Since following Xu Fei to refine the magic weapon, the originally arrogant Mo Shuang has never regained his previous attitude.

After all, who would have thought that his junior brother's weapon-refining skills would be so high?

I'm afraid the master will be far behind him.

Therefore, Mo Shuang naturally became humble and meek.

After forging the magic weapon, Xu Fei began to build weapons for the children who performed well in martial arts training yesterday.

As an excellent tool maker.

Building these ordinary weapons is undoubtedly overkill.

But since it was a prize for the children, Xu Fei naturally didn't mind doing it himself.

Soon, several ordinary swords were beaten and forged by Xu Fei.

However, after final consideration, Xu Fei did not use these weapons.

After all, children don’t know the importance of things. If they are negligent and cause irreparable consequences, it would be too bad, and they may even regret it.

After making the weapons, the sky became dark.

Xu Fei said goodbye to Master Yan and returned to his residence.

Family and self.

Xu Fei focuses almost 99% of his energy on improving himself in all aspects, and the only remaining part is his family.

So Xu Fei has almost no control over family affairs.

As for the situation like yesterday where children taking exams were practicing martial arts, it was even rarer.

But if you want to have better development, you must give up your family.

If you want to have better control over your children, you must give up your own practice.

You can't have both.

Don't you see that many monks with advanced cultivation are alone, that's why.

And even if Xu Fei is pregnant, he can't change the situation of twenty-four hours and twelve hours a day.

Xu Fei felt that he didn't have enough time from eating and drinking, practicing personal practice, improving various skills, and gaining proficiency points by hanging out with women.

How can I find time to discipline the children?

The next day.

After Xu Fei completed his homework, he came to Yangwu Taoist Hall again.

But this time it is not to redeem Taoism.

Instead, he came to find the crow.

The other party was one of the monks who had made great progress in his cultivation too quickly, but encountered a bottleneck, making it difficult for him to make any further progress.

It is of great research value for Xu Fei.

Even though Xu Fei had examined him before and found nothing, if he could observe him for a long time, Xu Fei might not be able to find the root cause.

However, after turning around, Ying Tianya was not seen.

After asking someone about it, I found out that Ying Tianya usually drinks everywhere.

Sometimes at home, sometimes in a tree, sometimes on the top of a mountain.

Anyway, that’s where you drink it…

Highlight a sense of freedom that can be seen everywhere.

This made Xu Fei speechless. After thinking about it, he expanded the search scope.

Finally, at the top of a low mountain, I saw Ying Tianya, who was pouring wine into a gourd.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then put away the small boat and landed next to Ying Tianya.

But Ying Tianya still drank and didn't care about the situation around him.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he took out various braised foods.

After being heated in a small red clay stove, the aroma spreads.

Only then did Ying Tianya turn his head and look.

Ying Tianya looked at Lu Wei and then at Xu Fei.

"What do you mean?" Ying Tianya said.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly, took out his chopsticks and placed them in front of the other party, making a gesture of invitation.

Ying Tianya was not polite when he saw this, he directly picked up the fattest piece of pork and started to eat it.

However, one piece of pork was obviously not enough, so Ying Tianya waved his chopsticks and devoured it.

Xu Fei naturally would not let the other party eat alone.

They also started fighting for it.

In the last pot of more than 20 kilograms of braised meat, not even the bones were left, and it all went into the stomachs of the two of them.

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful~" After finishing the braised food, Ying Tianya laughed, raised his head and drank for a while, sighing with emotion.

He looks like a free and easy person.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he took out the wine and wine bowl.

Refill it for yourself and Ying Tianya.

Ying Tianya smelled the aroma of the wine and immediately put away his wine gourd.

He picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

The boldness of drinking is enough to put most people to shame.

Xu Fei served him a bowl and continued to pour wine.

I drank more than ten bowls in a row.

Because Ying Tianya didn't have any magic power to relieve the drunkenness.

Xu Fei, who was accompanying him, would naturally not take any tricks.

So it was inevitable that I would get a little drunk.

Xu Fei had not experienced this kind of fuzzy state for a long time.


"What do you want from me?" Perhaps Xu Fei was in tune with Ying Tianya's temper, so he asked again.

"I want to observe senior brother for a while." Xu Fei made his request directly without mincing words.

"Observe?" Ying Tianya couldn't help but be surprised.

Then he thought of his own situation.

This made Ying Tianya's expression solemn.

Obviously reluctant.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this either.

After all, if someone wanted to observe him, he would not want to.

"Not bad." Xu Fei did not hide it.

"No, but thank you for the meal." Ying Tianya refused and thanked him.

Xu Fei was inevitably a little regretful, but he stopped mentioning the matter and chatted with Ying Tianya about other things.

Regarding spiritual practice, there are also local customs, and there are also some other idle and trivial matters.

"If I want to come and have a drink with my senior brother, I don't know where to go?" A few hours later, Xu Fei had the intention to go.

"Either at home or here, if you can't find me, then I'm not at the door." Ying Tianya chuckled.

Xu Fei also chuckled when he heard this, bowed his hands and said goodbye before leaving.

Although this trip was not smooth, it was good to have a drinking buddy like Ying Tianyao.

Back home, Yu Wei was already waiting.

"There is a guest who wants to ask you to help refine a magical weapon." Yu Wei explained his intention.

Xu Fei's skills are superb.

But the magical instruments that are built and sold are already in shape.

And some people want a magic weapon that works together.

This is where customization comes into play.

As Yu Wei opened the sketch of the magic weapon customized by the other party.

Xu Fei discovered that what the other party wanted to refine was a special magic sword.

It can be applied to both body and law monks.

"The guest is a monk who cultivates both body and law. He requires enough for the cultivation of five thousand pots." Yu Wei told the other party's request.

Xu Fei picked up the design drawing and made certain changes after thinking about it for a moment.

Although the refining method of this magic sword is already good, in Xu Fei's eyes, there are still some flaws.

Make corrections now.

The power of the magic sword refined by the changed refining method can be increased by about 20%, but the cost is reduced by 30%.

"Tell the guest that I have made some changes to the refining method of this magic sword and see if the other party can accept it." Xu Fei said.

Yu Wei naturally trusted Xu Fei's skills and left after asking about the situation.

At the same time, he did not forget to tell Xu Fei the cost of refining this magical sword.

Twenty thousand spirit stones.

Xu Fei did not raise the price any more.

He is now refining the magic weapon. Depending on the type and difficulty of the magic weapon, he can only use 10,000 or 20,000 spiritual stones at a time. (End of chapter)

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