Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Chapter 1154 I walked through it, and from then on there was a path to immortality [two-in-one] (1/2

The path to immortality is broken.

This shocking thing shocked everyone, and Chi Tian felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

He didn't understand why he felt uncomfortable.

Maybe it's because the person above him is his best friend who has forgotten his life, or maybe it's the sadness of being at the end of his rope.

The path to immortality is cut off, even if heaven and earth are supporting each other at the beginning.

He can never become an immortal again.

In other words, under the immortal, he has luck that ordinary people cannot have.

But everything comes to an end.

The other party can shake the luck of the Twelve Heavenly Kings when they open up a path to immortality, but...

So what?

The road is broken.

"Are there any methods recorded throughout the ages to continue the path to immortality?" He murmured to himself.

Unfortunately, no one answered, and he himself had no way of knowing the answer.

Even if you want to help, you can't do anything.

The road between heaven and earth is cut off, who can reverse the path of immortality?

All the creatures on the road finally looked up at the sky and wondered what they were thinking.

"Do you want to continue going forward?" asked a waiter behind him.

Wu Wanwu was silent for a long time and said: "Of course he has to go, whether he succeeds or not, he is worthy of respect.

“To be able to cut off the path of immortality between heaven and earth is enough to explain everything.

“Failures will not be remembered, but innovations will.

"He was the pioneer."

After saying that, Wanwu finally smiled and walked forward. On the way, he asked curiously: "Is there a way to continue the path of immortality in heaven and earth?"

The servant lowered his head and said respectfully: "How can your subordinates know what you don't know?"

“I’m not omnipotent, nor invincible, I’m just farther than you on a certain path.

"What you can know, I can definitely know." Wan Wanzhi said.

The waiter lowered his head, the respect in his eyes growing stronger.

Lou Mantian looked at the sky, he felt a little regretful. The current commotion was loud enough, but he just felt regretful.

Such strength will surely shine endlessly in the future.

It's a pity that it was discontinued.

He himself is a rapist, but he is not a rapist either.

Because there are many who are stronger than him, from ancient to modern times, in every era.

But he was happy to see such a scene.

He can't be invincible, but he can't walk on the path that others have walked. Even if he doesn't, he can still know the path.

It would be too lonely if he was the only one exploring the road.

Of course, he also hates rape, because on this road, he can never be the only one.

Bizhu looked at Gao Tian with a little regret in her eyes.

In fact, the moment she saw the Immortal Road, she really wanted to go up there. It wasn't just her, but other people must be the same.

But this time I became an immortal with the Twelve Heavenly Kings, so I was not in a hurry, I was just waiting.

Strange things like this appeared.

Distortion, endless distortion is coming crazily.

That made her even more afraid to go up.

When she was still thinking about whether she would miss the immortal road again, the road suddenly ended in her eyes.

The break was so sudden that she couldn't believe it.

The same is true for Mr. Tao and Xu Bai.

They were all waiting, but what they were waiting for was not the fairy road blooming with light, but a broken road.


Jing Dajiang and others stood up.

His brows were furrowed, even angry.

"The road to immortality is cut off, and heaven and earth are abandoned. What did my senior in the academy do wrong that warrants such treatment?

“The world is unfair!

“Our academy is located between heaven and earth, and despite its great achievements and overwhelming virtues, we still contribute a lot to this world.

"Now that the seniors of our academy are being treated like this, how can we make our academy become the celestial sect in the world that is feared by all evil spirits?"

Jing Dajiang's roar spread in all directions, without any hidden thoughts.

Even if the other party fails, even if the other party is suffering from bad luck, even if they are burdened with such disgust, the senior they recognize must be the senior.

At this time, Hong Yuye looked at the sight of the river in front of him with some astonishment.

It seemed that the academy was different from what she thought.

Chi Tian couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.

Maybe they don't know that this is really a senior in the academy, otherwise why would they be so eager to express their attitude?

The world shook, and Jiang Hao was severely injured by a palm.

The injury left him in a daze.

The sudden power of God caused pain all over his body, and blood seemed to overflow from every part of his body.

