And when the newly made five-element spiritual object formed a three-foot circle behind Xu Fei, formed a formation, and began to gather inspiration, it was still affected by the mist in the sky.

The effect of gathering inspiration is very bad.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he simply activated the five-color array to activate the earth's energy, using the earth's energy as a connection to break through the fog barrier.

Sure enough, the effect of the five-color array in gathering spiritual intelligence began to slowly improve.

Until the fog color can no longer affect the formation effect.

Then Xu Fei released the green sword and used the help of the five-color formation to connect the heaven and earth to the spiritual power, making the green sword immune to the effects of the fog-colored forbidden spirits.

Then he urged the green sword to fly out, and in the blink of an eye, it crossed a distance of dozens of miles, and swept the eel demon Chang'er and several concubines into the ice pond.

Chang'er and her daughters were very panicked when they realized that they were being filmed.

But when I saw Xu Fei soon, I felt relieved.

"Master, what's the matter?" Chi Su said.

Although the girls were also in the mist that filled the sky, they didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

After all, if you are in Zhenxiao Sect, what trouble can you have?

Maybe the weather is special?

But now that Xu Fei had captured them, Chi Su quickly realized that something had happened.

"It's not clear yet." Xu Fei shook his head.

Chang'er and the other girls couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard what really happened.

Xu Fei saw that the two newly acquired women couldn't bear the severe cold in the ice pool, so he waved his hand and fired two magic powers to block the cold for the two women.

This made the two women quickly thank their master.

"Don't walk around here. I'll finish refining Master Ao Qing's flying sword first." Xu Fei said after thinking about it.

Although he could just leave with the women regardless of anything else, he still had to pay for refining the flying sword for Master Ao Qing.

To accept money from others, you must be loyal to them.

It is best not to run away until there is no obvious danger.

What's more, we still don't know what is going on, so we are more likely to run into trouble if we run away rashly.

Chang'er and the girls heard Xu Fei's arrangement and nodded in agreement.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he activated his magic power to empty the fog in the ice pond.


And just when Xu Fei was emptying the fog in the ice pool, he was in a cave thousands of miles away.

An elegant middle-aged man in his thirties couldn't help but turn his head to look in the direction of the ice pool, but after thinking about it, he quickly looked away.

The most important thing now is to force Zhen Xiao Zong to hand over what he wants.

You can ignore other trivial matters for the time being.


Xu Fei activated the five-color and five-spirit formations to activate the earth's energy to gather spiritual energy.

Then continue to supply the Bingying Jade Sword that is awakening.

However, with the infusion of inspiration, the jade sword emitted an even colder chill, further lowering the temperature in the ice cave.

Seeing this, Xu Fei turned to look at his concubines.

Seeing that Chang'er and Chisu were in charge, there was no problem.

But after thinking about it, I still added a layer of cold protection formation for them.

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

The jade sword has withstood the infiltration of a huge amount of spiritual energy, and still shows no sign of being unable to withstand it.

This let Xu Fei know that this flying sword was ready.

After that, you only need to carefully continue to activate the jade sword.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the infusion, washing and nourishment of a huge amount of spiritual energy, the jade sword blossomed into a sky-high spirituality.

The sword is made.

But after Xu Fei thought about it, he did not put away the jade sword.

Instead, he arranged a formation to seal the jade sword here.

It is best for the owner of the newly refined magic weapon to be the first to touch it. If others touch it rashly, the spirituality of the magic weapon may be affected.

Although such a situation can be avoided by being more careful, after successfully refining a magic weapon, it is best for the owner to collect the magic weapon, which has gradually become a rule for refining magic weapons.

After sealing the Bingying Jade Sword, Xu Fei sealed the Ice Pond to prevent outsiders from breaking in without knowing the reason.

"Master, have you finished making the flying sword?" Chang'er asked.

Xu Fei chuckled and nodded.

The girls immediately beamed with joy.

Although they didn't encounter any trouble in the ice pond these days, they were quite bored.

You Qi didn't dare to make any noise, for fear of disturbing Xu Fei's refining of the flying sword.

Now it's finally done.

Xu Fei looked at the mist that was sealed at the entrance of the ice pool.

This mist becomes thicker and thicker, and has the effect of blocking spiritual opportunities.

Very extraordinary.

In addition to these few days, Master Aoqing left and never returned.

Obviously Zhenxiao Sect encountered quite a lot of trouble this time.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei did not put away the five-element spiritual objects suspended in a circle behind his back, and continued to maintain the five-color array.

However, Xu Fei poured all the spiritual energy gathered in the five-color array into the jade sword to enlighten it.

Now it is condensed into Xu Fei's body, ready to use it at any time.

With the blessing of the five-color array, Xu Fei's current mana power is approximately equivalent to about 170,000 or 180,000 pots.

Although I dare not say that I can conquer the world, I can conquer everything in the world.

Even though this powerful mist made Zhenxiao Sect quite embarrassed, Xu Fei didn't feel that it could trap him.

"You guys rest here first, I'll be back as soon as I can." Xu Fei said.

Although it feels safer to continue hiding here in the Ice Pond, if the fog doesn't clear, can we just hide here for one day?

Too passive.

After all, we have to see what the fog is like.

Among the few people, only Xu Fei has the strength to go out for investigation.

"Master, be careful." Chi Su said.

After all, after practicing for a long time, I know how to be considerate of my master.

Xu Fei turned around and nodded with a chuckle, then walked into the mist with a lingering inspiration all over his body.

After entering the fog, the effect of isolating vision and perception suddenly made Xu Fei only able to see a range of a hundred feet.

Even if it is radiated with spiritual thoughts, it can only roughly perceive the surrounding area of ​​1,000 feet at most.

Compared with Xu Fei, who can currently perceive scenery at a distance of up to 100,000 feet, his spiritual thoughts are suppressed very much.

This made Xu Fei frown.

Because judging from the performance of these fogs, why does this fog look more and more like it is condensed by the legendary "thousands of miles of clouds and smoke"? !

At that time, Master Lu used the rumored Wanli Yunyan as a blueprint to create the refining method of Ten Miles of Clouds. Later, Xu Feiqing got out of his own way and deduced Baili of Clouds.

A few years ago, Xu Fei obtained part of the refining method of Thousand Miles of Cloud Smoke from Peak Master Du Lao, and Xu Fei refined Thousand Miles of Cloud Smoke.

However, because Xu Fei's cultivation progressed too quickly, although Qianli Yunyan was considered powerful, it had no effect when Xu Fei encountered a strong enemy.

It seems to have no sense of existence.

But with these experiences, Xu Fei still had a certain understanding of the Mist Vein Magical Artifact, especially Wanli Yunyan.

So being in this fog all over the sky, Xu Fei couldn't help but notice the strangeness of these fogs.

It is speculated that it may be triggered by the legendary magical weapon 'Wanli Yunyan'.

If that's the case, then things might be a bit surprising.

After all, almost five thousand years ago, this Tiande Sect's greatest treasure disappeared with the Tiande Sect at that time.

So is this a replica?

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

After looking around, he headed towards the residence of Ao Qing's disciple Feng Yelan.

This is Zhenxiao Sect after all. Xu Fei had taken a quick look at it before, but he was not clear about some of the situations within Zhenxiao Sect.

It will also be troublesome if you accidentally touch any important formations, etc.

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