Cultivation Of Immortality Mobile Game Feedback On Cultivation? I Spent A Billion Dollars!

Chapter 38 The Maintenance And Management Office Is A Good Unit

In the restaurant of Lin Yu's villa.

The elbow was not served in the end.

During breakfast, Xiaoguang lowered his head to eat and remained silent throughout the meal.

Lin Yu responded to various inquiries from his uncle and aunt with a smile.

Of course, their questions were not about how much meat Xiaoguang had eaten in the past few days or how much weight he had gained, but about the immortal cultivators and the mobile game "Piaomiao Immortal Path".

The two of them were really curious.

Immortal cultivators are indeed too novel for people of the previous generation like them.

"Xiaoyu, you mean that Xiaoguang became so powerful after he invested all one million into the game?" Xiaoguang's mother asked Lin Yu.

Lin Yu nodded slightly.

Xiaoguang's head lowered even further, as if it was being squeezed into the fat on his chest.

But the scolding he imagined did not come.

Xiaoguang's mother just nodded slightly and had no intention of reprimanding her son.

Xiaoguang's father, with a hint of excitement on his face, raised his hand and wanted to slap the table hard.

But when his hand reached the table, it immediately slowed down.

Then, he patted the table gently.

After all, this is not my home, and in front of two juniors, I still need to maintain my mature and steady image.

"If I had known earlier, I would have given Xiaoguang more pocket money!" Xiaoguang's father sighed with emotion.

Upon hearing this, Xiaoguang's eyes suddenly lit up.

But Xiaoguang's mother's words extinguished the light in his eyes again.

"Didn't you listen to what Xiaoyu said? That game can no longer be recharged! Children should not give too much money, otherwise they will learn bad things!"

Xiaoguang's father chuckled and said, "I'm just talking, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously!"

At this time, Xiaoguang's mother asked worriedly: "Then according to what you said, Xiaoyu, wouldn't it mean that our Dragon Kingdom is in chaos? So many people have great strength, and I don't know whether they are good people or bad people..."

Xiaoguang's father also looked at Lin Yu.

As a couple, what they are most worried about is safety.

What happened last night scared them.

If his son and nephew hadn't gone to deal with the green monster, he and his wife might have been in danger.

Lin Yu had already thought about how to answer this matter.

He smiled and said: "Safety should not be a problem. After all, Xiaoguang and I are here, and we are very strong!"

Hearing his cousin's words, Xiaoguang hurriedly raised his head, a look of pride on his face.

"Mom and dad, don't worry, I can keep you safe!"

After thinking about it, Xiaoguang added: "Of course, the main reason is that my brother is so good..."

Lin Yu also echoed: "In addition to the two of us, the country has also established a management office for immortal cultivators. There are many strong people gathered in it. It is like a police station that specializes in managing immortal cultivators. There will be no chaos in the Dragon Kingdom!"

Lin Yu said it for sure.

Because Lin Yu has experienced it before.

In the previous life, in the early stage of game feedback, among all the countries in Blue Star, the Dragon Kingdom was indeed the most stable.

Under the management of the Cultivation Management Office, the vast majority of cultivators still abide by the law.


It won’t work in the later stages.

After the monster bosses in those games appeared, the Dragon Kingdom was completely in chaos.

Those demon bosses will not accept management.

The power of the repair center is still far behind those powerful demon bosses.

But this life is different.

After Lin Yu came back from rebirth, he spent one billion krypton dollars just to change the tragic ending!

After listening to Lin Yu's explanation, the uncle and aunt felt relieved.

They are the older generation and have more recognition of the power of the country.

As long as the state takes action, there will definitely be no problem.

"Repair Management Office, that must be a good unit!" The uncle even sighed.

at this time.

The office building of the Beijing Maintenance and Management Office.

In the conference room, a meeting of all members of the maintenance management institute was being held.

After a night of screening, more than a dozen new members have joined the repair office.

And they all immediately got to work.

There are a lot of people applying, but it will take some time to review their backgrounds. Those who join first are all well-informed.

At the conference table, Jiang Yun's father sat at the front, next to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's cultivation level is still the highest in this conference room.

Jiang Yun's father gently knocked on the table and said: "I know everyone is working hard and hasn't slept all night, but now is the most critical moment. As the core force in maintaining national stability, we must not relax. !”

"In the future, the Maintenance and Management Office will establish branches in various cities, but now, in the entire Dragon Kingdom, only our Maintenance and Management Office headquarters in Beijing has been initially successfully established."