He barely managed to stabilize his body and fell into the sea.

This palm made him understand that becoming an immortal was much more difficult than expected.

This kind of difficulty is not only caused by the whirlpool of luck, but also by bad luck and locking the sky.

He could clearly feel that the fate of heaven and earth was paving the way for him. As long as he escaped the rejection of heaven and earth, there was a certain probability that he would lead the twelve heavenly kings to become immortals.

But the Tianji Bad Luck Bead made him lose his luck.

Misfortune came, and heaven and earth's rejection of Suotian came to him.

The path to immortality was thus cut off.

He became an immortal who never came.

An immortal who cannot become an immortal.

Looking up to the sky, Jiang Hao had a feeling that as long as he stood here with peace of mind and took a step back later, nothing would happen.

Once he moves forward, he will be greeted by the backlash of the immortal path and the backlash of luck.

Such a backlash could engulf him instantly and destroy him.

Failure to move forward means failure to become an immortal.

He could feel it, and the Twelve Heavenly Kings below could naturally feel it too.

Now he cannot escape from the fate of the Twelve Heavenly Kings.

Because others can choose to survive, but he cannot.

"I can't live anymore."

Jiang Hao felt bitter in his heart.

If you don’t become an immortal today, you will become a human being.

But are the Twelve Heavenly Kings willing to continue their adventure with him?

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows for a moment, and his eyes lost their luster, leaving only an endless look of decay.

A low and emotionless voice slowly came out: "Are you going forward or backward?"

Forward or backward?

The Twelve Heavenly Kings understood what the other party meant, which was whether to continue becoming an immortal or to give up.

While others were still thinking, Hailuo was the first to speak: "Are you looking down on me? The king of Mulongyu always calls me "Tianwang" when he sees me.

"Do you understand what the King of Heaven is?

“The king of heaven and earth Laozi.

"You asked me whether to go forward or backward?

"Are you insulting this king?"

Mu Longyu also nodded: "You can do whatever you want, fellow Taoist, I won't have any other choice."

Tao Muxiu said coldly:

"Without becoming immortals, we cannot survive in this great world.

"It seems like there are options, but in fact we have to move forward."

The power of God appeared in the sky, and they had to face it if they didn't move back.

But the leader had no intention of retreating, so it was impossible for them to go back.

But what can the other party do if they don’t move forward?

At this time, Jiang Hao looked at the people below, and he was moved by the determination of the Twelve Heavenly Kings.

It seems that he is not alone in his desperation.

He sighed softly and said:

"How do you think the first person in the world to become an immortal became an immortal?"

Jiang Hao seemed to be asking the Twelve Heavenly Kings, but in fact he was just mumbling to himself.

At this time, he did not wait for the answer of the Twelve Heavenly Kings. He straightened his body and looked up at Gao Tian:

"The first person in heaven and earth to reach immortality, does he have a path to immortality?

"Did he walk the path to immortality, or did it appear naturally between heaven and earth?"

While saying this, Jiang Hao slowly put the Heavenly Sword back into its scabbard.

At this time, his breath was falling rapidly, and finally turned into endless ordinary.

But the body's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He looked at Gao Tian, ​​and Gao Tian must also be staring at him.

Because it never retreats from the vibrations of Heaven's power, it seems to be giving a warning.

But Jiang Hao just looked at it, with no emotion in his eyes:

"If I am the first person to become an immortal, then I am faced with the fact that there is no immortal path between heaven and earth. There is only one thing I have to do..."

Feeling Jiang Hao's determination, the power of heaven shook, and the overwhelming pressure suppressed him like the surging waves.

Jiang Hao just watched, watching Tianwei arrive.

The people around them stared, feeling that Jiang Hao and the Twelve Heavenly Kings were not able to resist such pressure.

However, when the mighty waves of heaven came to suppress him, Jiang Hao, who seemed to be too shocked to move, suddenly raised the hand holding the scabbard.

The fists seemed to carry a thousand kilograms of weight, and they struck the mighty waves with their swords and fists.

Boom! ! !

A majestic impact burst out, and the heaven and earth shook.

