchasing various goods.

As the end of the year approaches, Langdi has more and more tasks, and no one is seen all day long.

In his long-awaited free time, Ciel ran around registering in various institutions in the Holy City every day, and was so busy that he hit the back of his head with his feet. The teacher is willing to help, but because of his sensitive status, he is basically not allowed to leave the embassy.

Therefore, Bai Xi, who was so idle that he was about to explode, decided to take action on Ye Qingxuan's head.

In the end, Ye Qingxuan couldn't stand Bai Xi's persistent pursuit and was dragged by her to go shopping together.

Of course, all the money spent is the budget of the embassy...

Ye Qingxuan felt a little guilty in his heart.


For so many days, the light snow has not stopped falling.

In the falling snow, everyone seemed to be smiling and immersed in the atmosphere of the approaching festival. Even Bai Xi was as happy as a child.

She always seemed like a little kid.

Even though he has grown almost as tall as himself without realizing it, he still retains the...naughty taste of a child.

Including buying a lot of fruit candies to amuse the children on the street. Seeing the children crying and asking their parents to buy candies for them, I put my hands on my hips and smiled extremely happily.

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and sighed, feeling a little guilty.

It seems that the two of them haven't played together for a long time since they left for Auschwitz.

In the past, Bai Xi often followed him. Sometimes she would get angry and stop talking to him. But when he turned around, he could see the white-haired girl following him obediently. Behind her, with her hands behind her back, she was humming some tune. Occasionally, when she turned around, her white skirt would float up like flowers in the wind.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair.

"What's the matter?" Bai Xi shook his head and shook off his hand, squinting at him: "Cousin, what are you planning?"

"Well, I just feel like you've grown up all of a sudden."

Ye Qingxuan suppressed a laugh, and then was kicked by her in anger.

After taking two steps, she felt dissatisfied, so she turned around and kicked her again, and continued walking forward in anger.

Ye Qingxuan followed her.

Follow her quietly where she can see you when you look back.

"Don't be slow."

Bai Xi looked back at him: "If you can't keep up, I won't wait for you."

"Okay, okay."

Ye Qingxuan smiled lazily and chased after him.


Fortunately, there is always a time when you get tired of shopping.

During lunch time, Bai Xi touched Ye Qingxuan's wallet and then found the most expensive one with confidence.

Sitting on the window seat on the third floor, overlooking the busy traffic on the street, Ye Qingxuan stared at the falling snow outside the window. In the silence, there is only the music of the restaurant, and the world becomes quiet and beautiful.

Bai Xi hugged a lot of things he bought randomly and sipped the juice out of boredom. Seeing his dazed look, he curled his lips and said, "Cousin, what are you thinking about again?"

Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "I don't know how Lao Fei is doing now. Everyone is away from Angelo, and I am a little worried that he will be lonely."

"Lao Fei?"

Bai Xi sighed: "You don't have to worry about it. Since you left, it has flourished, okay..."

"Huh?" Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"Now he is the school dog of the Anglo-Royal Conservatory of Music!" Bai Xi curled his lips: "The principal didn't know what kind of hole he had dug in his head, so he specially allocated a fund to our department for Lao Fei to spend. We also regarded it as the mascot of our school. We made a lot of peripherals and gave them to everyone.

While my cousin was living in the open and living in misery, Lao Fei had already lived the life of a winner by scaring children if he wanted to, biting teachers if he wanted to, and walking sideways. "

"real or fake?"

Bai Xi shook his head and took out a letter from his backpack: "I was worried when I left. I asked the principal's secretary to take some photos for me every few days and send them over. You can see for yourself..."

In the photo, Lao Fei's golden hair is so dazzling that it shines brightly, almost blinding people's eyes.

Looking at its smooth, fat appearance, compared with its previous appearance, it looks completely different from a dog.

"I've gained at least ten pounds!"

Ye Qingxuan sighed in a low voice.

"If you only eat and sleep every day, and every now and then, a mysterious woman comes over and quietly feeds you various foods. What about caviar, acorn ham, prawns... You can feed them for free. He will also become fat like this.”

Bai Xi raised his brows slightly while he was talking: "But speaking of that, that woman was always transported by royal carriages when she came and went. Cousin, do you have any impression?"


Ye Qingxuan shook his head decisively: "Absolutely not."

"Is it?"