"So, if there are cases of vicious injuries caused by immortal cultivators in many other cities, we must come forward to solve them!"

"According to the news I have received now, major malignant incidents occurred in ten cities last night, requiring you to make a business trip."

"Now, let Comrade Jiang Yun announce the itinerary!"

Fortunately, most of the people in the cultivation center are cultivators who have received feedback on their cultivation, so they can still endure it after staying up all night.

Especially those who are cultivating immortals at the golden elixir stage or above hardly need to sleep.

After hearing her father's words, Jiang Yun picked up the draft she had prepared and stood up.

"Cao Chuang, go to Jiangnan City, where a family of three were killed. We initially concluded that it was an immortal cultivator, so we went to contact the local police!"

"Li Zhifei, go to Huanghai City. Someone escaped from a prison there and killed two prison guards on duty. According to information provided by the local police, the prisoner may have played the game "Piaomiao Xian Road" before entering the prison."

Jiang Yun arranged for nine people to go to nine cities respectively.

These nine are all people with relatively strong cultivation in the repair and management office.

Then, Jiang Yun looked at the last appointment.

He slowly said: "I am responsible for a murder case in Jianghai City. Eyewitnesses said that an immortal cultivator killed twenty ordinary people."

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, Jiang Yun's father finally said: "Okay, let's set off now!"

The nine people who received the appointment, together with Jiang Yun, saluted at the same time: "Yes, director!"

End of the meeting.

Everyone walked out one after another and finished their work.

Soon, Jiang Yun and her father were the only ones left in the conference room.

Jiang Yun's father looked at his daughter, reached out and patted her shoulder gently, and said, "Thank you for your hard work..."

Jiang Yun smiled and shook her head slightly: "I'm fine, just take care of yourself."

Jiang Yun is still worried about her father.

After all, he received too little feedback on his cultivation.

And I am not young anymore, so staying up late is very harmful to my body.

Jiang Yun's father also smiled: "I feel very good now. Although I haven't slept all night, my energy is better than before!"

After all, he had feedback on his cultivation. Although he was only in the Qi refining period, his body was much stronger than ordinary people.

Especially the mental aspect has been greatly improved.

At this time, Jiang Yun's father suddenly straightened his face and said to his daughter: "In addition to the great impact of the murder case, there is another thing that wants you to go to Jianghai City this time."

"Jianghai City Maintenance and Management Office was established relatively quickly. They want to set a model there and set an example for other cities. And you are familiar with Jianghai City, so you are not only going to deal with the murder case, but also to help that person." The maintenance center nearby should be established as soon as possible..."

"The task is very heavy..."

Jiang Yun has been working in Jianghai City since she returned from studying abroad. Jiang Yun's father knows this.

Therefore, Jiang Yun was arranged to go to Jianghai City.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it!" Jiang Yun said slowly.

She hasn't returned to Jianghai City for several days.

When I go back this time, if I have time, I might be able to visit my boss!

After all, I still get the boss’s salary now.

I feel a little guilty about taking paid vacation.

Jiang Yun's father nodded slightly.

After the two said goodbye, Jiang Yun left the headquarters of the Beijing Maintenance and Management Office.

However, Jiang Yun did not fly directly to Jianghai City, but chose to take the high-speed rail.

Although it would be faster to fly directly there.

But Jiang Yun doesn't like being too high-profile.

Moreover, her flying skills are not very proficient yet.

After buying a ticket for the latest high-speed train, Jiang Yun went directly to the high-speed rail station.

The high-speed train is not very slow either, and it takes about two hours to get there.

Jiang Yun also has a house in Jianghai City, so she doesn't need to bring any clothes, which is very convenient.

at this time.

Just when Jiang Yun took the high-speed train and rushed to Jianghai City.

Jianghai City, in Lin Yu's villa.

After Xiaoguang's father looked at his mobile phone, he suddenly said excitedly to Lin Yu and Xiaoguang: "An old comrade of mine is now the person in charge of the Jianghai City Repair and Management Office. You two are interested in joining the Jianghai City Repair and Management Office." Where?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu shook his head hastily.

Joining the repair center is absolutely impossible.

Not even if he is invited by his uncle’s old comrades!

But Xiaoguang didn't dare to refuse.

After all, he has lived under the authority of his father since he was a child.

He just asked weakly: "Dad, did you spread the news that we are immortal cultivators so quickly?"

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