What shocked everyone was that the invincible power of Heaven was shattered layer by layer under this punch and flew backwards.

Jiang Hao looked at all this, with no way out in his eyes.

There were only two words in his eyes - ask

Wuhui asked about the combination of the fourth form of the Heavenly Sword and the first form.

With life as everything, ask to become an immortal.

Looking at all this, Jiang Hao's cold voice spread:

"There is no immortal road on your journey, but you walked it for me, and from then on there was an immortal road."

The moment the voice fell, the magical power Hidden Spirit Gate appeared.

In an instant, his condition recovered.

Purple energy appeared from the center of his eyebrows, covering his whole body in the blink of an eye.

There was even thicker purple energy surging under his feet.

At this time, he took one step forward and left his footprints in the sky.

With an indescribable mystery.

Enter a unique door and take a path to immortality.

"The path I have taken is the path to immortality. Follow me and I will lead you to become immortals."

Jiang Hao lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the Twelve Heavenly Kings.

Seeing this scene, the twelve heavenly kings felt Jiang Hao's determination.

I was even more shocked by the scene in front of me.

There is no fairy road in this world. When he walks through it, there is a fairy road.

This shocking and vulgar statement made their blood boil. For a moment, they were so excited that they let go of everything.

Advance and retreat together with Jiang Hao.

The luck of the twelve heavenly kings is unprecedentedly huge.

As for those shocking remarks, everyone around him, let alone the Twelve Heavenly Kings, could not believe it.

Jiang Hao's steps were like thunder, shaking the world.

With every step he took, the original Immortal Road collapsed a little.

It seems that it is not a fairy road, but an outdated road.

And as the old road collapsed, the terrifying fairy spirit swept over, and the sky was twisted, making it impossible to pass.

Jiang Hao looked at all this, and the heavenly sword in his hand began to vibrate, as if he wanted to take it out of its sheath.

Jiang Hao tightened his grip and drew his sword.

Just feel everything in your body and the surrounding sea.

After a while, he seemed to be integrated with the entire sea area, and all the sea areas were extensions of his body.

Only then did he open his eyes and look forward, and said softly: "Purple Qi is coming from the east."

Boom! ! !

The sea area suddenly shook, the earth was turned upside down, and the waves surged into the sky.

And purple energy began to breed in these waves, roaring away from east to west.

Some people who were heading towards the sea area at the center of the Twelve Heavenly Kings felt the sea area shaking, and then they all looked to the east.

At this moment, there was shock in his eyes.

It was like seeing a ghost.

The purple sky is endless and there is no end in sight.

Thirty thousand people came from the east with purple energy.

The vast purple energy alarmed countless powerful people in the sea area, including the Tianling Clan, the Daqian Shen Sect, the Tiansheng Sect, the End of All Things, and the Tianxia Tower. A large number of powerful people walked out of their places and headed for the place where the purple energy gathered.

Their intuition told them that earth-shaking changes were about to occur.

Jiang Hao couldn't move as the immortal intention came to suppress him. When the immortal intention arrived, 30,000 pieces of purple energy roared out and fell on him.


It hit the Immortal Mind directly, both sides were consumed, and finally the purple energy smashed into the Immortal Mind.

Jiang Hao stepped forward, unstoppable.

Even the distortion was shattered, and a purple road slowly opened.

The purple energy arrived, and Jiang Hao was pushed to endless heights.

At that moment, his figure illuminated all directions.

The road under your feet is like a staircase to the sky.

If you step on this ladder, you will become an immortal.

This is what everyone feels when they see the footprints on the stairs.

That feeling is far beyond the previous one.

If that person becomes successful, this will be the first immortal path in ancient times.

Whether or not to leave has become a heartache for some people.

If you leave, you may never recover; if you don't leave, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

Not long after the Twelve Heavenly Kings walked up, the footprints began to dim.

If you don't leave, it will be too late.


Under the daylight, the stars are surging.

A white figure stepped out. He was surrounded by stars. He seemed to be a small body, but he was as thick as a mountain and stood tall against the sky.

Zuyue Zongxubai trampled on the immortal platform and attacked the immortal road.

