But after all, his cultivation level far exceeds that of Dagui.

So Xu Fei could still remain calm.

Of course, Xu Fei will gradually get used to it if he fights more with other monks and ghosts and monsters in the future.

Xu Fei is quite confident in himself on this point.

And as Dagui opened his mouth, he spewed ghost energy, polluting the flame lock.

The pressure on several disciples of Linglong Immortal Sect who were surrounded by ghostly aura was greatly relieved.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Han, for your help! I am Meng Yuanxiu!" A monk immediately expressed his thanks.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this, but did not answer. He concentrated on the next move of the big trickster in front of him.

It's a bit embarrassing to say.

But the big trick in front of him turned out to be the only decent opponent Xu Fei had encountered in these years.

And as the big slayer spewed ghost energy at Yansuo.

Driven by Xu Fei's magic power, the two hundred-meter-long flame chains, which were originally burning, gradually withered, eventually extinguished, collapsed, and turned into inspiration never to be seen again.

Without this layer of restraint, the ghost energy immediately became restless and sinister.

"Wow~~" The disciples of the Linglong Immortal Sect who were surrounded by the ghostly aura immediately screamed.

Don't know what's going on outside.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows.

Although he had seen information about strange objects in some previous travel notes and handbooks in the past, the information on paper was ultimately shallow.

For a while, Xu Fei didn't have any good way to kill and defeat this big trickster and save the immortal disciples who were surrounded by the ghostly energy it activated.

After all, if you really mobilize your magic power and fight against the evil in front of you, it will be okay, but if you can't defeat it, your life will be in danger.

Moreover, Xu Fei also relied on some of the techniques contained in the book to judge the opponent's magic power, which may not be accurate.

Maybe the other party has more powerful magic power than him?

In short, Xu Fei still needs to be more cautious.

The big surprise once again wiped out Xu Fei's flame lock, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his giant scarlet eyes.

'Swimming' in the black mist-like ghost energy, he turned around and attacked the Linglong Immortal Sect disciples who were surrounded by its ghost energy again.

Obviously he planned to eat these monks first.

Xu Fei was thoughtful when he saw this.

The magic power of the monster cannot leave the body too far.

Although this big trickster can display its magic power during the day, it cannot ignore this limitation.

In addition, just from this moment of observation, Xu Fei also saw the reason why this big trickster could ignore the sunlight and activate the ghost energy.

It is amazing that it can be protected by the earth's energy.

If it weren't for the earth's energy, even if it could activate ghost energy on a sunny day, it would never be so ferocious.

Xu Fei was deep in thought and activated the fire method again.

Half of the 600 pots of mana used to transport three 100-meter-long flame locks had been recovered in this moment.

As long as they are not in the spiritual realm, as their cultivation gradually improves, the speed at which the monks can use spiritual energy to restore their own mana will increase.

But if one's own mana consumption is too much, the speed of mana recovery will be greatly reduced.

Dagui in the ghostly aura noticed that Xu Fei continued to pester him, and immediately became a little restless.

"Sigh!~~~" screamed again.

Paired with the eerie chill emanating from the ghostly aura, it is very compelling.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's magic power is quite profound and is enough to protect himself.

But it was not easy for the few monks who were surrounded by the evil spirits.

Someone immediately screamed.

"Brother!!!" Someone on the side exclaimed at the same time.

Obviously their situation is not optimistic. .

Xu Fei frowned when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he still did not attack.

Still playing steadily.

Moreover, although these disciples who were surrounded by ghost energy had always fought back, they knew that this big trick was not deliberately revealed.

Just to make people take it lightly?

In short, when you go out, no matter what situation you encounter, it is definitely right to be more careful.

As for Xu Fei's caution, he didn't try his best to attack Dagui.

What casualties occurred among these disciples who were surrounded by ghosts...

There is nothing we can do about it.

After all, Xu Fei couldn't take risks for strangers he didn't know.

But with Xu Fei's fire spell, one blow followed another.

The big trick cannot concentrate on dealing with the monks surrounded by it.

The situation looks somewhat safe for the time being.

Instead, Dagui had to deal with the disciples surrounded by ghost energy on one side and Xu Fei on the other. The battle on both fronts was quite costly.

Even the pair of giant scarlet eyes that were 'swimming' in the ghostly aura no longer looked as bright as before.

It seems that if you continue to consume it, you can defeat this big trick.

But this is just a look.

Because as time passes slowly, the sun sets in the west.

The sun gradually dimmed.

The sun's suppression of strange things is getting weaker and weaker.

Dagui's cultivation level began to rise.

Two thousand four hundred pots!

Two thousand eight hundred pots!

Three thousand one hundred pots!

Finally, after the last ray of the sun faded away, Dagui's cultivation level reached 3,300 pots!


Finally there is no more oppression.

The big monster let out a cheerful scream, and at the same time sprang out from the black mist and ghostly aura it exhaled.

A huge head with only two scarlet eyes was revealed.


Generally, they are born from a special destiny and special death. In addition, the head of a beheaded person or a demon or other creature is born from the accumulation of resentment in the head.

Especially vicious.

He likes to devour monks the most.

Because for Feitougui, the role of monks is tantamount to a panacea.

It can greatly increase their cultivation level.

Realizing that it had fallen into night outside, several disciples of the Linglong Immortal Sect fell into despair, surrounded by Feitougui's ghostly aura.

Even with the suppression of sunlight during the day, they were unable to escape from Feitougui's siege.

At night, without the help of sunlight, Feitougui's cultivation base returned to its full glory.

They were afraid that they would not be able to escape even if they had wings.

"Senior Brother Han! Leave quickly!" Among the surrounded disciples, Meng Yuanxiu, who had just spoken to Xu Fei, said sadly.

I don't want to implicate Xu Fei.

Hearing this, Xu Fei's heart moved.

He was nothing more than a life-saving straw for these disciples who were surrounded.

But now the other party is willing to give up on his own initiative.

Xu Fei thought he couldn't do this.

But what I have to say is that this sentence also made Xu Fei's idea of ​​​​saving these trapped disciples stronger.

As for Feitougui's recovery after being suppressed by sunlight.

Xu Fei didn't have much fear.

After all, as far as cultivation was concerned, this big trickster still couldn't compare to him.

But what kept Xu Fei from taking any rash actions was the strange and strange spells and weapons that this big trickster might have!

Just as monks have magic weapons, so naturally do magic weapons have magic weapons.

Can multiply its strength.

If he is not careful, Xu Fei may not capsize in the gutter.

Moreover, Xu Fei has very little experience in fighting with others, but now he has to face strange things that are famous for their strangeness.

More caution is needed.

This was also the main reason why Xu Fei never got off the Shopee Boat from beginning to end.

If the opportunity is really bad, he can escape in an instant. (End of chapter)

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