After a dozen breaths, Mo Xun's figure disappeared at the entrance of the alley.

What he didn't know was that not long after he left, three patrolling monks came here. After a short investigation, they found nothing and finally left in disappointment.

After this incident, he only went out twice a day for the next period of time, and each time, he would disguise himself in a different way.

In the black market, he had found several people to help him collect some rare spiritual medicine seeds and to help him find out about foundation-building pills or pill recipes.

Although this place and Lantian City belong to the five countries of southern Xinjiang, they have their own unique things. Many spiritual herbs that are rare in Lantian City can be easily bought here.

Only the foundation-building pill is a bit disappointing.

It seems that this thing is a rare thing no matter where it is.

As for the gathering spirit formation, it is much simpler.

Tianyun Sect is famous for its formations, and it is easy for him to buy several sets.

After selling a large number of pills, he is now a small fortune. Taking advantage of this free time, he is going to participate in a few more auctions to try his luck and buy a high-quality spiritual consciousness technique.

Techniques are extremely difficult to find. Even Qi Refining Techniques are rare in ordinary shops, not to mention the spiritual consciousness that can only be cultivated in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

After all, techniques are the foundation of a cultivator's life. Whoever gets them will keep them tightly in his arms and will not sell them easily.

Mo Xun searched the market for several days, but returned empty-handed.

The techniques he saw were either incomplete or too low-grade, which was really disappointing.

Fortunately, he finally bought two spiritual beast pill recipes from the black market. At least in the short term, he didn't have to spend spirit stones on Bai Ze.

If Li Qingying had not been so stubborn, Mo Xun would have planted the beast mark for the beast. Otherwise, after spending so much money, wouldn't it be a great loss if it ran away in the future?

But this little guy was adopted by Li Qingying after all, so he couldn't say much.

A month later, Mo Xun, who was practicing in the stone chamber, finally received the sound transmission note from Lansheng Pavilion.

He hurried out for more than an hour.

As soon as he returned to the inn, he entered the stone chamber again, took out a white jade slip, and placed it on his forehead.

After a long time, he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and separated his mind.

Liu Jizi was indeed born in Tianyun Sect more than a thousand years ago. It is said that he practiced for more than 150 years and successfully formed a pill. Among the immortals, he is also a gifted person.

After forming the elixir, this person was promoted to the position of elder of Tianyun Sect. After more than two hundred years, his cultivation reached the middle stage of forming the elixir. When his life was about to end, he forced himself to break through the Nascent Soul realm, and he became obsessed for a while, and finally ended up with a death.

And his master, Fairy Yuehua, was even more famous. She was once known as the first female cultivator in Chechi. Her cultivation reached the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and she was the second ancestor of Tianyun Sect.

Fairy Yuehua's real name was Gong Ruyan. She got the name because she practiced the unique magical power, Yuehua Tianxuan Gong.

In terms of talent, Gong Ruyan's qualifications are even better than her disciple. It took only more than four hundred years to successfully form an infant, and she once became the youngest Nascent Soul cultivator in Chechi Kingdom in thousands of years.

The other person that Mo Xun asked Lansheng Pavilion to inquire about was this Fairy Yuehua.

Gong Ruyan's life is indeed worthy of the word "wonderful"!

When she was young, she was accepted as a core disciple by Tianyun Sect for her natural spiritual roots and she was also beautiful.

During the Jindan stage, she was proposed to by many cultivators of the same level. Finally, after she condensed her Nascent Soul, she made up her mind and got married to Zong Xi, the head of the clan at that time.

The two of them had a good story at that time. They made a vow together that they would not get married until they entered the late stage!

She was once regarded as a role model in the world of immortal cultivation by many cultivators.

But not long after Gong Ruyan entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, she suddenly disappeared. Since then, no one has seen her again.

There are several different versions circulating in the outside world.

Some say that Gong Ruyan closed the life and death gate and cultivated in the cave for hundreds of years. When she came out again, she had ascended to the next world in broad daylight.

There are also those who say that she was found by her enemies, and only her Nascent Soul escaped after being injured, and she chose a new body to take over.

There are also those who say that there was an internal fight in Tianyun Sect, and she was imprisoned by the first ancestor and died of old age in the sect.

In Mo Xun's opinion, only the last one is the most reliable.

That is, after Gong Ruyan entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he went to the Zong family and happened to see Zong Xi entangled with other women. In anger, the two fought, and both were injured.

Mo Xun had this idea because of the deal between him and Fairy Yuehua.

Since the other party hated the Zong family so much, there must be a lot of grudges.

On the other hand, according to the jade slip, not long after Gong Ruyan disappeared, Zong Xi closed himself up for a long time, and did not show up in front of outsiders again until more than 300 years later.

As for Liu Jizi, he died more than 200 years after Fairy Yuehua disappeared.

Fortunately, before his death, he had already married and had children, so he left his bloodline.

Among his descendants, most of the mortals have been living among the people and can no longer be found, and many of those with spiritual roots have entered the Ancient Moon Gate.

Until now, there are still descendants, among whom there are two foundation-building monks, who now serve as deacons and elders in the sect.

The Liu family currently has a house in Luoshui City, where the mortal children of the family usually live. They are considered to have some influence here.

Mo Xun sat cross-legged on the futon, holding his chin with one hand, and fell into a long period of contemplation.

He is now basically certain that the fate of Fairy Yuehua must have been caused by Zong Xi.

But after knowing that Liu Jizi was the descendant of Fairy Yuehua, why didn't the Zong family kill him?

And who built the Soul-Calming Tower at the bottom of Tianxiang Valley for Fairy Yuehua?

Could it be Liu Jizi?

In this case, why didn't Fairy Yuehua let Liu Jizi avenge her directly, but waited for thousands of years and entrusted him to a low-level cultivator with inferior qualifications?

Perhaps when Fairy Yuehua got into trouble, Liu Jizi had no idea what was going on.

Zong Xi also didn't kill Fairy Yuehua openly because he had secretly injured her.

But then again, his master suddenly disappeared, didn't Liu Jizi notice anything?

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the bigger his head felt. After a thousand years, I'm afraid only the person involved would know about this matter.

After a sigh in his heart, he couldn't help but wonder if the Liu family still had the ability to provide him with foundation-building pills.


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