Xu Bai looked up at the fairy road with a smile on his lips.

Sometimes repairing is a big gamble.

He took a gamble.

At the same time, a dragon roar shook the sea.

A stalwart man stepped into the air, surrounded by dragon aura. The awe-inspiring aura covered his whole body, and his muscles were looming under his robe.

At this time, he seemed strong, but somehow he fit in with Confucianism and Taoism.

Resonating with the voice of the sages’ calligraphy.

Mr. Tao also chose this adventure.

And looking at all this, Bizhu was like an ant on a hot pot.

She had wanted to go up for a long time, but she couldn't get up even after trying.

The moment Thirty Thousand Purple Qi appeared, she knew that this was an amazing opportunity.

I don’t know how many times better than Taoist Shang’an.

You know, at that time, Mu Longyu could not become an immortal by chance, but this time, the twelve heavenly kings can all become immortal by chance.

She said nothing more.

But it's still a little bit worse, just a little bit worse.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Bizhu is about to cry, really, once, twice.

She will cry for many days.

In an instant, she took out the Cursed Hundred Nights, gritted her teeth and started to spy.

At this moment, she found herself being stared at by a gaze.

Clearer than every time before.

It seems that as long as the other party is willing, he can be affected by the curse.

Bizhu didn't care, but said seriously: "Senior, help me and replenish my magical power. I want to become an immortal, and I want to become an immortal by force."

"Are you crazy?" Gu Changsheng responded.

"Senior, you don't understand. You don't know what I encountered. Someone has created a path to immortality. It's not you who wants to be an immortal. Heaven and earth have blocked his path to immortality. There is no other path to immortality here.

And he opened a path to immortality that has never been seen before in ancient times. The path he walked through became an immortal path. Bizhu said anxiously: "Senior, help me. I will help you when I become an immortal." "

"You know, if you try to force yourself to become an immortal in this way, even if you become an immortal, you will still be in danger and you can fall down at any time."

"As long as I can go up, I am confident that I can stabilize the breakthrough as quickly as possible."

The person on the other side hesitated and said, "Okay, I hope you can survive."

The moment the words fell, Bizhu's body erupted with unprecedented curse power.

Forced to enter the highest state of immortality.

Take one step.

Climb the road of Purple Qi to Immortality.

At this time, her whole body was filled with curses, which opened up the sky.

Seeing this scene, Chi Tian was shocked.

It suddenly became apparent that these three people had such great opportunities and could support their luck.

Of course, what surprised him the most was the man at the top. His whole body was full of distortions, which was a sign of being rejected by heaven and earth.

Chaos and distortion are preventing him from becoming an immortal.

Is he the first person from ancient times?

"Is he going to surpass the Human Emperor?"

"There is a door at the end of the immortal road. Can you open it?"

Jiang Hao never looked at the person below, he was walking in distortion and chaos.

You can clearly feel the slowness of the pace and the pressure ahead.

He has no way out, if he takes a step back, he will die, and his heart will not allow him to lose.


He could clearly feel the virtue burning between his brows, because the sound of blacksmithing appeared again.

If virtue is not burned enough, luck can only be burned.

Even if there are suddenly three more strands of luck, it's still not enough.

Not nearly enough.

Hong Yuye looked at the person above, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tianyin Sect.

Bai Zhi was repairing her chain.

But suddenly, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he looked into the distance in shock.

The Tianyuan Plastic Divine Mirror moved.

With lightning speed, it flew to the top of the Lawless Tower, and then the entire sect's power was absorbed.

Light bloomed in the Tianyuan Plastic Mirror.

And the mirror itself began to rotate.

The light shines in all directions.

"What happened?"

At this time, the Lawless Tower burned like fire.

The Tianyin Sect was suppressed and their luck was constantly being taken away.

The sea fog cave seemed to be feeling something, the mist surged, and something came out of it and merged with the earth, trying to help Tianyuan shape the mirror.

Immediately afterwards, some Tianyin Sect disciples who were guarding outside Haiwu Cave seemed to hear happy laughter.

He laughed, but he didn't know what he was laughing at.


Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

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