Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1120 The mining pick is indeed the place of opportunity

Early September.

Jiang Hao was sitting in the courtyard, preparing the formation to digest the Holy Lord's soul.

Such a harvest this time was completely unexpected.

I originally thought that I needed to fight with the opponent and then get the soul. After that, I just borrowed spiritual stones from everywhere.

It is reasonable to spend half a month to spend one million spirit stones.

Only in this way can we begin to absorb the Holy Lord's soul.

Who would have thought that not only did they not fight this fight, but they also got the spirit stone.

He also received the help of the Holy Lord to suppress the Great Thousand Divine Sect.

"Although the last one may be a scam, you can definitely give it a try."

"It doesn't matter even if you tell Hu Yuexian. If you don't say it, just treat it as a joke. It's nothing."

"But if it really happens..."

Jiang Hao felt that the other party would not fight against Tianyin Sect in a short time.

Trying to create an immortal, but unexpected changes occur, which will affect most people.

If he comes to Tianyin Sect again, his strength will be greatly reduced.

The sect may not necessarily be afraid, and may even swallow the opponent directly.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

But he doesn't quite understand why the Holy Lord is like this?

It's just a ray of soul, nothing to the Holy Master.

Why compromise?

Is that Wei Qi special?

Jiang Hao shook his head. If he couldn't figure it out, he would stop thinking about it. It would be better to absorb it first.

In this way, if you use the Mountain and Sea Seal to apply it to the merit cauldron, it will definitely have some effect.

At least it can buy yourself a year.

Of course, the absorption is not endless, and the power his body can withstand is also limited.

If you want to absorb more, you must improve your cultivation.

This is the following. After absorbing this, let’s take a look at the specific situation.

If the accusation is okay, I can only wrong my brother.

Without hesitation, Jiang Hao entered the formation and began to absorb the Holy Lord's soul.



In the veins.

A group of people are mining.

The mining pick in the middle is like a magic weapon, and the ore is broken layer by layer under it.

They have been digging here for almost three years, and this vein is the final guide.

There may be something in the depths that can solve the mystery of death.


Suddenly the mining pick struck out a spark.

This surprised everyone.

This is the first time this has happened.

"It seems that something was dug up." Zuo Daoming took a deep breath.

Time is running out and this is the last year.

And there are only a few months left in this year.

He could meet his final fate at any time.

"First dig it out and take a look." A fairy said immediately.

Then several people started digging, and soon they found a stone tablet with a dragon statue on it.

"It's a dragon." The fairy said excitedly: "Brother, look, it's a dragon. We have found the right place. This place may really help you survive the disaster."

Zuo Daoming was also delighted, Long.

It seemed to really help him.

He is not a normal person, but a person with dragon blood.

It is the offspring of a true dragon and a human.

It's not that he is a dragon, but that one of his ancestors is a dragon.

And I don’t know since when, people like them can’t live long.

No matter what your cultivation level is, you are destined to suffer a death disaster.

It seems that the union between a human and a real dragon is not recognized, or that the person is forced to have children.

Anyway, they have been surrounded by death calamity since they came out.

Until death.

He was the only one left in their lineage.

But for others, he was lucky.

The master brought him to the sect very early.

Helped him suppress the calamity of death.

But he couldn't suppress it anymore, but the master also calculated for him that his death would be this year, and overseas was the only place where he had a chance.

This place is the final location.

With luck, he will escape and will no longer be stared at by death.

If you are unlucky, this is where you are buried.

He still vaguely remembered that the master sighed heavily and said: "You have tried your best for the master, and the rest of the journey is up to you."

Zuo Daoming didn't have any complaints. The teacher had done enough.

You can do the rest yourself.

If you lose, it's just a life.

But how could he want to die if he could live? He couldn't find a machine before.

But when he held the mining pick three years ago, he knew that he might have held the machine.

Sure enough, I relied on this mining pick to dig out this place related to dragons.

"There is a door here." A voice said from the side.

Zuo Daoming walked over and investigated, and found that it was covered with ore.

Without daring to hesitate, he immediately picked up the mining pick in his hand to dig.

These mines are difficult to break even with magic weapons, but this mining pickaxe can dig them out.

This is opportunity.

But the three-year period is coming soon, and things have to be returned.

I hope that I can enter here during this time and get that ray of opportunity.


In front of Mingyue Sect.

Qu Zhong looked at the person in front of him nervously.

Due to some accident, I came late.

After coming up, I saw the caretaker smoothly.

But the strength of these two people is incredible.

Even their elders can't see through it.

This is the Immortal Sect.

As the person who made the proposal, Qu Zhong could only bite the bullet and explain his intention and use an envelope to convince the other party.

It was the envelope that person gave him.

Brother Mingyue Sect frowned when he looked at the envelope, and then said, "Are you here to ask for help?"

"Yes." Qu Zhong nodded.

Others also saluted respectfully.

I hope Mingyue Sect can lend a helping hand.

"Actually, we also want to recruit some more people. I think you must have discovered that the east seems to be uneasy recently." Senior Brother Mingyue Sect said with a smile: "But you don't have to worry, we will provide help.

"Rest now, let's talk some other time. Wait for one of our junior brothers to come."


Qu Zhong and others were a little surprised for a while.

I didn't expect it to happen.

Although the other party is not interested in accepting the offer, it shows that there is hope.

And they have to wait for one of their junior brothers, Qi, to come.

This shows that there is an arrangement.

They were a little curious about what was written in the envelope.

Qu Zhong also wanted to know, but he had never seen it.

When they entered, the fairy guarding him said curiously:

"What's written on the envelope?"

"Junior sister Chujie is in the north." The guarding brother sighed:

"This girl can really run, isn't she afraid?"

"There is nothing we can do." The guarding fairy sighed and said:

“She may also feel that she doesn’t have much time, and cultivation is nothing to her.

“What she wants to do now is probably to gather great fortune in the shortest possible time.

"It's such an innate advantage."

"She is too courageous to build a foundation." The guarding brother said helplessly.

The guarding fairy stretched out her hand and waved it in front of the opponent's eyes and said: "Senior brother, wake up, Junior Sister Chu has already refined her spirit."


Did you become a god in the blink of an eye?

So fast?

This is the foundation of Heavenly Dao, and you can become a god in the blink of an eye.

No wonder those old guys always say that time is most needed for Tiandao foundation building.

Now it seems that it is really lacking.

Obviously, only two hundred years would be enough, but now it is impossible to have two hundred years.

In the past, I could just take a nap to pass the time.

Now it's a constant battle.

Several times the Fallen Immortals tried to recover, but they were suppressed every time.

The purpose is to compete for time.

The more they recover, the sooner they will open up.

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