Bai Xi looked at him, as if he could see through his guilty conscience, so he curled his lips, stood up, and walked towards the door.

"where did you go?"

Ye Qingxuan was shocked and quickly grabbed her hand. I really didn't expect that my cousin would be so stubborn after not seeing her for so many days. Is she going to walk away just because of a disagreement?

"Don't be angry! I haven't said anything yet... Sit down first and let's talk slowly!"

Bai Xi turned around and looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"I'm going to the toilet."


Ye Qingxuan immediately let go of her hand awkwardly and waved awkwardly: "Why don't you play by the rules, girl... Go quickly."

Seeing Bai Xi walk away, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't understand why he was nervous.

While he was thinking, a noisy sound came from outside the window.

The busy streets had become plain at some point, and the armed Holy City Guard Corps had put the entire Holy City Avenue under martial law.

In the distance, BMW cars came in a charming way.

In the front, hundreds of cavalrymen with halberds wearing cloud-patterned golden armor led the way. Wherever they passed, the snow melted into mud under the trampling of the iron hooves and flowed on the ground.

Then, under the waving of the ceremonial officials and ladies, the petals covered the ground.

The rich aroma spread out from the burning cauldron, lingering in the wind, and lasted for a long time. Amidst the solemn rituals and music, the gorgeous carriage pulled by nine horses moved on the avenue of the holy city.

In the carriage, a middle-aged man with gray hair sat upright, with a graceful smile, occasionally waving to the crowd watching around.

Ye Qingxuan frowned.


There is no doubt that this is a convoy from the East, which can only be owned by the kings and nobles. If commoners dare to use it, they will be sentenced to death.

Moreover, such a scale of usurpation and violation of the rules has already faintly shown signs of offending the emperor.

Ye Qingxuan saw it clearly. The man sitting in the middle of the carriage was not of dragon vein blood at all. His gray hair was mixed with a trace of black, which was extremely eye-catching.

The noble from the East was not of heavenly blood, but he used the rituals that were beyond the rules even for princes.

While he was thinking, the middle-aged man in the slowly passing carriage seemed to have a feeling, raised his head, and stared in the direction of Ye Qingxuan. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass window, he saw Ye Qingxuan's face, and then he showed a strange smile and nodded slightly.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment.

This time, he finally saw the pattern on the other party's hem, which represented the unique emblem of dragon vein blood.

—— Yunlou!

"Yunlou Qingshu?"

He whispered softly.


The quiet corridor seemed to be isolated from all the noise of carriages and horses.

This restaurant seemed to be opened by a big shot. In the central avenue of the Holy City, a prosperous area where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, this restaurant actually occupies the entire three-story building, and the interior design and decoration are also said to be in line with the Palace of Fontainebleau in Burgundy, bringing diners a unique and noble experience.

Everything you see is the gorgeous Rococo style.

In short, it's so fancy that it hurts your eyes.

The corridor leading to the bathroom is so long that it seems that only Bai Xi's footsteps echo in the silence.

She moved forward silently, at a fast speed, and her footsteps landed softly on the ground, but brought a deep echo. The footsteps seemed to be imprinted on the ground as she moved forward, and they kept echoing.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Every time she stepped down, it was like knocking down a heavy beat.

The deep voice echoed in the corridor, solidifying the air, and the huge pressure gathered silently. After ten steps, Bai Xi took another step forward.


Something seemed to break, and a vague shadow appeared from behind Bai Xi.

He was forced out of hiding!

It was not until this moment that the figure noticed the gloomy chill emanating from Bai Xi.

"Sure enough..."

She slowly turned her head and stared at the vague figure: "I have been feeling uncomfortable since I left home in the morning. Although a certain guy is equally annoying, the disgust of a fly like you is completely different."

"--How long have you been following me?"

The figure was silent.

Soon, he could not speak.

Just standing up was difficult.

Unconsciously, the rhythm and sound of the footsteps were like a thousand-pound burden, almost crushing him.

Bai Xi took a step towards him.


A layer of protection was broken.

In the low and crisp sound, the huge repulsive force between the ether squeezed the figure and pushed him back.

No more, no less, just one step.

In the gap between the huge power, the figure finally seized the opportunity and opened his mouth to speak:



Bai Xi stepped forward again, and her words were forcibly interrupted. It was like a red-hot iron bar stabbed the broken words back into his throat. The figure groaned, his internal organs were burning, and he could hardly speak.

