But Xu Fei didn't dare to underestimate this mass of 'blood inflammation'.

Although he didn't feel anything special, the flame didn't even exist in Xu Fei's 'perception'.

But regardless of whether the fortune-enhancing person is the ancestor, or whether this mass of blood inflammation has the effect of absorbing heat, it is not something he can hope for at the moment.

However, even if hundreds of disciples and disciples of Heavenly Artifact Peak were gathered to urge the fire technique, and the disciples and disciples of several other peak masters were added to help, Patriarch Youwei did not start refining the magic weapon.

Instead, continue to observe the status of hematitis.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

It's completely different from Xu Fei picking up the spiritual materials and stuffing them into the furnace, heating them up and beating them.

Patriarch Yu Wei will strive to be the best in all the details that can be controlled.

After seeing this scene, Xu Fei couldn't help but be taught a lesson.

Even the master of such great skills is so serious about these small things, why should he be so careless?

The ancestor continued to adjust the blood inflammation.

Before I knew it, it was lunch time.

Disciples brought meals.

Although the environment is not very good, the food is actually very good, with a wide range of delicious dishes and fine wines for you to choose from.

After Master Yan finished eating, Xu Fei took his place.

After all, while eating, the fire spells released by everyone cannot stop.

Although the fire method Xu Fei released was only one-tenth of the power of the fire method that he could actually continuously use, it was also in line with what he could achieve with his current cultivation of more than 4,000 pots.

Don't stand out and don't hold back, just be like the light and the dust.

At night, Patriarch Youwei raised his head and looked at the sky.

The roof of the red hall above the huge pit refining room slowly opened.

Revealing a vast expanse of starry sky.

It has to be said that although the appearance of the Patriarch's residence is ordinary, it is very rich in various mechanisms, formations and other arrangements.

The sky outside has darkened.

After observing the celestial phenomena for a moment, Patriarch Youwei took out a blue 'iron ball' with his backhand.

The iron ball is about twenty centimeters in diameter.

Weight unknown.

But it was held firmly by Patriarch Youwei's magic power and slowly sent to the blood flames.

The flames of the blood flames, which can absorb heat but don't show any heat at all, dance lightly.

The blue iron ball located almost twenty centimeters above it instantly became red hot!


But it is still wrapped in the magic power of Patriarch Youwei, showing a spherical shape.

The Ming Ling Divine Light is made from such a structure of seventy-two 'iron balls' of different sizes and colors.

After a while, Patriarch Youwei took out another iron ball and threw it into the heated and liquefied ball of iron.

Then another.

After investing a total of twenty-four, Patriarch Youwei paused.

"Senior brother, why is this thing so big after so many things have been put in?" There were other disciples of the Peak Master's disciples nearby. Seeing the surprising scene in front of him, he couldn't help but ask the senior brother beside him.

"How do I know this?" The senior brother who was questioned was also scratching his head.

Although Xu Fei does not know how to refine the divine light of the Ming Ling, he has a certain understanding of the situation in front of him.

One compression.

Although these heated and liquefied 'iron juices' are not easy to compress, they can still be compressed to a certain extent under the wrap of mana.

Two spiritual materials.

Some spiritual materials have the quality to infiltrate into other spiritual materials.

The volume does not increase or decrease, and the weight does not increase or decrease either.

Three refining techniques.

Although Xu Fei's current mana is not capable of throwing in twenty-four 'iron balls' of different sizes like his ancestor, which are as big as one iron ball, he is still confident that these iron balls will be melted one after another and merged into one. , the total volume does not exceed half of the original.

After Patriarch Youwei finished doing this, he sat down cross-legged and looked seriously at the 'iron ball' located above the blood inflammation in front of him.

And from time to time, I fiddle with it with magic power and make adjustments.

Then came what can be called a long refining time, and eleven days passed in the blink of an eye.

Many of the people watching were unavoidably depressed.

After all, although they were monks, they still couldn't hold on for eleven consecutive days.

But Xu Fei, who also persisted for eleven days, was in high spirits.

Because in these eleven days, his weapon refining skills finally reached level 49!

The progress is gratifying.

As he progressed, Xu Fei also understood more about the process of refining the divine light of the Ming Ling by the Patriarch Wei.

Just when it seems boring.

Patriarch Yu Wei stood up again, took out twenty-four more 'iron balls' and threw them into the ball of liquefied 'iron balls' that had been refined for eleven days.

Others couldn't help but guess that maybe it would take ten days?

But this time, only five days later, Patriarch Yu Wei took action.

Take out twelve iron balls and blend them into the 'iron balls' that have been refined for sixteen days.

Then six after three days, three after two days, two after one day, and the last one eight hours later.

There are a total of seventy-two 'big iron balls' of different sizes, and the combined volume may reach one or two meters in diameter. After fused into one, it is still a liquefied 'iron ball' with a diameter of almost twenty centimeters.

Seeing this scene, many of the monks who were watching had expressions of joy and anticipation on their faces.

It's just destined to disappoint them.

Then there were another five days of adjustments.

Xu Fei didn't know what others were doing after watching the process of refining the Ming Ling Divine Light for almost a month, but he gained a lot.

"Please help me, brothers and sisters!" Suddenly, Patriarch Youwei raised his voice.

The other six peak masters who had been watching for the past few months all found their own positions and stood still, and then mobilized a huge amount of mana.

At that time, the rather huge pit refining room, which was almost one square kilometer in size, was filled with clouds and mist.

Massive mana instigation.

It was absorbed by the blood inflammation and then poured into the 'Ming Ling Divine Light'.

In fact, at this point, Xu Fei and other disciples of the Heavenly Artifact Peak lineage should have mobilized their magic power, but now that several peak masters came to watch, the peak master simply pulled their strong men.

And as a huge amount of mana was poured into the 'Ming Ling Divine Light' through the blood flames.

Patriarch Yu Wei slapped the ground again and activated the spirit gathering formation.

Absorb all the inspiration from the manor above.

At the same time, the Tianping ground formation was also in full swing.

After the manor's spiritual power is consumed, the spiritual power that the outside world adds to the manor is leveled and straightened out.

Supply for use.

The process of infusing mana and inspiration to activate the 'Ming Ling Divine Light' lasted for a day and a half, which was almost thirty-six hours.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life, hahaha." In Patriarch Youwei's cheerful laughter.

The refining of Ming Ling Divine Light is completed.

On the side, Hua Tianxiu, who was refining the weapon this time, looked overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately flew forward to hold the 'iron ball' in the palm of his hand.

After a brief inspection, he directly slapped the 'iron ball' into his forehead.

As a top-quality magic weapon, the divine light of the clear spirit can naturally be absorbed into the body and be warmed and nourished at all times.

And the next moment, Hua Tianxiu's whole body was bright and generous.

How fast does light travel?

In Xu Fei's previous life, after calculations by some scientists, he came to the conclusion that he could travel 600,000 miles per second.

Although I don’t know if this speed is the same in this world, it is equally fast! (End of chapter)

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