Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1134 The Devil: Forgetting that he is in pain [2-in-1] (1/2)

Time passed little by little, and Jiang Hao didn't pay much attention to Bingqing's matter.

After paying attention to it in the past few days and finding no problems, I asked Cheng Chou and Rabbit to watch.

As for the person who contacted her, there is no explanation yet.

After all, Bingqing had just been released, and people from the Great Thousand Divine Sect would not find her so quickly.

And the Lawless Tower didn't just release Bingqing, there were others.

They are all from the Great Thousand Divine Sect.

Only Zhuang Dongyun was imprisoned in the Lawless Tower. Perhaps she had higher value.

With so many people, no one knew whether Bingqing was being watched.

However, the sect has begun to restrain itself recently, and many people are retreating.

After two months, all pursuits ceased.

Jiang Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the sect will not mess up.

Sometimes the sect's behavior was too extreme, and he was a little worried.

Taoist Fenghua wanted to see the limits of the Tianyin Sect. If the Great Thousand Divine Sect came this time, they might really be able to measure the limits.

Fortunately, Sheng Yu was a Tuo man and stopped Daqian Shenzong.

I feel much safer here.

There is indeed affection between brothers.

Jiang Hao didn't think much about anything else. Every day he was either taking care of elixirs, learning formations, and holding the Mountain and Sea Merit Cauldron.

During this period, the news of chaos outside has not diminished.

It seems that the fact that he gained time cannot reverse the chaos.


Jiang Hao once again took out the fruit brought back by Lin Zhi.

The mark is getting brighter and brighter, that person should be near Tianyin Sect.

I just don’t know when to come in.

During these days he would also look at the Whispering Tablet.

Gui Xianzi must be out of trouble, and seems to have met someone familiar, but there is not much else to say.

Xinghui also talked about some opportunities. He learned a lot in Tianshuihan, but unfortunately he didn't have dragon clan physical skills.

The rest is just small talk.

Jiang Hao didn't even look at it.

But these people are much more relaxed than they used to be.

Zhang Xianzi was a little busy, and someone was targeting her people.

Had to go out to deal with it.

Occasionally, it is mentioned that it is increasingly difficult to meet seniors in the academy.

Just a brief explanation and no complaints.

Jiang Hao was puzzled at first.

He remembered that he had met Zhang Xianzi and she had a bright future. How could the people in the academy not see her?

After thinking for a while, he realized that Zhang Xianzi didn't seem to have anything to do with them.

The people in the academy are indeed not that stable.

He had met someone before, and somehow he became what they called a senior.

There is no reason for it.

Not rigorous at all.

It is reasonable to dislike Zhang Xianzi in this way.

Today Jiang Hao left the elixir garden early and sat by the river in the scorching sun.

The sky seems to be hotter than ever.

But it doesn't affect anything.

But in front of the yard, he saw a big snow-white dog standing.

He was watching his surroundings.

Seeing him coming, the big dog's eyes would widen and he would start barking.

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and the other party was too frightened to speak.

Huddled on the ground and whining.

Only then did Jiang Hao pass.

When I came to the entrance of the yard, I saw little Li picking peaches on tiptoes, and the rabbit stood above her head pointing out the country.

"The one on the left is sweeter."

"I don't want this, just keep it for two days."

"Be quick, be quick..."

The rabbit felt something and looked outside.

After a while, the words stopped abruptly.

Xiaoli was still confused, but then she felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and looked outside.

My hands shook a few times at this sight.

No one stood firm.

A few moments.

Xiao Li lowered her head and stood at the table slightly uneasily.

Jiang Hao was silent as he ate the peaches he picked.

Finally, he took out a formation drawing and looked at Xiao Li and said:

"Will it?"

Xiao Li carefully took over the formation, still a little worried, but soon showed joy.

She drew random pictures on the ground, nodded and shook her head.

Then he wiped the ground and started drawing again.

After repeating it three times.

She put the formation drawings on the table and said, "Senior brother, I know how to do it."

Jiang Hao: "..."

Then he watched Xiaoli's hand draw on the table.

Some light appeared in the rear formation, flashed for a while and then disappeared.

In this way, Xiao Li looked at Jiang Hao expectantly.

He looked like he was waiting for praise.

Jiang Hao: "..."

He sighed inwardly and said "very stupid" against his will.

In fact, he didn't understand.

After that, Xiaoli and the others left.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I heard Xiaoli's voice.

"Xiao Wang, you are worthless and don't even bark."


"I won't give you any meat to eat."


Jiang Hao shook his head slightly and continued to understand the formation.

He checked carefully and found that the formation was indeed activated for an instant.

From this point of view, Xiao Li is either very accomplished in body formation or extremely talented.

If it's the latter, then Xiaoli's talent may be higher than Mi Lingyue's.