Chao sway!

The violent music theory in the turbulent ether entangled him, not only bringing external pressure, but also forcibly resonating with the power in his body, trying to plant the seeds of riot.

In an instant, internal and external troubles broke out at the same time, just like swallowing a blade and then being thrown into the deep sea, miserable.

"If you don't want to talk, don't rush to talk."

Bai Xi said coldly, "I haven't been in a good mood recently. Since it's delivered to my door, let me vent."

She stepped forward again, and the figure twitched, squeezed by the huge pressure, and pushed back.

At this moment, he seemed to be frozen into ice... No, it was more like being cast into iron.

There was some violent power rising from the body of this gloomy and cold-looking girl, playing with his will and body unscrupulously.

No matter how much he resisted, he was unable to fight back.

wrong! wrong……

The figure's face changed, struggling hard, trying to escape, but was wrapped in layers of pressure and bound in the 'iron' - I don't know when, he was already in the cage.

Wrong, this is not solicitation at all!

All the preparations originally made for the recruitment came to nothing.

The music theory around him is constantly changing, trying to offset the heavy pressure around him, and his animal nature changes.

Various strange auras in the etheric world emerged from his body, but the invisible cage remained motionless, as if it had taken root on him. As his aura kept changing, whenever he tried to resist, there would be a huge Power burst out from the void, forcibly defeating his brewing counterattack.

What's this……

He stared blankly at Bai Xi. In his perception, countless fine notes emerged from Bai Xi's body, echoing the sea of ​​ether, like a long angry river.

In her body, countless detailed and complex notes emerged, evolving the essence of music theory in extremely varied factions. But that is completely different from the 'contemptation' in the Blood of Heaven and Man.

This is not the 'movement' that pushes everything into frantic destruction, but the other extreme of the faction of change, the 'quiet' that completely freezes everything and ends all changes!

Countless music theories are intertwined to form a jaw-dropping chapter.

But such amazing power did not completely integrate into her body and became her heartbeat. On the contrary, it was clearly isolated from the music theory in her body, showing a completely different structure.

Creation, activity, formation, creation...the four realms overlap each other and operate in coordination, forming a cruel alchemical matrix.

That is the only alchemy work she has done so far under the guidance of Hermes...


As Bai Xi advanced step by step, his body was pushed by the huge pressure formed by the 'shackles', and he retreated feebly, pressing against the wall.

The wall swallowed him like water under the control of changing movements, without any damage or anyone's attention.

How can it be? !

The human figure witnessed all this with his own eyes, and felt that his reason was shocked: The wave is like the reverse scale of a dragon, which represents absolute destruction. If it touches it, it will be destroyed. How can it be possible to achieve such a delicate operation?

Bai Xi advanced step by step and pushed him completely out of the restaurant, restraining him in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xi also walked out of the wall.

The two of them had left the restaurant and were in mid-air in the alley.

She stepped out into the air in front of her, but she made a solid sound as she stepped on the air, as if walking on flat ground.

The delicate changing movement solidified the air under her feet into substance, supporting her body suspended in the sky.

"Your Highness, wait!"

The figure's face turned purple from suffocation. He opened his mouth and forced out a sound.

At the same time, the whole body was shaken, and the vague insect face appeared. Under the cover of the insect face, his body suddenly curled up, and a huge gap opened in the skin on his back.

Beastiality·Red-striped white cicada!

Just like a cicada reborn from its shedding, the figure suddenly emerged from the crack in its back, deftly shed its skin, and soared into the sky with the intention of escaping far away.

But then, his expression suddenly changed.

Because the shackles followed him like a shadow and suddenly penetrated into his body, causing him to let out a scream.

Then, sway!

The screams stopped abruptly.

The frenzied power swept along the invisible shackles in Bai Xi's hands and rushed into his body, instantly causing huge pain that burned everything inside.

The figure faded from mid-air and fell to the ground. He coughed up thick blood and twitched on the ground, unable to move.

It was only now that he noticed something strange about Bai Xi.

At this moment, in her body, there were two completely different sets of music theories running at the same time.

One pair is the blood of heaven and humans relying on blood - the heart sounds are stirring. And the other picture is the alchemical matrix imprinted on the limbs and bones that form one body - the lock of music theory!

