Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 574 Mountain Spirit

Mo Xun thought there would be something unusual behind the weeds, but unexpectedly it turned out to be an ordinary rock wall.

"Do you still have the Bafang Universe Liuhe Formation with you now?"

Mo Xun was slightly startled and didn't react for a moment. Why did it get involved in his formation again?

Gongyang immediately stretched out his palm and said politely: "Lend me the formation flag!"

Although Mo Xun was confused, he still rummaged through the storage bag.

This thing was still a hidden magic circle that he bought at a large price to prevent Xiaoxiao when he was building the foundation. However, as his level improved later, it was no longer of much use. In addition, he had been immersed in the formation method for decades, and he had already seen it. If the goods are not of this level, they will be shelved.

If he hadn't mentioned it this time, he would have almost forgotten it.

The two of them took a few steps back, and Gongyang skillfully drove the formation flag in his hand into the surrounding rocks one by one according to the direction of the universe.

Immediately afterwards, his feet trembled slightly, and a ray of rays of light suddenly bloomed on the stone wall in front of him. Then there was a roar, and a stone door cracked open.

Mo Xun's eyes lit up, there was something else going on here!

The corners of the male sheep's mouth curved, with a bit of pride on his face.

After entering the stone gate, there is a somewhat dim stone wall passage with obvious traces of man-made axe-cutting.

The air is very dry, and even though it is buried deep in the mountains, there is not much sense of dampness.

Mo Xun had probably already made some guesses in his mind.

According to Gongyang's opinion, there should be treasures related to the so-called false baby hidden inside.

But what confused him was that the ram was so familiar with this place, which meant it was definitely not the first time he had come here. So why wasn't he taken away directly?

After walking around for a long time, the two of them came to a natural cave.

The cave is not big, about five or six feet square. Above the head, there are some faintly fluorescent stalactites hanging, but the entire cave is showing a strange green color.

The source of this green light is a human-shaped jade sculpture in the middle.

The moment Mo Xun saw this thing, his eyes were attracted to it because that thing was so strange.

Judging from the appearance, this is a naked woman, with her head slightly raised, looking diagonally upward, as if she wants to fly into the sky, her height is similar to that of a real person, her figure is slender, her posture is elegant, her face is beautiful, and she looks lifelike!

The sculpture is all green, and the color is like the new green growing on the branches.

A faint fragrance filled the air at the same time, which was very tempting.

Under the jade sculpture, there is a pool of water, just up to the woman's ankles. The strange thing is that even the pool of water is extremely dark green.

The entire jade sculpture gives people the feeling of a lotus, as if it is growing from the bottom of the water.

This object obviously touched Mo Xun's blind spot. He thought carefully for a while, but still couldn't find the corresponding existence in his memory.

He has been studying weapon refining recently, and he can't say that he is proficient in all kinds of jade materials, but he knows about 70% of them.

But he really didn't see it.

Gongyang naturally saw the confusion on his face, but he suddenly lost his temper. While looking around the jade carving, he said with a smile: "When I saw this thing back then, my expression was similar to yours now. The same thing. I was confused, but after checking a lot of classics, I found out that it was a real treasure.”

Mo Xun asked suspiciously: "Then why didn't you take him away in the first place?"

"take away?"

The ram glanced at him teasingly.

"You might as well try to touch it!"

When Mo Xun heard this, he became even more confused. Is there another mystery behind this?

Fortunately, this is an illusion, so there is no need to worry about any accidents.

I saw him stretching out a palm and slowly touching the arm of the sculpture. The moment his fingers touched the object, a soft and smooth feeling came. What is strange is that it is not cold at all, and there seems to be something there. A few degrees of temperature, just like the body temperature of a living person.

But then, the entire cave suddenly began to shake violently.

Mo Xun was startled and quickly retracted his hand. At the same time, the shaking sensation all around disappeared.

"How is this going?"

The male sheep stroked his beard and smiled: "This is why I couldn't move it back then!"

Mo Xun's face finally showed some emotion. It seemed that this thing really had some unusual tricks.

"Can't you use the storage magic weapon to collect it directly?"

"You can still try it!"

Seeing the malicious look on Gongyang's face, Mo Xun knew that this was probably the case.

"What on earth is this?"

Gongyang smiled mysteriously and asked without answering: "Have you ever heard of the God who guards the mountain?"

Mo Xun pursed his lips and touched his chin. He had certainly heard of it, but shouldn't this thing be a legend in the mortal world?

Is there really a mountain god in this world?

"You mean, this jade sculpture is the mountain god of this mountain?"

"It's almost the same, but the correct name is Mountain Spirit. Because it's extremely rare, few people know about it. Even the knowledgeable old man at the time only knew it after the fact."

Mo Xun's eyes showed a bit of solemnity.

He re-examined the jade carving in front of him, and it seemed that he couldn't match it with the image of the mountain god in his mind.

When he was in the mortal world, he had never been to the mountain temple, but none of the people worshiped there had teeth and claws and ferocious faces. How could she be such a charming and delicate woman?

If according to Gong Yang's statement, this thing should be alive even if it doesn't have the power to reach the sky, but he didn't feel any life from it at all.

Could it be because the environment is not real?

That shouldn't be the case. Since this is a fragment of Gong Yang's memory, it means that what he sees and feels now should be exactly the same as what Gong Yang felt in reality.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, because of the long time, the memory is incomplete.

Fortunately, now he finally understands why Gong Yang didn't take this thing back, because this thing can't be taken away at all.

Just touching it will shake the mountain. Whether it can be moved or not is another matter. With such a big movement, even if it is not buried in the belly of the mountain in the end, it will probably alarm all the monks nearby in a short time.

"Is the fake baby you mentioned related to this thing?"


Gong Yang nodded, and then continued: "The so-called mountain spirit is the essence of the mountain, nurtured after hundreds of millions of years, connected to the spiritual veins below, the origin of the mountain, connected to the sky above, and the essence of heaven and earth! If you make a metaphor, this thing is equivalent to a person's heart. The mountains, rivers, plants and all things within a radius of tens of thousands of miles are all dominated by this little mountain spirit. The spiritual charm contained in it can be imagined!"

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