A true master of formations.

Day and night alternate, and the weather changes.

Two months later.

Jiang Haoyi walked back and forth between the Lawless Tower, the Spiritual Medicine Garden and the courtyard.

During this time, the sect became quiet.

Enter the resting state again.

Many years ago, the sect said that we should cultivate ourselves, but every time, within a few years, we would start to make big changes.

Tianyin Sect is the most aggressive among the surrounding sects, bar none.

Perhaps this is the new sect, with endless vitality.


Jiang Hao heard the news from the Corpse God Sect and said that their people came to the sect.

Jiang Hao understood that it was Xing who asked them to come.

Then he went to find Qu Zhong.

Like Zhao Mangu, he has never shown up.

Just took something.

A week later, they left.

Qu Zhong found out that his things had disappeared. He was a little worried at first, but he quickly figured it out.

So he left.

Jiang Hao sat in the yard and looked at the things in his hands.

It was an eggshell taken out of the box, and in addition there was a piece of dragon scale.

It contains the power of water waves.

Touch it lightly and water will appear.

It is transformed by the spiritual energy of 㳎.

After trying it, as long as the dragon scales have aura, you just need to touch them.


Jiang Hao shook his head gently.

After the appraisal, I decided that there was nothing wrong with it and planned to give it to Xiaoli.

Just use it as decoration.

When I wanted to put things away, a red and white figure slowly appeared on the opposite side.

Jiang Hao quickly stood up and saluted respectfully: "Senior."

"Your condition is getting worse and worse." Hong Yuye sat on the wooden chair, her waist-length hair falling on the edge of the chair and swaying gently.

Her eyes fell on Jiang Hao at this time, with a slight smile.

"Rely on seniors." Jiang Hao said casually.

It's never wrong to acknowledge the help given by others.

"What are you doing recently?" Hong Yuye asked.

"Growing flowers for seniors." Jiang Hao replied.

"What about this?" Hong Yuye asked.

"And this." Jiang Hao took out the dragon treasure skin scroll.

"Where's your cultivation level?" Hong Yuye asked without hesitation.

"Because there is no substantial change in the short-term chain repair, the junior is trying to understand the formation.

"In the future, if you can become an immortal, you can also be an immortal." Jiang Hao lowered his head and said.

"Have you learned it?" Hong Yuye asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head: "Junior's talent is dull."

Hearing this, Hong Yuye stared at Jiang Hao in surprise: "It seems that you are really stupid."

"What do you want to do after learning the formation?" Hong Yuye asked again.

What to do?

Jiang Hao had actually already thought about what to do.

After hesitating for a moment, he said truthfully: "I want to go out and have a look."

"Go out and take a look?" Hong Yuye repeated.

"Yeah." Jiang Hao nodded and said softly:

"Junior has been here for a long time and wants to see the scenery outside.

"Look at the drizzle in spring, the blazing sun and the chirping of cicadas, the fallen leaves in the autumn wind, and the white snow."

"Where are we going?" Hong Yuye asked.

"Go overseas, cross thousands of rivers and mountains, and see all the lakes and seas." Jiang Hao said.

Hong Yuye looked at the person in front of him but did not speak.

Jiang Hao didn't think much about it.

It’s not time to go out yet.

He still needs to study the formation for another two years, and he is a bit slow in learning.

And before leaving, he must finish what he needs to do.

The person who was eyeing Lin Zhi, the dragon Xiaoli met.

After doing this, he can go out.

Of course, it requires the consent of the sect and Hong Yuye’s nod.

Otherwise, you are not far away.

When he walks overseas, it may be his time of immortality.

Hong Yuye asked Jiang Hao to make tea and left when it got dark.

Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and began to understand the formation.

Many things were put down by him, and the formation was extremely important.

It must be learned as soon as possible.

I haven't acquired the Dragon Clan inheritance yet, so I'm not in a hurry.

Wait until you are free.


The moon was high in the sky, and Xiaoli sat under the jujube tree and looked at the sky.

Eating white dates from the tree.

"I don't know which stars Grandma and Grandpa are."

Xiaoli pouted: "Can they not see me?"

Talking to herself, she walked out of the tree and came under the empty sky.

I think this way my grandparents can see her.

"Xiao Li has grown up and will no longer be hungry.

"Grandpa and grandma must be very happy."

Xiaoli spoke to the sky with some frustration.

She still misses her grandparents occasionally.

"I started dreaming again recently." Xiaoli looked at the sky and said:

"I don't like to dream."

"What were you dreaming about?" A sudden voice sounded from the side.

Xiao Li quickly turned around and saw a red and white figure.

The waist-length hair is particularly conspicuous in the moonlight.

"Sister-in-law." Xiao Li jumped up excitedly and ran over.