The music theory given to Bai Xi by Hermes is completely different from most schools of thought in the world. It can be said to be a unique approach, or to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

Bai Xi was born with a talent that was second to none in the blood of heaven and humans, and there was no need to build the music theory in his body from scratch like other people. Hermes also had no intention of letting his students waste their time like those mediocre people.

"'Zhaodang' is a savage beast, and its power is so violent that it is rare in the world. You no longer need power, all you need is the shackles to control the savage beast."

He combined music theory with alchemy to tailor-made sealing shackles for "Zhao Dang", which also allowed Bai Xi holding the shackles to control the unparalleled power of madness.

As long as Bai Xi's thoughts move, the violent power will come out of the box and completely destroy the things bound by the chains!

With one blow, the figure was severely injured and could not get up again.

"You can say it now."

Bai Xi fell to the ground silently, turned the figure away with one kick, and stared at his fearful expression:

"——Following me sneakily, what do you want to do?"

The unfamiliar man's lips trembled, but he didn't answer. He just gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and waited for death.

Bai Xi frowned and was about to make a move when he heard a high-pitched sigh.

"Your Highness has a rich body, why do you want to get involved with a worthless servant? You have lost your dignity for nothing."

A hunched figure like a ghost walked out of the darkness of the alley.

The visitor raised his head, revealing an old, white and beardless face, and spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"I didn't expect that in just over half a year, His Highness would be so different from what he used to be. He is so accomplished in music theory that even this old slave can no longer see the depth. If the Master knew that His Highness had achieved such an achievement, he would definitely be moved and delighted."

He paused for a moment, looked at Bai Xi, and frowned slightly, as if in pity: "It's just that the old slave dared to advise the princess. Such demons and music theory practitioners are indeed very brave and advanced, but if it lasts for a long time, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles.

Please also ask the princess to return to the right path as soon as possible to avoid spreading the news and being laughed at. "

Hearing this, Bai Xi looked at the visitor indifferently: "Whether what I learned is the right way, I don't need you, an old dog, to judge it. I remember you are... Wang Gonggong, right?"

I once met you in Yunlou City, but it's a pity that you were not as good-natured as you are now. "

"I dare not trouble His Highness to worry about you."

Even though he was called an 'old dog', there was still no anger in the prince's expression. He just lowered his eyebrows, like a loyal slave: "This old slave is here to invite His Highness to go back."

"The Yunlou family has a great business, so why do you have to treat me like a wild child with no father or mother?"

Bai Xi smiled, his tone full of viciousness: "Did that usurping bastard feel that a good daughter was no longer enough to stabilize his position, so he finally thought of another one?"

"His Highness has had no one to discipline him since he was a child. He has no sense of etiquette and no education, so he speaks like this without a king or a father. This is all the old slave's fault."

Eunuch Wang sighed and gave himself a gentle kiss: "My father-in-law heard about His Highness's whereabouts and has already arrived at the Holy City.

Please don’t be upset anymore, Your Highness. In recent years, the father-in-law has been so concerned about Yunlou's thousand-year-old family business that he has no time to take care of his children's personal affairs. He lacks some care for His Highness on weekdays, which is really helpless. After His Highness left, the young master was worried day and night. He often missed His Highness and felt sad many times.

After all, your father-in-law is your biological father, and there is no unbreakable bond between father and daughter. Why not have fun together as soon as possible and talk about family relationships? "

Bai Xi's expression changed slightly and he fell into silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, she nodded slightly and smiled:

"Okay, I'll go back with you."

The prince's face changed suddenly, he took three steps back, his head lowered even lower, and his tone was helpless: "Even if your highness kills the old slave here, you can't change the prince's decision. Why don't you face the reality?"


Bai Xi's eyebrows raised slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

He seemed to have guessed Bai Xi's thoughts, and his expression became gloomy: "Father and daughter fighting each other is a human tragedy. Your Highness must not have such treasonous thoughts, otherwise disaster will result."

"You think too much."

Bai Xi smiled slightly: "I'll follow you right now."

As if he was aware of the violent power being stirred up in the cage, the prince's expression became gloomy:

"Since His Highness is stubborn, please forgive me for offending me..."

Countless dark shadows rose from his body, transforming into countless desolate hallucinations of ghosts walking at night.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of flapping came roaring!


It’s the end of the month, nearly a 6,000-word chapter, monthly pass~monthly pass~

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