Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 912: Capture alive

The sudden change made everyone silent.

It was not because Mo Xun's spiritual realm was so strong. After all, he was only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. Even if he was slightly better than the cultivators of the same level, the space constraints he could exert were limited.

Trapping more than a dozen people at once was beyond his ability.

However, the deterrent effect was achieved.

These people were still standing still, not because they were completely imprisoned, but because they were intimidated by the methods of the Nascent Soul cultivators, so they dared not move.

The fear of the Nascent Soul cultivators by the Jindan cultivators was even greater than that of the Foundation Building cultivators when they encountered the Jindan.

The higher the realm, the greater the gap between the cultivation levels.

Many people can build a foundation in their thirties or forties. Those with higher talents can form a Dan before they are a hundred years old, and when they become a Nascent Soul, they may be after four or five hundred years old.

This huge time difference is, on the one hand, because there is only one chance to form a Nascent Soul. Once the Dan is broken, it means there is no turning back, so most people will choose to try to break through before the end of their lifespan.

On the other hand, it is necessary to accumulate enough mana to be sure.

This point shows how difficult it is to achieve a Nascent Soul!

Just when everyone was terrified, the voice they wanted to hear but were afraid to hear finally rang in their ears.

"Except for the disciples of the clan, other outsiders are not allowed to intervene in this fight. If anyone dares to disobey, their souls will be destroyed!"

Although the voice was not loud, it was like a loud bell that struck everyone's heart.

Everyone was stunned!

What is this saying?

Even the black-clothed monk who was in the battle was a little confused at this moment.

Is this senior who suddenly appeared here to help him?

But how is it possible?

Even though he is about to reach the false infant realm, he doesn't know a Nascent Soul.

If there is such a senior standing behind him, why would he wait until today to kill him?

The eyes of the ten Jindan monks in the field all fell on the black-clothed man at the same time.

There was astonishment, confusion, and deep resentment!

They obviously also realized this problem at the same time. Since this Yuanying cultivator came to help, why didn't he do it himself, but took such a detour?

It feels like setting up a cannon, but just likes to watch others use knives.

The key is, if you like to watch, just watch, why do you have to take sides.

Could it be that these old monsters will develop some weird and perverted habits after practicing to a certain level?

It's really hard to figure out.

Seeing that the group of people were indifferent, Mo Xun suddenly snorted coldly.

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

This time, the voice was mixed with a few spiritual attacks. Everyone felt a tingling pain in their sea of ​​consciousness while their hearts were trembling.

Fortunately, those people reacted quickly and immediately withdrew from the battle and stood aside.

Mo Xun looked at the remaining seven people in the field, frowned slightly, and then removed the pressure on everyone.

Then, his voice sounded again in the ears of the man in black.

"You can kill them, but leave me a whole body!"

After saying this, Mo Xun did not speak again.

Just now he was fighting one against five, but now there is one more person, and he is in the late stage of Jindan. So whether this person still has a chance of winning depends on his luck.

Although he did not know the exact location of Mo Xun, the black-robed monk nodded gratefully, and then drew his sword again.

The battlefield, which had only calmed down for a moment, was once again in a mess.

And this time, with Zong Yixiao joining in, it was even more earth-shaking than before.

The square, which was a hundred feet wide, was destroyed beyond recognition in an instant, with countless broken stones and dust flying, and the earth was shaken and rumbled.

The sky was full of rosy clouds, and magic weapons and various talismans and spells appeared one after another.

The sky above was soon covered with smoke and dust, and at the same time, it was filled with several different kinds of magical powers.

From time to time, in the smoke and dust, there were sounds of golden swords, mixed with the roars and cries of some strange beasts.

The wood-attributed vines seemed endless, coming out from the ground and being cut off by flames or spiritual light blades.

The huge red blade chopped down, as if it was opening up the world, as if it was going to tear this space apart.

There was also a giant stone monster who punched out and directly smashed a deep pit about ten feet in size on the ground.

The light blades and wind blades that shuttled through the sky would bring up a handful of blood when they passed by the body.

There were bursts of roars from the electric light of the talisman, and even in broad daylight, the dazzling flashes could be clearly seen.

A black pocket suddenly flew into the sky, and dense silk threads like spider webs were sprayed out from it.

Those silk threads wrapped around the black-robed monk and immediately wrapped him into a cocoon.

But before he could even breathe, the "cocoon" exploded, and the black-clothed man flicked his sleeves, shooting out hundreds of silver ice arrows, which pierced through one of them directly.

At the same time, a millstone-sized object fell on the black-clothed monk's head.


Such tragic battles, every move is thrilling.

Several people fought and moved, and after a while, they all had some injuries on their bodies.

The small half of the hillside under their feet had already been flattened by the strong impact of magic power.

A battle at the Jindan level can change the world, let alone this kind of multi-person melee!

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared beside Mo Xun.

"Why are you so late?"

Gu Qingqing curled her lips.

"We came here immediately after receiving your voice transmission. Do you think our speed is the same as your Yuanying ancestor?"

Mo Xun didn't have the temper to tease him, and now was not the time to joke.

"Qingqing, you stay here. If the man in black is dying, help him a little. As for the six people fighting with him, don't let any of them go."

Gu Qingqing asked in confusion: "Why is it so troublesome? Aren't they just a few Jindan cultivators? Won't they all fall down as soon as you attack?"

Mo Xun shook his head.

"Since he wants revenge, let him do it himself!"

Then, Mo Xun said to the side: "As for Luoxi and Qianxue, you two help me find two people, and make sure to capture them alive!"

Mo Xun then engraved the portraits of Situ Zhang and another demon cultivator on the jade slip and handed them to the two of them respectively.

Gu Qingqing raised his eyebrows.

"What about you?"

Mo Xun smiled coldly, his eyes fell on the magnificent palace in the distance.

"I'll go find another guy!"

After saying that, he disappeared in front of the three people.

If I guessed correctly, after he used the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm, the great ancestor of the Zong family, Zong Tai, might have already run away.

This is also the reason why he was reluctant to take action when he saw the black-clothed monk fighting against many people alone.

After all, no matter how strong his cultivation was, once his identity was exposed, it would be difficult for him to kill Zong Yixiao, Zong Tonghai and others while capturing Situ Zhang alive, and catching the ancestor of the Zong family who would most likely flee at the first moment when he saw the situation was not good.

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