Just as he passed by, he realized that he called her wrong, so he changed his name and said: "Senior Sister."

Then he took out another white date, rubbed it and handed it over.

Hong Yuye reached out and took it:

"Are you dreaming?"

"Yes." Xiao Li nodded: "I don't remember what I dreamed about. I dreamed about it when I was my grandpa and grandma. Now I am only a relative of my senior brother."

"Really?" Hong Yuye sat on the edge and said:

"You mean your senior brother is in danger?"

Xiao Li immediately shook her head: "Senior brother is not in danger. Senior brother is the most powerful person I have ever seen."

Hong Yuye smiled slightly and said:

"Have you eaten enough recently?"

"Yes, I will go to the cafeteria when I'm hungry." Xiao Li said with a smile.

After having a brother, she would never go hungry again.

"You will say it when you are hungry, so you will not be hungry easily." Hong Yuye looked up at the sky and said calmly:

"But some people are too strong and too quiet, making it easy for people to forget that they are suffering."

"Who is suffering?" Xiaoli asked curiously.

Hong Yuye looked at her without speaking.

At this time, she focused her eyes on the Cangyuan Dragon Ball on Xiaoli's neck.

Reach out your hand and gently lift it up.

At this time, the dragon ball appeared with a faint light and was repelling Hong Yuye.

If there wasn't too much power inside, the repulsion would be even more serious.


Xiao Li reached out and patted the Cang Yuan Dragon Ball.

The repulsive power decreases rapidly for a while.


"If Zhuzi is disobedient, just give him a few beatings and he'll be fine." Xiao Li said seriously.

Hong Yuye looked at the innocent girl in front of him, withdrew his hand and said:

"Are you happy in Tianyin Sect?"

"I'm so happy." Xiaoli became excited after hearing this:

“Senior Brother Yi is very good to me, Junior Brother Lin Zhi, Junior Brother Chu Chuan, and now Junior Brother Mu Yin are all very good, but they all want me to beat them.

“Rabbit is the best.

"There are also Senior Brother Muqi, Senior Sister Miao, Senior Brother Han, and Senior Brother Bai Yi. Senior Brother Bai Yi is weird. He will give me pills without saying a word and let me repair my chain.

“The true inheritance must look like a true inheritance, otherwise Master will have a headache.

"There is also a master who urges people to sleep. Master is so verbose.

"There is also Senior Brother Feng in the cafeteria. He glares at me every time I eat too much.

“Sometimes I would go to my senior brother to complain.

"Now I don't like him."

Hong Yuye looked at Xiaoli, and she never stopped talking about these people.

We talked for a long time, saying good things about them and bad things about them.

However, she doesn't remember the bad things very clearly, and always remembers the good things about others.

Also, even if you don’t do it well, you will remember it.

Hong Yuye ate dates and listened quietly.

Until late at night, Xiaoli fell asleep on her lap.

Hong Yuye was sitting on the chair, with a coldness about her that made people unable to get close to her.

Her eyes were deep and dull, and her thoughts were too deep to penetrate.


The end of October.

Jiang Hao, who was meditating on the formation in the courtyard, felt the stone slabs vibrate.

It's party time again.

He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he could know news from other places again.

Nowadays, Tianyin Sect is so quiet that he feels like it is so quiet outside.

However, the news brought by Yanchou always made him feel that there was danger outside.

It is said that power changes occur in many places. It is obviously an ordinary place, but power bones suddenly appear.

The disciples who went in never came out again.

Of course, there are opportunities in some places.

Many Demon Sect disciples have improved at an extremely fast rate.

Chaos has begun, and opportunities and dangers coexist.

After confirming that there was a party tonight, Jiang Hao took out the leather scroll. It was time to start receiving the second part of the inheritance.

Putting the eggshell in, Jiang Hao saw a dragon swimming in the leather scroll.

There are many scales on the dragon's body, and each one has mysterious runes.

The moment he saw it, Jiang Hao remembered everything in his eyes.

When the dragon's shadow was about to disappear, the universe in his palm was released.

Imprison the inheritance.

At least one more time.

At this time Jiang Hao closed his eyes and began to understand the Dragon Secret.


He opened his eyes and discovered that the Dragon Art was not a dragon in the true sense, but a body-tempering method related to dragons.

In the final analysis, it is the control of Qi and blood.

You don't need to learn the Dragon Art, you just need to understand it and finally integrate it into your movements.

Just like the Human Emperor Sword Art, an ordinary sword is the ultimate.

"You can trade with Liu Gong."

Jiang Hao then checked the time.

I found out that there has been no gathering for more than a year.

After thinking about the key points of the previous party, Jiang Hao just breathed a sigh of relief.

There's really nothing to be particularly concerned about.

When the time came, Jiang Hao entered the stone slab.

Start the party.

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